MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

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Re: MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

Post by joasia »

Why not be ACTIVELY engaged in making up for whatever one feels that they have done wrong?

That IS the terms of repentence.

Today, so many people can't even face their transgressions and deny that they did a thing wrong.

Right back at ya.

However, if one sits back and ASSUMES Masons will be removed without intense striving on the part of various people, I feel that's shirking responsibility.

That’s where you miss the point. God will take care of that. So what are you doing to thwart their activities???

Whereas in Fact, God may need them to provide action to overthrow an evil status quo....this is my attitude.

The only thing that God would want us to do is overthrow our passions and turn to Him. You don’t seem to understand that the beginning of spiritual warefare starts within us. And what you need to do is look within yourself and realize that your concerns are based on a need to fulfill an empty void. Because, if you truly look within yourself, you will see that there is so much more to work on, for your own salvation. God’s concern is for YOUR soul, but you are being distracted by concerns of worldly events. Your attempts are noble but it distracts you from your inner spiritual battles. Do you see that nobody has responded to your post since the 6th? They all see that you are more concerned about worldly issues, during this time of the fast. We all know what the masons are doing. But, we need to work on our own spiritual developments.


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Re: MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

Post by Catherine5 »

I am concerned about Masons because it's RIGHT to be.
Maybe you are projecting your OWN inner void; I don't have one. I have always been interiorly harmonious, well-adjusted, healthy.
But I do think it's important to protest when outer things are wrong. Not everyone feels the same amount of indignation about every topic, naturally.
So I work on those which are the most important overall, I feel. Other people focus efforts on what they feel most upset about or subjects of interest to them.

I received a newsletter today with the telling title
"Our Lady Condemns Masonry"
I take that a heavenly hint about this case of the Met of ROCOR-MP.
To add in here, notice that Hilarion never said he never conferred with the Masons. He skirted the subject, never issuing a direct denial.

The Queen of Heaven warned centuries back about Masonic machinations as being particularly damaging to Church and society.
You don't have to believe this is true; it could be written off as prelest. But isn't it SAFER to assume it MIGHT be true?
If true, then, shouldn't the rest of us show concern by speaking out against their infiltration into ecclesiastical circles if She regarded Masons as a deadly serious problem?
Why dictate to everybody else how they should handle their spiritual lives, Joasia?! We all need inner work, but it sounds to me as a convenient way to avoid dealing with the real problems of the world using this type of excuse. One can't aspire to tackle everything. But volatile threats like the Masons must be stopped by prayers and open discussion. No need to shut that down in favor of spending 25 hours a day 'repenting'.

I fear it would be one more thing to repent: not having taken a stand and adhered to it with all one's energy, with prayer as well as any other viable measure.

After all, Masons are not mythical gargoyles: Masons have succeeded in manipulating politics and steering the destinies of countries, like Mexico and South American nations, and caused immense damage from the religious and societal point of view.

Why sit back and let them get a foothold into the erstwhile formidable opponent of Masons, ROCOR-MP with ease and impunity?/

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Re: MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

Post by Cyprian »

Catherine5 wrote:

I'm sorry I haven't been on here for awhile. Partly because I felt disgusted that NO one even cared about this absolute outrage.

Greetings Catherine.

I will only speak for myself. It's not that I don't care, but rather I'm not in the least surprised, since I hold no expectations of Hilarion or anyone else in the MP-ROCOR. MP-ROCOR is not orthodox, but is heretical, her clergy having fallen under their own anathemas well over a decade ago.

I really don't see it as shocking that Hilarion was photographed with some masons in South America. It's not like Hilarion hasn't been photographed with masons before, right? You don't seriously think this is the first time Hilarion has been photographed with masons, do you? What about all the masonic world 'orthodox' hierarchs Hilarion has not only been photographed with, but also served with, and considers brethren? Let's not be naive. "World Orthodoxy" is filled with masonic hierarchs, who are posing as shepherds but in reality are wolves. Hilarion is in full unabashed communion with them. When is the last time (if ever) you have heard Hilarion publicly condemn freemasonry? That is the real problem. It is not very profitable to engage in endless speculation about the nature of a single photograph, or to dissect his response, trying to read between the lines. You cannot accuse an orthodox hierarch based only on a "hunch". You actually seem to lend Hilarion some credibility by pretending that he needs to be deposed. Heretics don't need to be deposed--they are self-condemned. Who will depose him? His fellow heresiarchs? They are not orthodox either, and therefore hold no authority within Christ's church.

I had felt upset that with 1118 members here, though many are inactive currently, but even if 20 % of that number occasionally reads this site, that no one cared to post anything about the Masonic scandal.

Let me ask you this. Are you scandalized whenever someone points out the latest antics of that crypto-Jewsuit mason Bartholomew? Knowing full well that he is nothing but a wolf preying on the flock rather than a shepherd who is supposed to protect it, I hardly raise an eyebrow when I hear about his latest blasphemies. Now that Hilarion and his cabal associates with him, what else should one expect?

If the truth is assailed and it is met by silence, that silence is construed as consent. If Hilarion was genuinely on the side of truth, one of the things he would be doing would be exposing and condemning masonry, not serving with masons.

That's all we need to know.

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Re: MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

Post by Catherine5 »

That's a very good answer, Cyprian.

The problem is that neither Hilarion nor any ROCOR - MP prominent figure has made any recent condemnation of all the most odious things; Freemasonry, homosexuality, etc.
Not a word from them on this.
Hilarion, as did Met Laurus before him, has plenty of time to wail about the "schismatics" who broke away, evincing profound grief at his separated former brethren.
But not even a minute for the really important statements that would make parishioners & observers worldwide feel more confident in the rather shaky government.

Now I see, however, that the Moscow Patriarch has finally come out with a statement, according to an AP article reprinted all over.
I could scarcely believe my eyes especially at this title:

"Patriarch Kirill Speaks Up for Gays"
24 December 2009

The Associated Press
Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill said Wednesday that although the church views homosexuality as a sin, gays should not face discrimination.

Kirill said “those who sin” must not be punished and therefore the church opposes any discrimination. Same-sex unions, however, should not be considered equal to heterosexual marriages, he said.

“We accept all the choices a person makes — in terms of their sexuality as well,” the patriarch said, RIA-Novosti reported. - [WHAT????]

homosexual rights advocates argue that homosexuality is not wrong because it is an in-born orientation, but the church insists that it is a choice.

It was unclear to what extent the patriarch was easing church dogma in his carefully chosen statements, made during a meeting with visiting Council of Europe Secretary-General Thorbjorn Jagland...."

--Was this pronouncement geared to gain popularity with the ultra-liberal Westerners he usually decries??
Very strange indeed!
Could it be to ease the guilty consciences of many such types in Kiril's own ranks, up to high-ranking hierarchs, reportedly.
Very suspicious, I say. It makes one wonder to see the MP on such a permissive trajectory regarding this bastion of conservative ideas. Even in secular Russian society, homosexuality is not well-regarded. Always a step ahead, Kiril seems to be smoothing the way to bestow the church/state's seal of approval on these demonized people.

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Re: MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

Post by Catherine5 »

I came across this on a blog. Though from Catholic sources, just fill in the blanks here with the likes of Met Hilarion [Kapral], his cronies and clan, and who knows whom else roaming around the World Orthodox spectrum....!

Catholic Encyclopedia 1910 spells out Masonry's darkness as follows:

"In view of the fact that the secrets of Masonry are unknown to the bulk of Masons, the oaths of secrecy taken on the Bible are all the more startling and unjustifiable. The oath, for instance, of the first degree is as follows: "I, in the presence of the Great Architect of the Universe, . . . do hereby and hereon solemnly and sincerely swear , that I will always hide, conceal and never reveal any part or parts, any point or points of the secrets or mysteries of or belonging to Free and Accepted Masons in Masonry which may heretofore have been known by, shall now or may at any future time be communicated to me" etc. "These several points I solemnly swear to observe under no less penalty, than to have my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by the root and my body buried in the sands of the sea", "or the more efficient punishment of being branded as a willfully perjured individual, void of all moral worth". "So help me God", etc.

Similar oaths, but with severer penalties attached, are taken in the advanced degrees. The principle contents of the promises are according to Pike:

Eighteenth degree: "I obligate and pledge myself always to sustain, that it belongs to Masonry to teach the great unsectarian truths, that do not exclusively belong to any religion and acknowledge that I have no right whatever to exact from others the acceptation of any particular interpretation of masonic symbols, that I may attribute to them by the virtue of my personal belief. I obligate and solemnly pledge myself to respect and sustain by all means and under any circumstances Liberty of Speech, Liberty of Thought and Liberty of Conscience in religious and political matters". [143]

Thirtieth Degree: A. - "I solemnly and freely vow obedience to all the laws and regulations of the Order, whose belief will be my belief, I promise obedience to all my regular superiors. . . . I pledge myself to be devoted, soul and body, to the protection of innocence, the vindication of right, the crushing of oppression and the punishment of every infraction against the law of Humanity and of Man's rights . . . never, either by interest or by fear, or even to save my existence, to submit to nor suffer any material despotism, that may enslave or oppress humanity by the usurpation or abuse of power. I vow never to submit to or tolerate any intellectual Despotism, that may pretend to chain or fetter free thought, etc."

B. "I solemnly vow to consecrate my life to the ends of the Order of Knights of Kadosh, and to co-operate most efficaciously by all means prescribed by the constituted authorities of the order to attain them. I solemnly vow and consecrate, to these ends, my words, my power, my strength, my influence, my intelligence and my life. I vow to consider myself henceforward and forever as the Apostle of Truth and of the rights of man."

C. "I vow myself to the utmost to bring due punishment upon the oppressors, the usurpers and the wicked; I pledge myself never to harm a Knight Kadosh, either by word or deed . . .; I vow that if I find him as a foe in the battlefield, I will save his life, when he makes me the Sign of Distress, and that I will free him from prison and confinement upon land or water, even to the risk of my own life or my own liberty. I pledge myself to vindicate right and truth even by might and violence, if necessary and duly ordered by my regular superiors."

D. "I pledge myself to obey without hesitation any order whatever it may be of my regular Superiors in the Order". [144]

This thirtieth degree is also known as the "Order of Knights of Kadosh" as seen above. In this same article from the Catholic Encyclopedia we read about this order:

The Kadosh (thirtieth degree), trampling on the papal tiara and the royal crown, is destined to wreak a just vengeance on these "high criminals" for the murder of Molay [128] and "as the apostle of truth and the rights of man" [129] to deliver mankind "from the bondage of despotism and the thraldom of spiritual Tyranny". [130] "In most rituals of this degree everything breathes vengeance" against religious and political "despotism"."

'We see clearly that those, at least in the thirtieth degree, have sworn to do all in their power to undermine and destroy the Church" -

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Re: MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

Post by joasia »

Catherine, you seem obsessed with masons. This will not benefit your spiritual development...actually it seems to have crippled your focus on what is most important at this time.

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Re: MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

Post by MPROCORDsdnt »

Generally speaking, I reacted to the news with sadness, for I had known Metropolitan Hilarion and never thought him to be so pliable as to commit to blasphemy and apostasy, supporting the intrigues of others.

That being said, there is a reason freemasonry is condemned (and anathemized) in so many local Orthodox churches. They worship Lucifer, and they work to undermine the Church and sow the seeds of apostasy. While it is also clear they were responsible for the February Revolution and all the subsequent horrors that befell Russia.

This movement is a spiritual movement, diabolical in nature, whose primary intention is war against the Church and monarchs to prepare the world for the Antichrist, whom they will proclaim as king and whose "creed" they will "reveal" as the "true revelation."

One cannot save ones soul in a vacuum, nor can one hide from evil when it comes prepared to strip the altars of our churches. Orthodox Christians ARE RESPONSIBLE for the good order of their churches along with the clergy and the hierarchy, and this is a responsibility laid upon all of us upon our Chrismations into the Orthodox Church. Obedience and piety and fasting and prayer are indeed our concerns in saving our souls, but it is also salvific for us to resist evil in high places, hold those lapsing or betraying the Faith to account so that our churches will not be desecrated and our Holy Faith will not be blasphemed. Allowing that to occur is also "not trimming ones wicks" as St. Seraphim alluded to and is an act the Bridgegroom will indict us for in our negligence.

I will remind all that so many official ROCOR types had me silenced and censored off the Paradosis group. Despite all the evidence and videos I provided of Freemasony and its rejection within the Orthodox Church and its satanic character, the best the owner of the Paradosis group could muster was that I was somehow "engaging in hysterics." No, many times converts (and cradle) simply don't get that conciliarity calls us all to account and decides the topics at hand. People like the Lebedeff block in ROCOR, who do indeed teach a HERETICAL Mysteriology, are NOT the "accepted and papal" voices of ROCOR, just as those stupidly denouncing ROCOR as "heretical" have no authority to presume to make such rash judgements or even indict ROCOR for heresy. There are conciliar mechanisms which handle these things. But some people are comforted with the dichotomies of our day of "world Orthodox" and those who presume to be "authentic Orthodox" with neither understanding that Eucharistic unity and catholicity are not optional but the ecclesiolgy of the Church.

That being said, my presentation was stopped precisely because I was calling for conciliar condemnation and full investigation of Metropolitan Hilarion and the extent of his participation in Freemasonry, the secret society of Luciferian religion. I stressed and still do that the Russian church needs to remove such Judases, that such men ARE NOT WORTHY to be clerics within the Orthodox Church and should be removed. That was my point of emphasis in maintaining that "THERE WILL BE NO FREEMASONIC PRIMATES OF ROCOR." I hold to that and will make my myself known when I get the opportunity to address this hierarch again.

So, no, for anyone to accept his denial at face value and then act to silence calls for an investigation does no service to the Orthodox Church and aids and abets blasphemy and shares in the guilt for the sins perpetrated by the freemasons they defend.

I believe Metropolitan Hilarion was strategically outed so that he could have no influence whatsoever to impact the Uniate agenda of Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) and the current Patriarch. I believe his picture was strategically released in that masonic journal to preempt any resistance or "diomidism" that this Metropolitan could muster. He has no credibility as an Orthodox hierarch or confessor and is a total joke as first hierarch of ROCOR. For ANY of the ROCOR dissident groups to take him seriously on any topic is to draw water with a sieve. I am ashamed of him and will not accept his blessings.

So that it be clear, I am one of the "Traditionalists" within the MP where our spiritual fortresses are places like the Pskov Caves Lavra, Valaam and Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra. We were the party that was removed from power with the elevation of the current Patriarch. So, naturally, most of us are quite apprehensive about the "reforms" of this Nikodimite crypto-Uniate/Renovationist. The hope is that he discredits himself and his adjutant, the hierarch of Volokolamsk, and that we are able to rid ourselves of this continuation of Khruschevite persecution of the Russian church.

(Metropolitan Nikodim Rotov and his agenda of Renovationism were introduced into the MP by Khruschev to subvert the Russian church from within and subjugate it to the secular aims of his regime while working to "limit its message to society" and to "burn off the dead wood," thereby systematically silencing the Russian church's message, closing and destroying churches, imprisoning believers and systematically working to "bring an end to the opiate of religion." Khruschev's Leninism was a reiteration of Renovationist infiltration and attempt at subversion of Russian Orthodoxy and his "go to man" in this betrayal was Rotov and the "young cadres" he surrounded himself with and strategically placed within the MP. Rotov, as much as being a papal double agent, was the POISON which introduced a Renovationist party within the MP. Our current Patriarch and his enforcer in Volokolamsk, and their ROCOR fifth columnist, Fr. Alexander Lebedev, are prodigies of this sectarian and apostate tendency).

The matter at hand is the secret agenda pressed by Fr. Lebedev in coordination with the Nikodimites in the Patriarchate. These people today only receive tempering within Russia as ROCOR is thoroughly compromised and staffed with inadequate, corrupt and incompetent lackeys as its administrators. These people march to the beat of a drum in Los Angeles, attempting to be in synchronicity with the Nikodimite Metropolitan of Volokolamsk and the agenda Patriarch Kyrill imparts to him. The best they can muster is photo ops and pseudo-VIP events while providing very BAD theological and ecclesiological messages in the name of ROCOR. Their message is as stupidly sectarian as it is dangerous. Just as a beard and a cassock do not make necessarily a Traditionalist clergyman, so too photo ops and St. Vladimir's attempts at theology, where confession of Orthodoxy is ignorantly equated with "fear," do not make authentic Russian Orthodox churchmen or a true Russian Orthodox message.

So, by all means, find an Orthodox pastor and confess and be obedient, pray, struggle, fast, but remember that allowing our churches to become extensions of a given masonic lodge is an act of desecration and quiet advocacy for worship of Lucifer and blasphemy. It is sin by negligence. And a mortal sin at this stage. This is precisely part of the meaning of the "abomination of desolation in the Holy Place." Turning ones back to it and allowing it to happen is the same as the unworthy servant who would not properly steward the talent the Master imparted to Him. We are called to war against Powers, Principalities, and Dominions in high places, and that is part and parcel requisite to being Orthodox. Resisting freemasonry within the local churches is not "obsessive compulsive" behavior, but part of our stewardship of God's House and our life within Christ's Body.

Jason Bently

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