Ioan Maximovitch is at the beginning of some false pseudo-churches

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Archimandrit Nilos
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Ioan Maximovitch is at the beginning of some false pseudo-churches

Post by Archimandrit Nilos »

We all are chocked about these pictures: Ioan Maximovitch, a "Saint" of the ROCOR, is standing at the beginning of some false pseudo-churches. First in Paris with Eugraph Kovalevsky (with the New Calendar) of the so called "ECOF"= Eglise Catholique Orthodox de France", after other such episcopi vagantes are appealing to him -Maximovitch-.

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Re: Ioan Maximovitch is at the beginning of some false pseudo-churches

Post by Jean-Serge »

He is for sure not at the beginning of such churches. The ECOF community existed well before it joined ROCOR ! It was created by someone called Winnaert and later applied to ROCOR... They were accepted with reservations regarding their liturgy and also regarding Evgraf Kovalevsky, as a try to develop a local orthodoxy. They did not last very long in ROCOR.

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Re: Ioan Maximovitch is at the beginning of some false pseudo-churches

Post by Maria »

Jean-Serge wrote:

He is for sure not at the beginning of such churches. The ECOF community existed well before it joined ROCOR ! It was created by someone called Winnaert and later applied to ROCOR... They were accepted with reservations regarding their liturgy and also regarding Evgraf Kovalevsky, as a try to develop a local orthodoxy. They did not last very long in ROCOR.

Re: Those people who do not last very long in Orthodoxy

There are many individuals and even groups of individuals who join either World Orthodox jurisdictions or even True Orthodox Synods, but they do not last because they were never a part of us. Either they were attempting to deceive or they were running away from various heresies like refugees and migrants, but they could not entirely divest themselves of one or more heresies. The catechumenate serves to help these refugees divest themselves from all errors, but some individuals need a longer catechumenate up to ten years in order to see the True Light, but they push the priests into baptizing or chrismating them long before they are ready.

On the other hand, those who attempt to deceive are wolves in sheep's clothing. They can wreck havoc in our churches. Thus if a pastor or individual is divisive, we should be very careful as the KGB has knowingly placed thousands of these people in the Russian Orthodox Church (MP and ROCOR), Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek, and also in the Roman Catholic and Protestant sects. In fact the World Council of Churches (WCC) was created by the KGB to further their agenda of ecumenism to destroy Christianity.

These wolves in sheep's clothing have existed from the beginning of the Church when Christ called His original 12 Apostles. Judas was never with us in his greed and revenge as he sought a political messiah rather than the Christ Whom he denied with 30 pieces of silver. See Matthew 27:3

Thanks, Cyprian, for correcting my mistake.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

Archimandrit Nilos
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Re: Ioan Maximovitch is at the beginning of some false pseudo-churches

Post by Archimandrit Nilos »

I cannot agree. Ioan Maximovitch was on the beginning of such false pseudo-churches. This bogus church was first with the Sergianiste Moscow Patriarchate (1937 Winnaert, a esoteriste episcopus vagans was received by MP in Paris), he was working with Eugraph and Maxime Kovalevsky and with the wife of Winnaert Yvonne born Katz (after separeted from Winnaert). Mrs. Winnaert was a rich woman. All these facts were in no way disturbing Ioan Maximovitch during years.

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Re: Ioan Maximovitch is at the beginning of some false pseudo-churches

Post by Jean-Serge »

That they transited by the Moscow Patriarchate was known of course, that Winnaert was an esoterist was unknown to me until I read this, that Kovalevsky was an esoterist was unknown to me until some years ago. The fact is that as many strange groups, they probably faked repentance or willing to become serious. Their past was not known by all at the moment ; even today, there are unknown things I guess.

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Re: Ioan Maximovitch is at the beginning of some false pseudo-churches

Post by Barbara »

I just saw this thread, since I was going to write about Jean [Evgraph] Kovalevsky. Interesting, though I am not completely clear still about this Winnaert [ who was he ? ] and Evgraph remains a cypher.

The anecdote I came across about the latter is that in the 1930s, along with other young Russians, he much admired Jacques Maritain, a Protestant turned liberal Catholic. These Russians visited Maritain and his Russian Catholic wife Raissa at Meudon, a suburb of Paris on the way to Versailles. While Evgraph remained ostensibly Orthodox [ it seems he had many fish to fry in the realm of spiritual topics ], he was attracted to Maritain's ideas. Probably this more distant past of Kovalevsky is not well known -- or known at all by anyone still alive.

Ordained a priest [ by whom is left out of the narration, but looking up on wikipedia, I see that he "was ordained a priest of the Moscow Patriarchate by Metropolitan Eleutherius (Bogoyavlenky) in 1937" ], Fr Evgraph started a small Orthodox chapel, St Genevieve, in the left-leaning Latin Quarter of Paris. The congregation is described by a contemporary observer as small but very devout. This was apparently the outpost of the "Western Orthodox Church" founded or inspired by Met Sergius [Stragorodsky] of sorry memory.

Back to the anecdotal memories of Kovalevsky, Fr Evgraph was drafted into the French Army in World War II. According to stories from the front, he ingratiated himself with French soldiers who were outward atheists and Marxists. The story goes that these soldiers, greatly influenced by Soviet propaganda, accepted this "Russian pope [word for priest]" to the point that a group even constructed a rudimentary field chapel for him. These soldiers told Fr Evgraph that while they would not attend his services, they wanted to provide him with what he needed, as they considered him a 'good comrade'.

That sounds suspicious that Fr Evgraph got along so well with his unit comprised of communists from the industrial north of France. By contrast, French Catholic priests at the warfront were famous for keeping to their own clerical circles. They did not fraternize at all and never in a million years with leftist workers. STRANGE.

But then, if Kovalevsky was Met Sergius' man in Paris, so to speak, perhaps he was not so anti-Soviet himself. Was he performing some kind of liaison work ? Possibly reporting back to the Center about the reliability of the French leftist soldiers ?

According to orthodoxwiki, the MP bestowed a doctor of divinity title upon their agent in 1952. [ But why ? Did Kovalevsky merit this recognition ? ]

What Fr Evgraph was doing in all these wide gaps in his career seems to be a mystery. During the pivotal years between the end of the war and 1952, for example. And then how did he land with St John Maximovitch in the early 1960s ? Was this a KGB operation to undermine Rocor ??

Strangest of all, one reads on orthodoxwiki that Kovalevsky was 'glorified' as a saint on Oct 12, 2008 ! Perhaps the date was selected because it is the finding of the relics of his great sponsor, St John Maximovitch. Bp Jean-Nectaire's purported feast day is January 30.
One of the posters above referred to this chameleon as having been on the New Calendar.

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