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Re: G.O.C any help appreciated

Post by Maria »

Two paragraphs were excluded from d9popov's post approval above:


d9popov wrote:

All totaled, the following churches affirm the Anathema and have issued statements against Cyprianism: ROAC-Suzdal, ROAC-Petrograd, ROAC-Ukraine, ROAC-USA, RTOC, Serbian TOC, Makarios, HOCNA, and, most recently, the Andronik-Sofroniy-Andrei synod. These churches also do not use the phrase "old calendar ecumenism," because they think it is legitimate for separated groups to seek unity under a common confession of the true Orthodox Faith.

http://www.genuineorthodoxchurch.com/19 ... menism.htm

Old Calendar Ecumenism was proclaimed by the GOC in 1983 and is often misunderstood. It refers to the practice of giving communion to those who are not in communion. In other words, certain parishes in various "True Orthodox Old-Calendarist" parishes may give communion to those from New Calendarist churches or other "True Orthodox Churches." Certain parishes formerly with the SiR and the ROCOR under Agafangel had this practice. I say this from personal experience in the past of visiting these parishes and being offered communion without being received into those parishes. This also occurred in 1997 when I was given Communion in the ROCOR parishes in the Los Angeles area even though I was a member of the OCA New Calendarists (World Orthodoxy). There was no effort to convert me. I was simply asked to make my confession to an ROCOR priest beforehand.

While all these ex-ROCOR synods listed above may not use the precise term "Old Calendar Ecumenism," except for the Name-Worshiping churches, these Old Calendarists do not practice intercommunion between themselves. True Christians who have been baptized, are usually received by chrismation after a brief catechumenate into these various Old Calendarist synods.

The Makarios Synod, HOCNA, and ROAC under defrocked Bishop Gregory are Name-Worshipping Churches who also teach the Awake Sleeper heresy. Therefore, these churches are not considered to be True Orthodox churches.


d9popov wrote:

Some might even be willing to negotiate a deal with the Greek government or even the new calendar church (but retain the old calendar, like Paisios and Vikentios did for a time).

This is exactly what Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Florina did. After his imprisonment, he cooperated with the Greek State government and New Calendarists. Of course, he was severely maltreated by the Greek Government, which no doubt affected his faith and his health. Please realize that every individual responds to drugs, malnourishment, sleep deprivation, exposure to cold and heat, and physical beatings differently. No doubt Metropolitan Chrysostomos being an older man was not in very good physical shape, so the abuse he received caused him to fail. In spite of this maltreatment, Metropolitan Chrysostomos outlived St. Matthew.

Paisios and Vikentios cannot be compared with Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Florina as Paisios and Vikentios were sexual predators who fled to the EP as soon as the U.S. authorities wanted to arrest them.

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Re: G.O.C any help appreciated

Post by someguy »

Maria wrote:

While all these ex-ROCOR synods listed above may not use the precise term "Old Calendar Ecumenism," except for the Name-Worshiping churches, these Old Calendarists do not practice intercommunion between themselves. True Christians who have been baptized, are usually received by chrismation after a brief catechumenate into these various Old Calendarist synods.

The Makarios Synod, HOCNA, and ROAC under defrocked Bishop Gregory are Name-Worshipping Churches who also teach the Awake Sleeper heresy. Therefore, these churches are not considered to be True Orthodox churches.

Yes from what I understand the GOC/Kallinikos/SIR synod/group does not inter commune people though I have only been to a parish with a substitute (ROCA) Serbian priest so can only speak of my experience.

@Maria - I'm guessing by your linked documents that you are a follower/supporter of the main Mathewite synod? If so what do you know about the reasoning of the recent split of Bishop Efstasios?

Yes I have heard about the Name-Worshipping heresy which is the reason that bishop Chrystophoros left the main Makarios synod? Though he has left with no other bishops except a "sister" church bishop in Bulgaria so I'm not sure what will happen in the future...

Kind of similar to Bishop Efstasios who is also a lone bishop now... I have not been following this scene for long so someone who knows more can comment.... Is this common and do they re enter communion or usually just more synods get created?

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Re: G.O.C any help appreciated

Post by jdigrande »

Speaking of Australia, does anyone know where Stavros Markou went to after he left the GOC?

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Re: G.O.C any help appreciated

Post by Maria »

jdigrande wrote:

Speaking of Australia, does anyone know where Stavros Markou went to after he left the GOC?

I was told by my priest that Stavros Markou is now with the New Calendarists. Apparently, Stravos was shocked and scandalized with his experiences with Monk Kirikos. Sadly, Stravos' later writings are filled with disillusionment.

Someone wrote that it is best not to be consecrated as a bishop since the bishop has grave responsibilities for the souls of his flock. At the end of his life, a bishop or a priest must answer to God for all the souls under his care that have been lost. In fact, St. John Chrysostom wrote, "The road to Hell is paved with the bones of priests and monks, and the skulls of bishops are the lamp posts that light the path."

Stravis is not the only one who has left True Orthodoxy for World Orthodoxy, as the Deacon who helped to start E Cafe has also left us for World Orthodoxy. We are being pursued and hounded especially by the Antiochian Orthodox who have published books welcoming True Orthodox into World Orthodoxy. In fact, I have met a few who have left True Orthodoxy. These unfortunate souls have had to endure a penance for at least one to three years or even more, before they were received into the Antiochians by chrismation.

One young man was with HOCNA for at least three years. He then left HOCNA and returned to the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), where the priest chrismated him after he was penanced for one year. The OCA priest was very upset because HOCNA had dared to baptize the man who was previously baptized a Protestant.

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Re: G.O.C any help appreciated

Post by Agios_Irineos »

Orthodox in Michigan wrote:

Of the bishops in Lebanon who is under the schismatic metropolitan kirykos is claming that when he was under met angelos in the past was instructed to give holy communion to new calendarists and even to commerate the patriarch to avoid confrontation, if that is true what are we to beleive when they are listed as true orthodox on this site?

If you want straight answers, consider going to the source. As a bishop under Met. Angelos's synod, I can assure you we have never been instructed to give communion to new calendarists, nor have I ever heard any world orthodox bishop or patriarch commemorated. Utter nonsense.

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Re: G.O.C any help appreciated

Post by Maria »

Bishop_Irineos wrote:
Orthodox in Michigan wrote:

Of the bishops in Lebanon who is under the schismatic metropolitan kirykos is claming that when he was under met angelos in the past was instructed to give holy communion to new calendarists and even to commerate the patriarch to avoid confrontation, if that is true what are we to beleive when they are listed as true orthodox on this site?

If you want straight answers, consider going to the source. As a bishop under Met. Angelos's synod, I can assure you we have never been instructed to give communion to new calendarists, nor have I ever heard any world orthodox bishop or patriarch commemorated. Utter nonsense.

Yes, there is a lot of utter nonsense and rumors flying about in Monk Kirikos' cult.
I follow the Church of Jesus Christ under Archbishop Stephanos of Athens (the GOC).

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G.O.C any help appreciated

Post by someguy »

Maria wrote:

Yes, there is a lot of utter nonsense and rumors flying about in Monk Kirikos' cult.
I follow the Church of Jesus Christ under Archbishop Stephanos of Athens (the GOC).

Is the Monk Kirikos the one that Bishop Efstasios is aligned with to cause the recent Matthewite split?

Is the Archbishop Stephanos you are loyal to the same as the Matthewite Archbishop Stephanos?


Last edited by Maria on Fri 7 December 2018 11:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: A paragraph containing a link to a slanderous website has been deleted. Do not link this website again.
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