Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

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Re: Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

Post by KOSTACC »

Maria wrote:

How much of this wiki blog can be trusted? ... aelites%29

Apparently, it was largely written by ESL students.

Probably about as much as any other Wiki's ( Wikipedia Metapedia Rationalwiki etc. ) article's online written by different contributors.

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Re: Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

Post by KOSTACC »

ESL students do you mean English as a second language students ? If so why wouldn't it be reliable ? I would think that info coming from Russian ESL students on this subject would be more reliable than say someone detached from the situations in Russia in another country

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Re: Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

Post by Maria »

KOSTACC wrote:

ESL students do you mean English as a second language students ? If so why wouldn't it be reliable ? I would think that info coming from Russian ESL students on this subject would be more reliable than say someone detached from the situations in Russia in another country

Many of the statements in this Wiki remain unclear and/or polemical since contributors lack a command of English. Their way of stating the English leads me to believe that they are part of the Russian MP or the RTOC, both of whom resent Met. Rafael.

These MP Christians have wildly accused Met Rafael of being in the KGB. Although this may be true, Patriarch Krill has also been accused of serving in the KGB. Thus, it seems like the pot is calling the kettle black as anyone who has served in the military, as did Met. Rafael during the Soviet regime, has directly or indirectly been associated with the KGB. Should all ex-military men automatically be forbidden to serve as clergy? They are natural leaders. Look at St. Paul, the apostle to the Gentile. Did he not lead military-like expeditions to root out and kill Christians before our Lord chose him?

Although Met. Rafael has now unwittingly embraced the Name-Worshiping heresy, the account of his life has been muddied by MP World Orthodox Christians, who continue to discredit him by accusing him of witchcraft and sorcery when he was recommending alternative methods rather than pharmaceuticals and surgeries pushed by so-called orthodox medicine. This blatant lie has been reproduced by the same individuals if you were to go to their websites and blogs.

Concerning pharmaceuticals, at another Christian forum there are some World Orthodox Christians, who have embraced the Athenian Medical Association (AMA) statement that anyone who promotes herbs, reflexology, chiropractic, and any type of alternative medicine is into sorcery and witchcraft. This is self-serving as the AMA is promoting itself and the largely German pharmaceutical companies, which are using synthetic and dangerous second generation patented drugs that are largely no longer effective against MRSA and other drug-resistant bacteria and viruses. For example, there is no drug on the market that will serve as a defense against MRSA and Ebola. Furthermore, these second generation patented (halogen-altered) drugs and agricultural chemicals like RoundUp are now suspected in causing MS, arthritis, cancer, and other immune compromised diseases. Autism is rampant in agricultural areas which use heavy spraying of pesticides and herbicides. Witness how allergies (part of a spectrum of immunity compromised individuals) are now rampant in both youth and in adults. I am one of these victims, as I am allergic and/or sensitive to almost all of these drugs and chemicals. My immune system is so compromised that I am forced to live on a few vegetables, grapes, bread, and water. The situation is now dire, and I must trust in the Lord just to live day by day.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

Post by Justice »

Why should we heed the words of a World Orthodox site that's tries to demean multiple True Orthodox groups? Also I highly doubt that Met. Raphael is a KGB agent sent by the MP to "mislead" other True Christians. This is slander in its purest form.

Met. Raphael must have never killed anyone when he was in the military. thus, why he's now a metropolitan.

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Re: Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

Post by Maria »

Justice wrote:

Why should we heed the words of a World Orthodox site that's tries to demean multiple True Orthodox groups? Also I highly doubt that Met. Raphael is a KGB agent sent by the MP to "mislead" other True Christians. This is slander in its purest form.

Met. Raphael must have never killed anyone when he was in the military. thus, why he's now a metropolitan.

Met. Raphael is now addressed as Met. Seraphim who is in communion with the GOC-A.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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