Was HRC the Real Colluder?

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Barbara »

SCARY !!!!
I will read through in greater detail when I can [ computer time is over ] but both of your information is incredible !

Cyprian, back to Snowden for a second, I was never wildly in favor of him and did consider that he could be a false flag or what do they call it ? Cointelpro ?
I can't remember. I was waiting to see when more information emerged. I didn't make up my mind, in short, but leaned a little in his favor.
You may well be right.

We salute your massive amount of knowledge and data that you have accumulated.

Maria, that is breathtaking what you posted, too.

Why is it you say you would not be alive were it not for the Holy Spirit ?

I agree heartily about the people who LOOK "normal". That is probably the most frightening part of it all ! We can't tell who they are, so we mentally give them a pass, instead of being able to discern how dark their souls are.

Well, absolutely for sure that none of us is able to see clairvoyantly like St John Maximovitch or St Metropolitan Philaret did.

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Cyprian »

Maria wrote:

View this 10 minute video on Obama.

Yes, I know that this news source is owned and operated by a Jew. So what! Are you, Cyprian, advocating that he be denied his right to free speech? The MSM - Deep State Controlled Media is also owned and operated largely by Jews. Why does the Jewish-controlled MSM get privileges to preach anti-Trump news night after night, day after day, while the Jewish owned InfoWars is silenced by the MSM Jews?

Trump is Jewish. So what you seem to not be realizing is that Trump is Jewish, Obama before him was Jewish, the MSM which pretends to revile Trump is, as you say "largely Jewish," and the "Jewish owned InfoWars" which defends him also is Jewish (according to you). What is so hard to understand? The common denominator in all this are Jews, who, you must agree, are not interested in the truth. I don't trust the MSM, I don't trust Trump, I don't trust Obama or the Clintons, and as I said several years ago on this very forum, Alex Jones of InfoWars is a liar and disinfo agent as well.

Seems to me that we have a civil war going on with two Jewish factions battling it out.

"Seems" is the operative word. Not everything is always as it "seems". In reality, what we observe is the Jews striving to gain a stranglehold on all the outlets of information, in order to influence, manipulate and propagandize as many people as possible. This is why Jews want to control both the Democratic and Republican parties and are highly influential in both. The devil, working through Jewish-Masonry, does not want to capture the hearts and minds of only the majority population that listens to the MSM, but he also wants his minions to control the "alternative" or "conspiracy" media as well, so he can deceive that smaller segment of the populace who is not so gullible as to trust the MSM.

The Anti-Christian, Anti-Jew Muslim Communist Obama has a right to free speech as much as does President Trump.

Here is where you are revealing your ignorance, Maria. You are a very confused woman. Obama is a Jew, not a Muslim. If you can't even get something as simple as that straight, perhaps your time would be better spent doing something more constructive than opining on geo-politics.

White House Passover Seder
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Hou ... over_Seder

"The White House Passover Seder was an annual private dinner held at the White House on the Jewish holiday of Passover during the presidency of Barack Obama. Obama initiated it in 2009 for his family, staff members, friends, and their families. The gathering recited the Passover Haggadah, discussed the themes of the Passover Seder and their relation to current events, and partook of a holiday-themed meal. Obama hosted and attended the Seder each year from 2009 to 2016. It was the first Passover Seder to be conducted by a sitting U.S. president in the White House."

David Axelrod

"David M. Axelrod (born February 22, 1955) is an American political consultant and analyst, best known for being the Chief Strategist for Barack Obama's presidential campaigns. After Obama's election, Axelrod was appointed as Senior Advisor to the President"
"Axelrod was born on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York City, and grew up in its Stuyvesant Town area. He was raised in a liberal Jewish family."

Rahm Emanuel

"Rahm Israel Emanuel (born November 29, 1959) is an American politician, who is the 44th and current mayor of Chicago."
"After the 2008 presidential election, President Barack Obama appointed Emanuel to serve as White House chief of staff."
"Emanuel's father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a Jerusalem-born pediatrician at Michael Reese Hospital who was once a member of the Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary organization that operated in British Mandate Palestine. His mother, Marsha (née Smulevitz), is the daughter of a West Side Chicago union organizer who worked in the civil rights movement, and briefly owned a local rock and roll club, and later became an adherent of Benjamin Spock's writings."
"He and his brothers attended summer camp in Israel, including the summer following the June 1967 Six-Day War."
"Emanuel took part in a two-week civilian volunteer holiday, known as the Sar-El, where, as a civilian volunteer, he assisted the Israel Defense Forces during the 1991 Gulf War, helping to repair truck brakes in one of Israel's northern bases"

Rahm Emanuel comes from a fanatical Zionist terrorist family, and if Obama was truly a Muslim hater of Jews, I can assure you, Rahm Emanuel would not have been Obama's very first appointment as Chief of Staff, only hours after he was elected. If Obama is a Muslim, how come his senior advisor is the Jewish David Axelrod, who also ran his campaigns?

If Obama is a Muslim, how come he and his family hosted Passover Seders in the White House every year, and actually he held them even prior to taking office as president.

A New Tradition at the White House: the Seder - The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/28/us/p ... seder.html

You are all mixed up, Maria. Obama celebrated Passover Seders with his children in the White House every year, he had a Jewish chief of staff, Jewish senior advisor and manager of his campaigns, and yet you want everyone to believe he is a Muslim hater of Jews?

However, free speech does not include the right to incite to violence, such as Obama has been doing. Free speech does not include the right to commit treason, which Obama has done. Free speech does not include the right to commit crimes, which Obama has done.

I have never defended or said even one positive word about Obama or the Clintons. It is not an either or situation, where one must be on the side of Obama or Trump. Everything you just listed about Obama applies equally to Trump. Trump incites to violence. Trump is a traitor, who commits treason. Trump is a criminal and commits crimes.

You must give Trump praise for his anti-abortion stance. In the years that Trump has taken office, Planned Parenthood has lost millions in funding.

Wrong! I give Trump praise for nothing. Trump has been pro-abortion his whole life, by his own admission.

Donald Trump: "I'm Very Pro Choice," Partial Birth Abortion is OK

Obama makes no bones about being a socialistic communist, about being pro-abortive, about being anti-Christian.

So why does Trump attend invitations to the Obama's WH Correspondents Dinner? If Bill and Hillary are half as evil as you claim, why did Trump play golf with Clinton? Why did he invite the Clintons to his arranged marriage? Why did Trump donate to Hillary's campaign? Maria, you show all the classic signs of spiritual delusion. You cannot look at Trump in an objective manner, because you have pre-determined in your mind that he is going to be your savior, and the savior of the world. So you simply block out and ignore any data presented to you which does not fit-in with your pre-determined conclusion and your fantasy world view. In the video above, Trump makes no bones about being a liberal pro-abortive New Yorker, who doesn't believe in banning partial-birth abortion.

He along with John McCain and Hilary Clinton were working with ISIS, which they funded and trained along with the Mossad, to kill Christians in the Middle East. Therefore, I have no respect for the Obamas, the Clintons, and John and Cindy McCain, all of whom have been controlled by the Rothschilds, Soros, and Monsanto. Unfortunately, Cindy McCain stands a good chance of being chosen to replace the traitorous pro-communist McCain in the Senate. Lord forbid.

And if you, Cyprian, side with these anti-Christian Communists who have been murdering Christians, then how can you call yourself an Orthodox Christian?

Maria, I just wrote a post on FB where I explained that McCain is a fake war-hero, and I called him a liar and a murderer, which he is. Don't try and insinuate that I defend any of these criminals, McCain, Obama, the Clintons, Soros, etc. You will not be able to find one single instance of me ever praising or defending any of them. I expose these enemies of Christ on a regular and continual basis.

I simply recognize that Trump is also an anti-Christian Communist, who murders Christians too, and consider him in no wise any better than the others you mentioned, since they all are birds of the same feather, flocking together. They are all members of Mystery Babylon, the Synagogue of Satan.

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Maria »

Cyprian, I think we are both talking past each other.

In your last post (before this most recent post of yours), you appeared to be very defensive about Clinton and Obama.

However, in your most recent post, you are pointing out the truth that the Clintons, Obamas, and Trump have problems, and therefore, that we the people, cannot really trust any of our leaders. We must be aware.

Please try to be calm when you post. Say a little prayer first.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Cyprian »

Maria wrote:

The Clintons and Obama were also groomed by the secret societies, by Saudi Arabia (who financed Obama's education), and by the Rothschild family elites. The Clintons have been linked directly to the Podesta child molesters. How can Pizzagate child pedophila ring escape your scrutiny?

Maria, I have composed many posts on Facebook explaining that all presidents in our lifetime, including Obama and Clinton, are groomed by the secret society from birth. What seems to have escaped your scrutiny is my posts which have been critical of both Obama and the Clintons.

Dear Cyprian,

I will not bother to give a lengthy line-by-line reply to your post to me because it is obvious that you are quite smitten with the Clintons and the Obamas whom you feel can apparently do no evil even though they support abortion on demand and wear satanic jewelry. No one is perfect. Only Christ is the Holy Mighty One.

This is another example of your unbalanced condition. You have resorted to completely slandering me, saying I am smitten with the Clintons and Obamas, and I challenge you to find even one instance where I have ever praised or defended them. I have stated publicly on prior occasions that I never voted for Bill or Hillary Clinton or Obama. Interesting that you claim I am smitten with people I never even voted for. The only thing I ever do when I bring up the Clintons or the Obamas is scorn them and tell people that they are liars and murderers and that Obama and Clinton are agents of the Illuminati.

Why have you overlooked this? Surely, there are films that prophesy and give clues to the ruling years of the Clintons and Obama, the Foster (staged suicide?) mystery, the strange (faked?) death of Osama Bin Laden, and the treacherous Bengazi incident.

Maria, I have written about films and TV shows that prophesy in advance the Illuminati's plans to install the Clintons in office. I can't help it if you did not read them or tuned them out. I wrote a post explaining how the TV show The Beverly Hillbillies was made about Hill and Bill (i.e. Hillbillies for Billy and Hillary) and I explained why The Beverly Hillbillies move into a large White House mansion on the show to refer to the White House in Washington. I wrote posts on FB explaining how the actor Will Smith plays William Clinton on the TV show The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and that is why he moves into a big White House mansion on the show, with his cousin Hilary Banks, who went to Santa Monica High School, to refer to the Monica Lewinsky fake affair psy-op. I explained here on this forum in lengthy detail how the character Chandler Bing (initials BC backwards for Bill Clinton) refers to Bill Clinton on the show Friends, played by the actor Matthew Perry, who has the exact same birthday as Bill Clinton, August 19, and how Chandler Bing is romantically paired with the Jewish Monica on the show, who refers to Monica Lewinsky. Have you forgotten all this? Or did you tune it all out? Have you forgotten how I mentioned that Richard Gere's character in Pretty Woman (1990) alludes to Bill Clinton, and Julia Roberts' character alludes to Monica Lewinsky? I explained this all in much detail here. Have you forgotten that I mentioned that Richard Gere starred in the film Internal Affairs (1990), more than two years before Bill Clinton announced he was running for president, and that the film title Internal Affairs refers to Clinton (purportedly) having an affair with a WH intern? Of course there was no real affair, it was just a psy-op, and I have explained that Bill Clinton is an effeminate and his wife is the female counterpart.

I wrote a post where I addressed the faked death of Osama bin Laden just a couple of days ago! What more do you want? Here is the relevant line from my FB post (in which I tagged you):

"That liar Obama and the liars in the U.S. military and government claim that bin Laden was buried at sea—yet another reference to drowning from a tsunami."

Oh, by the way, do you believe that Osama Bin Laden is still alive, and that his death was faked by Obama?

Yes, I know they faked his death, and I mentioned it in my FB post just a couple of days ago in which I tagged you!

Yes, Trump is not the best ruler. He has his faults. Nobody is perfect. Only Christ is the Holy Mighty One.

Everyone has faults, even pious Orthodox Christians. That is not even remotely the question. Trump is not a Christian, period. Do you maintain that Trump is a Christian? A simple yes or no, please. I assert with all confidence and boldness, that Trump is in no way a Christian. What say you?

And please realize that I never have said that Trump is perfect, nor did I extol him as the best ruler.

Never claimed you did. Trump is a liar and a murderer, plain and simple. He is a friend of the world, and hence an enemy of God, as it is written.

Nevertheless, Trump is doing a good job as he has averted a war with North Korea, has improved the U.S. economy, has lowered the tax rates as he promised, and has averted World War III at the present time. And for better or worse, neither has Trump staged or faked a Twin Tower (9-11) incident, a Bin Laden death, a Bengazi incident, or the Sandy Hook mass shooting.

Not worth debating these points. It will just complicate the whole discussion. First and foremost, do you confess that Donald Trump acts and conducts himself more like a Jew than a Christian, yes or no? I do not want to muddle the discussion with too wide a variety of topics.

Perhaps the only thing you have against Trump is the mysterious death and closed-coffin funeral of McCain, a death that was predicted by Q exactly 30 days to the minute before McCain died. Usually only executions give the exact time of death to the minute. Could that have been a clue? Interestingly, Governor John Kasich (R-OH) accidentally confirmed that McCain was executed. He told CNN, "it's like 24 hours since John McCain was put to death." Was the brain cancer a fake diagnosis to get McCain out of the way? How was McCain able to come to the Senate only one week after having brain surgery still wearing stitches near his eyebrow?

McCain and Trump are pals, not enemies. The death of McCain was faked, not an execution. Just like him being a war hero is a fabrication and a myth. They purport that McCain died August 25, exactly 9 years to the day from the exact same brain disease they say Sen. Kennedy died from. Scalia's death was faked too, as I wrote about on this forum a couple of years ago.

Regarding your attack on Barbara, realize that both of you are not elders, and that neither of you requent the sacraments, so how can either of you claim to have clairvoyant abilities from God? Neither of you are infallible, and neither am I.

What nonsense are you talking about? I did not "attack" Barbara. I specifically said that none of us are elders or eldresses. Where did I say I have clairvoyant abilities from God? I am really worried about you, Maria. You are continually trying to ascribe to me views which every other objective and sane person can readily see I have not espoused. My whole post to Barbara was about how none of us are gifted with the grace of being clairvoyant elders. You are saying I am smitten with Obama and the Clintons, and you insinuate that I think I am a clairvoyant elder, when I said the exact opposite of these things. I simply explained to Barbara in what I thought was a careful and logical fashion that it is a form of prelest to think that we can always tell who is trustworthy or not simply from a facial expression. Sometimes yes, we can recognize right away, but other times no, people can seem "normal" looking with seemingly pleasant or benign expressions and still be diabolical and have evil lurking within.

That is precisely why Christ counseled us: "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." (John 7:24)

I told Barbara precisely what she needs to hear. She is making too many judgments based upon appearance, which Christ admonished us not to do.

I am certainly not clairvoyant nor am I into New Age, watching New Age and Hollywitches movies with their Kabballstic, Freemasonic, and Illuminati symbolism.

I did not say you were. But be careful to not come off as hypocritical and appearing to be holier than thou. The only time I ever mention Hollywood movies on here or on Facebook is to explain to people how demonic they are, and how diabolical Hollywood is. I have never once promoted any kind of Hollywood film or TV program dramatization as something benign or harmless. It was not I who came on this forum promoting a demonic Hollywood film called The Giver, now was it? Have you forgotten? I was the one who cautioned people that the film Ostrov was propaganda and not Orthodox or blessed. It was not I that came on here promoting demonic Hollywood actors like the murderer Jack Nicholson, posting articles about how he is supposedly "pro-life". Have you forgotten? Jack Nicholson is a demented and despicable human being, lower than the low. I am not the one who promoted that occult-writer and heretic C.S. Lewis. Have you forgotten?

I do pray and receive the sacraments regularly, perhaps not every week due to the distance and time it takes to travel to Phoenix, Arizona, eight hours one way by car. And certainly, I am under the direction of a very good True Orthodox Christian priest.

What does your priest have to say about Trump? Does he know you voted for him and are an enthusiastic supporter of his?

Please, Cyprian, stop insinuating that I have evil motives, and stop reading into my posts things that I have not said. This is close to breaking the rules.

I never said you had evil motives, Maria. I do not believe that your motivations are evil. I said you are confused and mixed up. I think any objective third person who is not passionately affected by this exchange of ours can readily see that you are the one who is ascribing falsehoods to me like claiming I am smitten with the Obamas and the Clintons. I am not angry with you. I am merely seeking to calmly explain to you that I am not smitten with any politicians or presidents, including the current president. I am the one who has for years now been telling people all major politicians (presidents, congressman, senators, governors, mayors of major cities) are corrupt, and all Supreme Court Justices are also corrupt and groomed for office decades in advance, including that lying fraud Scalia.

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Maria »


I am not posting on facebook, nor am I visiting it.
Since I do not visit facebook, I have not had the chance to read all your many posts.

When you call me unbalanced, that is an ad hominem, which is against our rules.
You are not a doctor. And my own doctor has never diagnosed me as unbalanced,
confused, and mixed-up.

Please stop.

In Christ,

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Cyprian »

Maria wrote:

Here is an example of the satanic jewelry worn by both HRC and her daughter, Chelsea

Yes, no one denies that Hillary serves Satan. Now, acknowledge that Donald Trump constantly and deliberately flashes the 666 hand sign. Once again, why can't you view Trump objectively and dispassionately? Because you are looking for a worldly savior.

Satanic celebrities and more EXPOSED (666 Hand Sign & The Sign of the Horns)

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Maria »

Cyprian wrote:
Maria wrote:

Here is an example of the satanic jewelry worn by both HRC and her daughter, Chelsea

Yes, no one denies that Hillary serves Satan. Now, acknowledge that Donald Trump constantly and deliberately flashes the 666 hand sign. Once again, why can't you view Trump objectively and dispassionately? Because you are looking for a worldly savior.

Satanic celebrities and more EXPOSED (666 Hand Sign & The Sign of the Horns)

You repeatedly post pictures of Trump giving the devil's horn hand symbol, so yes, I have seen those pictures.
However, they are not dated. Recently, and this is important, to my knowledge, he has not made such signals.
Post some recent pictures and provide the date. That would be helpful.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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