Why some of the SSPX supporters converted to Orthodoxy?

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Why some of the SSPX supporters converted to Orthodoxy?

Post by sedevacantist »

HieromonkIrineos wrote:
sedevacantist wrote:
HieromonkIrineos wrote:

And that matters to me as an Orthodox Christian, why? We reject papal supremacy. We know the filioque to be heretical innovation. I'm not real clear on why you are here, other than apparently to proselytize your error further. While I can sympathize with your frustration with the modern RC church, just going back to the pre-Vat2 days isn't going to erase the fruits of the post-schism error.

I'll leave it to the admin here, but it strikes me as HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE to come onto an Orthodox forum, and threaten a Latin catholic inquiring into Orthodoxy with eternal damnation unless he accepts your heresies. Particularly in a sub-forum for inquiring into Orthodoxy.

the point I was making was to consider oneself Catholic one must believe in the dogma of no salvation outside the Church, so if it doesn't matter to you so be it, I didn't write it to you. The only error post schism is from the orthodox Church..not the Catholic Church. What I find HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE is someone telling me I had threatened a fellow Catholic....it's a dogma of the Catholic Church no salvation outside...it's not that complicated...whether I'm in the wrong sub forum is another issue which I am not certain of

I believe you are entirely in the wrong forum. This is not a Catholic apologetics forum. Proselytization of Catholic heresy is inappropriate. You have no interest in Orthodoxy. Your only interest is in broadcasting Roman error for wider consumption. Maria, if this is now acceptable behavior in this forum, I will have to take my leave.

if wrong forum then no problem to be moved, I find it childish that you would threaten to leave a forum because a non orthodox is defending his faith, if you were a true orthodox you wouldn't be afraid to defend your religion

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Re: Why some of the SSPX supporters converted to Orthodoxy?

Post by Agios_Irineos »

sedevacantist wrote:

if wrong forum then no problem to be moved, I find it childish that you would threaten to leave a forum because a non orthodox is defending his faith, if you were a true orthodox you wouldn't be afraid to defend your religion

Find it childish all you wish. I rather suspect that in the end, you will be the one leaving and I will be the one staying.

The faith is not up for debate or compromise, and this forum certainly does not exist to let heretics spread their poisonous beliefs to those who come humbly seeking the faith of the apostles. There are plenty of forums that engage in apologetics and Orthodoxy v. Protestant/Latins/whatevers. This has never been one of them to my knowledge. It is one thing to come and ask a sincere question. It is another to think the purpose of this forum is to enable you to proselytize and demand debate and discussion only on your terms (which you have done incessantly and with great ignorance in the process). You do not get to co-opt this forum and turn it into something it is not, and then cry "childish" when others refuse to accede to your demands that this forum change its character and function in a manner that you wish it to function.

I have nothing more to say to you, other than that I will pray for your salvation. May God have mercy upon us all.

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Re: Why some of the SSPX supporters converted to Orthodoxy?

Post by d9popov »

Archimandrit Nilos wrote:

I am astonished. Hans Kueng is a rationalist and modernist theologian of the Roman Church. We cannot learn something from him. But the name of Ignaz Döllinger (1799-1890) was a serious Roman theologian who was excommunicated (excommunicatio maior) from his Archbishop Gregor Scherr (+1877) of Munich, is worth mentionning. His book Janus (reprinted in German language) is very important.

Dear Archimandrite Nilos: You and I are on the same side. We want to provide evidence to Sedavantist that the true One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of the Creed is, today, the true Orthodox Church; that Rome fell away from the true Catholic Church; and that the true ancient Catholic Church of the Holy Fathers continues in the Orthodox East (and diaspora) to this very day. Döllinger provides historical evidence and Küng provides additional historical evidence against false papal claims. Both men were liberals compared to those around them. Both summed up historical evidence against the falsehood of papal infallibility. We both disagree with Döllinger on many other things; we both disagree with Küng on many other things. My point was that there is wide agreement among historians that the western church went through massive changes around the time of the schism. This supports our Orthodox belief that the East remained faithful and the West fell away.

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Re: Why some of the SSPX supporters converted to Orthodoxy?

Post by Maria »

Thank you, Father Irineos and other members for taking care of business and for defending True Orthodoxy while I was away from this board with computer problems,

I am leaving this debate intact because it contains such a solid refutation of sedevacantist's positions.

sedevacantist wrote:

if wrong forum then no problem to be moved, I find it childish that you would threaten to leave a forum because a non orthodox is defending his faith, if you were a true orthodox you wouldn't be afraid to defend your religion

Dear Sedevacantist,

Please remember that you are a guest at this site because you are neither an inquirer, nor a member of a True Orthodox Parish. You are allowed to question or to clarify what the Roman Catholic Church teaches, but you cannot proselytize and preach that the Roman Catholic faith is the true faith. I realize that this can be very a thin line, and that this may compel you to cease posting at E Cafe.

In your posts, you must also remember not to use an ad hominem, which attacks a person, such as accusing them of pride or being childish. There have been two recent violations noted in your posts (two for an ad hominem and another for proselytization). I have bolded the personal attacks (ad hominem) in your post above. If any more violations occur, you will be issued a formal warning.

In Christ,

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Why some of the SSPX supporters converted to Orthodoxy?

Post by anthony1986 »

I am so glad to return to Holy Orthodoxy.

I am so happy to leave SSPX chapel. Back in June during my final exam I was involving with SSPX. I failed so many exams because of SSPX.

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Re: Why some of the SSPX supporters converted to Orthodoxy?

Post by Justice »

Glory to God!

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Re: Why some of the SSPX supporters converted to Orthodoxy?

Post by Agios_Irineos »

anthony1986 wrote:

I am so glad to return to Holy Orthodoxy.

I am so happy to leave SSPX chapel. Back in June during my final exam I was involving with SSPX. I failed so many exams because of SSPX.

Glory to God, Anthony. Where is the parish you attend?

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