Glorification of José Munoz by the ROCOR-MP?

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Re: Glorification of José Munoz by the ROCOR-MP?

Post by NotChrysostomYet »

Thank you Maria.

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Re: Glorification of José Munoz by the ROCOR-MP?

Post by Barbara »

TOC news in this regard from ROCANA, in Australia :

Decree of the Council of Bishops of the Diaspora District of ROCA

To canonize as a holy martyr Joseph (José) Muñoz-Cortéz murdered in Athens in 1997, the guardian of the myrrh-streaming Iveron-Montreal Icon. To perform the canonization on the day of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, February 4, 2024 in the church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Sydney (Australia).

Until the day of the canonization, let us intensify our prayers for the repose of Brother Joseph’s soul, serving pannichidas for him, in faith that the holy martyr prays for us, who commemorate him.
According to Church tradition, the canonization of a new saint is the prerogative of the Church to which he belonged. Brother Joseph was a son of ROCA, and therefore it is our sacred duty to proclaim his holiness and to perform his solemn glorification. General canonization can be performed only by the fulness[color][sic] of the Church, by decision of her Council of Bishops. Our Diaspora District is only one part of the Russian Church. Therefore, we can only perform local canonization within the boundaries of our dioceses.

Local canonization of saints is an ancient church tradition. As a rule, the saints were originally venerated in the places where they struggled, or where their relics were laid. And only with time did their local veneration become church-wide....

Since the early Church, martyrs were glorified by the Church by virtue of the very fact of martyrdom, and no other evidence of holiness was required. People’s veneration of Brother Joseph has not ceased from the very time of his martyrdom. Now the time has come to confirm this veneration of the martyr by an episcopal decree.

+Archbishop Andronik
+Bishop Andrei

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Re: Glorification of José Munoz by the ROCOR-MP?

Post by Barbara »

In contrast, Rocor-MP, the original subject of this thread, according to an article in 2017, is not going to perform the glorification at any early juncture.
[In my opinion, that is wise : as I wrote earlier in this thread, instead, Metropolitan Philaret of New York should be glorified without delay.]

The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia is currently in the process of drafting and gathering documents for the eventual canonization of the guardian of the Montreal Iveron Icon Br. José Muñoz-Cortes. Although there are no plans for his official glorification in the near future, an eparchial commission has been created, which will then give the gathered documents to a Synodal commission for further consideration, Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral), the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia stated in a recent interview with RIA-Novosti.

According to the metropolitan, the ROCOR Synod has, for the time being, not decided to glorify him, because it will take time to gather and study the necessary documents.

“The Synod is opposed to making a rushed decision. Even St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco was not glorified for a long time; his canonization took place more than 20 years after his repose. Many hierarchs even said then that more time should pass,” Met. Hilarion added.

Comment after the article:
"Brother" 10/19/2017
That would be a huge error.
His assassination does not justify canonization. Quite the opposite"

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