"You are a sinner, begging the forgiveness of Twitter."

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"You are a sinner, begging the forgiveness of Twitter."

Post by Maria »

https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4335 ... ed-comment

Tucker Carlson says ...

"There’s really not that much you can do to respond," he said on Monday's show. "It’s pointless to try to explain how the words were spoken in jest or taken out of context or in any case bear no resemblance to what you actually think or would want for the country. None of that matters. Nobody cares. You know the role you’re required to play: You are a sinner, begging the forgiveness of Twitter."

Would you believe that Tucker Carlson said this on Clean Monday, one day after Forgiveness Sunday?

Is he an Orthodox Christian or does he have Orthodox Christian friends?

Is Orthodox Christianity becoming more popular?

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: "You are a sinner, begging the forgiveness of Twitter."

Post by Barbara »

I never saw this post when it appeared. Sorry, Maria !

I bet it will be read by more people today, as circumstances have changed and this media personality is now independent. He relies on the very same site, X/twitter, I believe, for his platform !

People - particularly Traditional Orthodox Christians - are raving about him, especially after his interview in Moscow.

What do people on our Forum think about him - ?

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