Notre-Dame Cathedral roof burns, spire falls

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Re: Notre-Dame Cathedral roof burns, spire falls

Post by Barbara »

Maria was RIGHT ! The new interior of Notre Dame will have the look and feel of 100% Vatican II.
Here is an excerpt from a conservative Catholic article expressing deep dismay - and undisguised revulsion - at the planned transformation :

Upon first examining the plans for the cathedral, some may be relieved. As opposed to the more outrageous proposals put forth in 2019 (such as the swimming pool roof and the greenhouse roof plan), this version leaves the building’s structure largely unchanged. Notwithstanding, its spirit has changed and the newly designed interior has become almost unrecognizable. Proposals for a swimming pool on the roof &, below, strange new spires,
were rejected, but the interior was completely changed.

The stone columns, once majestic and solemn, now appear cold. Likewise, the high ceilings, instead of inspiring contemplation of God’s grandeur, make the church seem hollow. There is also a conspicuous absence of crucifixes and statues of Saints.

The minimalist pulpit compared with the traditional gothic

The bare plain altar [above] is unsettling [ and unrecognizable ! ]

Whereas the magnificent Notre Dame of old reflected perennial Catholic doctrines, the redesigned interior of the cathedral will be based upon the principles of Vatican II. Designer Guillame Bardet, famous for his “minimalist” style, seems to adhere to the
Bardet notes in an interview that his intention is to “remove everything that is not necessary, and to arrive at the essential, and so the essential is that it is poor.” In the same interview, the rector of the cathedral admits that this idea is based on the Council document Sacrosanctum Concilium, which states: “The rites should be distinguished by a noble simplicity; they should be short, clear, and unencumbered by useless repetitions.” 

Bardet’s design is also influenced by Vatican II ecumenism. He boldly states that, “With this work, I am addressing Catholics first, but I also seek to speak to others. To make it clear that we are talking here about religion and, more broadly, spirituality.”

The reliquary to hold the Crown of Thorns looks like
a target practice at a shooting range
 Source : The Revolutionary New Interior of Notre Dame by Rita A. Stewart

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Re: Notre-Dame Cathedral roof burns, spire falls

Post by SavaBeljovic »

Having escaped Novus Ordo Vat. II lunacy, and having respect at least for the traditions they had before Vat. II due to going through SSPX and Sedevacantism, seeing what they want to do with the Notre Dame breaks my heart, I realize they're heretics, but as my Vladyka and Archbishop Leonity of blessed memory both state: "they wished to destroy even what little they had that in someway connected them to the ancient Church and practices of the West before the schism". Lord have mercy on them and may He guide these people to the Truth.

I believe it was St. Ilarion Troitsky who wrote of certain church buildings in France and described their beauty... Of course they did preach the wrong faith, so it's merely externals that are being destroyed.

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Re: Notre-Dame Cathedral roof burns, spire falls

Post by Barbara »

Thanks for responding, Sava, with such excellent remarks ! It's such a tragedy that it's hard to even take in all of this.
Notre Dame was one of the great world monuments, and to decimate the holiness that was present in it is of course the work of Masons and this type of enemy of both Orthodox and Catholics. By the way, I don't think I ever heard of Masons seeking the downfall of protestant denominations...

Did you say that you knew Bishop Leonty of Chile ???


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Re: Notre-Dame Cathedral roof burns, spire falls

Post by SavaBeljovic »

Barbara wrote: Sun 10 March 2024 10:33 pm

Thanks for responding, Sava, with such excellent remarks ! It's such a tragedy that it's hard to even take in all of this.
Notre Dame was one of the great world monuments, and to decimate the holiness that was present in it is of course the work of Masons and this type of enemy of both Orthodox and Catholics. By the way, I don't think I ever heard of Masons seeking the downfall of protestant denominations...

Did you say that you knew Bishop Leonty of Chile ???



I did know Archbishop Leonity, he reposed long before I was even born. But I have read some of his letters.

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