Matthewites and Chrysostomites

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Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

DavidS wrote:

Greeks need to stop figjting and unite. Enough is enough! They divide over the pettiest reasons. There is too much arrogance, ego and pride going on with the bishops. Even if one is right, take the wrong position for the sake of humility and UNITY. Matthewites have violated the canons. They are schismatics and devoid of grace.

Pot. Kettle. Black?

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Post by Constantine »

take the wrong position for the sake of humility and UNITY.

As stated earlier, a few weeks ago you were asking were the true orthodox church is, now you are giving spiritual advice to bishops of the various GOC groups. But your comment is quite dangerous. Should the Bishops in the time of the papal schism been humble and stayed unified with the pope? what about the monophysite heresy should we have been humble and stayed with united with them. Or how about the change to the nc? by your thinking all oc greeks are schismatic and should been humble and stayed under the omophorion of the nc bishops. A bishop is known to be Orthodox by his confession of faith, if bishops start betraying their confession of faith, just for the sake of a pseudo unity then God have mercy on us. The Holy Fathers say a unity without truth is a pseudo unity and from the evil one.

Matthewites have violated the canons. They are schismatics and devoid of grace.

We have dealt with this over and over again, and I have show you with historical facts that you are wrong, this is why when florinites and matthewites meet in talks of unity the florinites do not wish to discuss 1937-1970, because they know who really is in schism, but you continue, all you do is show the hate that is in your heart, and you hypocricy didnt you say "take the wrong position for the sake of humility and UNITY" but yet you attack the matthewite synod. Unfortunatly you do not even know what you are saying or what you believe.

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Post by Incognito1583 »

Matthewites are without grace. Matthew was an uncanonical schismatic who thought (like many "Orthodox" today) that it is ok to break the rules of the Church (and the Bible) to preserve what they think is a just case. This is all together delusion and reminiscent of pharisaicalism which Christ came to destroy. They think they are above God's laws.

Word has also been said in the past about the Milan Synod. They also are without grace.

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Post by Constantine »

Please, show us how you believe this to be true. Also I was curious, you claim to be a old calendarist, what synod do you belong to?

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Post by Incognito1583 »

I belong to my own synod. I alone represent the true Orthodox Church. Everyone else is without grace.

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Post by Constantine »

And who is your bishop?

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Post by Incognito1583 »

Constantine wrote:

And who is your bishop?

I am my own bishop. Since creating jurisdictions out of thin air is "in" today, I thought I would play along with it.

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