On Confession

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On Confession

Post by tito »

I spoke these vain words or evoked the wrath of God by my unseemly words; Paying no great attention to them did not confess them to my spiritual father, and never repented. ...
I occasionally lied in matters of small importance—something that I did not even consider sinful; Second

I St Theodoras Aerial Tollhouses

Are we judged by sins we forgot? What about things we did not think were sins? What about unknown sins? Sometimes I read this and get scared that I have not received absolution for sins because I forgot them, or because i did not know something I did was a sin when it happened.

If I remember I did something after confession, should I confess it? If I did not remember it, would I still be judged for it?

What about this

I sometimes insincerely confessed my sins to my spiritual father

What does it mean to "insincerely confess"? How do I know I have not done this. How can I fix it?

Sorry but these things confuse and worry me alot...

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Re: On Confession

Post by Barbara »

tito, It's good you CARE about this topic ! Too few people DO ! It's always been like that. Think of how the Optina Elders had to remind countless pilgrims and disciples of their unconfessed sins ! I wrote somewhere here that the Optina Elders as a group specialized in exposing sins that supplicants overlooked, or disdained to consider a sin. Elder Barsanuphius was especially remarkable in this regard.

So from this, we can assume that it's possible that one may be judged for sins that one did not even realize or consider to be sins. It's God's decision what is a sin and what is not -- not our decision. So this process of having sins that one glossed over revealed later allows one to be humble in recognizing that it's God's verdict, not a human one, that counts.

Why would the Optina Elders have exerted so much energy to extract "missed" sins, if the soul of the supplicant was not in a certain amount of danger on this count ?

I'll post an example later.
Anybody else have replies ?

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Re: On Confession

Post by tito »

Barbara wrote: Tue 16 January 2024 11:09 pm

tito, It's good you CARE about this topic ! Too few people DO ! It's always been like that. Think of how the Optina Elders had to remind countless pilgrims and disciples of their unconfessed sins ! I wrote somewhere here that the Optina Elders as a group specialized in exposing sins that supplicants overlooked, or disdained to consider a sin. Elder Barsanuphius was especially remarkable in this regard.

So from this, we can assume that it's possible that one may be judged for sins that one did not even realize or consider to be sins. It's God's decision what is a sin and what is not -- not our decision. So this process of having sins that one glossed over revealed later allows one to be humble in recognizing that it's God's verdict, not a human one, that counts.

Why would the Optina Elders have exerted so much energy to extract "missed" sins, if the soul of the supplicant was not in a certain amount of danger on this count ?

I'll post an example later.
Anybody else have replies ?


Dear Barbara, I thank you for your kind reply.

This should wake us up to a desire to uncover those "Lingering" sins, which has worried me for a while, as someone entering the faith of God. As always, all is possible with God. Who would know a good way of going about uncovering those sins?

Of course, we could look for the most "obvious" option and try and find a clairvoyant monk like you pointed out. Or maybe there are prayer services/akathists  for saints to help us uncover our sins?

Should also revive in us a desire for those good works which pay for those "missed sins" like in the case of St Theodora.

How terrible to think about. May Panagia intercede for  our souls.

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