Bishop Stephan of Trenton leaves RTOC

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Re: Bishop Stephan of Trenton leaves RTOC

Post by Barbara »

Oh, I see ! The novices did not want to remain under her, then. Did the novices join another TOC Convent, I wonder ?

That is WEIRD : all by herself in such an expanse.

Is there a priest attached to the Convent, then, to perform the services ? Or just an occasional visiting one ?

I wonder whether Abp Vladimir visits, since he used to have his residence at the former Moss Beach location.
He is based in Eastern Canada now I think ?

Horses aren't that costly. They eat the grass growing in pastures. It depends what you do with them. If one shows horses, that is the part that costs a lot [ trailering the horse there and back, which can quite a long drive, entry fees, etc. ] But just owning a horse is not too bad cost-wise. It depends what breed of horse it is, too, as far as initial cost to buy it.

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Re: Bishop Stephan of Trenton leaves RTOC

Post by Jean-Serge »

It seems there is some tension between Archbishop Stefan of Trenton and Archibishop Tikhon of Omsk.

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Re: Bishop Stephan of Trenton leaves RTOC

Post by Barbara »

Yes. It sounds as though Abp Tikhon and his Synod are treating Bp Stefan shabbily. Insisting that he prepare for forced retirement before Pascha this year if he is not prepared to withdraw his statement of autonomy.

Clearly, Bp Stefan had been sidelined by the Omsk Synod. One can deduce that Bp Stefan did not list in public ALL of the problems vexing him. He limited himself to giving one or two examples as being enough to indicate the full picture of lack of communication with his Synod and being kept 'out of the loop' in common parlance. That forebearance on the part of the Trenton Bishop is admirable. Some people would have laid bare all their grievances in order to rouse sympathy. One can almost feel Bp Stefan gritting his teeth when he wrote the Nov 24, 2015 epistle. He was trying to remain civil but clearly was fed up. If not fuming.

I hope this can be resolved amicably with a face-saving solution for both sides. That must become the goal.

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Re: Bishop Stephan of Trenton leaves RTOC

Post by Maria »

The truth cannot be compromised.

Read the ramblings of Bishop Stefan who is obviously a troubled man.

Read especially his encyclical: RADICALIZED ORTHODOXY -in plain language- dated June 29/July 12, 2016
located at the above link. This encyclical is very troubling as it promotes Cyprianism.

My own comments after reading his encyclical Radicalized Orthodoxy:

  • Stefan’s encyclical is modernistic, poorly written, and possibly involves plagiarism. Most certainly, this encyclical wrongly attacks those who are opposed to the Cyprianite heresy. Instead, it is the Cyprianites who are causing the lack of unity.

    Should there be silence and false unity in the face of heresy? Lord forbid. Separation from a synod to promote heresy is schism, which is exactly what Stefan is doing. Has not he left the RTOC to embrace Cyprianism? And is he not encouraging others (his flock) to follow him into schism?

If Bishop Stephan disagrees with RTOC's position, which condemns Cyprianism as a heresy, then it better for him to leave and even join the GOC-K and Archbishop Agafangel of ROCA who is also a Cyprianist.

Here is an interesting link from NFTU's forum:

The Russian True Orthodox Church under Archbishop Tikhon of Omsk and Siberia Issues an Official Condemnation of the Moscow Patriarchate and a Clarification on the Historic Position(s) of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia by Diakrisis Dogmaton March 23, 2016 Archbishop Tikhon (Pasechnik), the primate of the jurisdiction known as the Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC-Tikhon), issued an extremely important statement on ecclesiology on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, March 7/20, 2016. Although it is not perfect, the statement employs an Orthodox approach to some key issues — an Orthodox approach that ought to be adopted more broadly by traditional Russian hierarchs, clergy, monastics, and laity. The key point that we should take from the statement is that we all are obligated to follow the universal dogmatic and canonical norms of the Orthodox Church, not modern and local deviations from that tradition. In practice, this means that we should be reverent towards the history of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR), but we also need to admit that its hierarchs made errors decades before the betrayal of 2007, when it united to the Moscow Patriarchate. A key historical mistake — a series of mistakes — was the weak and contradictory policies of Metropolitan Vitaly, in which he vacillated on ROCOR’s anathema against ecumenism proclaimed by all the ROCOR bishops in 1983 under Saint Philaret.

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Re: Bishop Stephan of Trenton leaves RTOC

Post by Barbara »

Yes, it does seem that Bp Stefan favors Cyprianism ! That is really a pity. I hope he will come to his senses in this regard.

Otherwise, like you said, Maria, there is no other option but to join with the Cyprianite and Cyprianite-tolerant union of the 3 jurisdictions. Until we get further news, it is difficult to predict what will happen.

This is quite a sad state of affairs.

Where do you see plagiarism, Maria, in Bp Stefan's encyclical Radicalized Orthodoxy. I did not care for the title from the first I saw it, but hoped for better. It sounds way too dramatized ; then points the finger at the WRONG people as the source of the trouble !

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Re: Bishop Stephan of Trenton leaves RTOC

Post by Maria »

This is from a commentary which I wrote on August 2016 regarding Stefan of Trenton's encyclical:

Paragraphs 17 through 19 demonstrate Stefan’s confused radical modernistic thinking similar to which the ecumenist Paul Ladouceur recently wrote for the Great Council of Crete on May 20, 2016, where he, like Stefan, denies St. Cyprian of Carthage’s dictum, “No salvation outside the Church.” Stefan even suggests in paragraph 19 that Papal and Protestant heretics may be saved, which is the same position as Paul takes below.

  • For Orthodox anti-ecumenists, the presence of the fullness of grace and truth found only in the Orthodox Church means that grace and truth are absent in non-Orthodox Christian communities, that their members are heretics and hence deprived of the means of salvation. ...

  • The theology behind these affirmations reposes on a rigorist interpretation of St. Cyprian of Carthage’s famous dictum “No salvation outside the Church.” Cyprian held that salvation is possible only in the visible Catholic (Universal) Church and that those outside, even in other nominally Christian bodies, could not be saved. Modern retention of this doctrine, which is not at all sustained in Orthodox Tradition, constitutes a misreading of the main body of patristic theology and of the history of the early Church.

  • Finally, in affirming that divine grace is not and cannot be present beyond the visible Orthodox Church, this theology seeks to impose human-devised limits on divine action. On the contrary, Orthodox Tradition steadfastly maintains that God is indeed a God of love and mercy, who freely provides the means of salvation for Orthodox, non-Orthodox and non-Christians in the context of the existence of each person, in ways that may be unknown or incomprehensible to human understanding. ...
    cf: ... -be-saved/

Note that Christ established His Church to serve the Holy Eucharist in the Liturgy so that man can be saved (cf. John 6:53-58). So outside the Church, there is no salvation.

Throughout Stefan’s modernistic encyclical, particularly in paragraphs 20 to 21, he seems to be plagiarizing because he has not listed any footnotes or citations. Below is just one source of many that uses the word “fanaticism.”

  • The Church is faced with double trouble: on the one hand, there is satanically-driven Ecumenism, and on the other hand, there is soul-devastating Fanaticism, which eventually leads to horrific blasphemies and heresies and obscures the truth. Let us be fearful of both and flee from both. We must not deviate to the right or to the left. Let us walk along the middle and "royal" path, which is the path of unadulterated Orthodoxy that knows how to safeguard precision (akrivia) and is also aware of the displays of providence (oekonomia). (Emphasis is mine).
    (cf. The Two Extremes - Ecumenism and Zealotism
    Elder Epiphanios Theodoropoulos, Athens, Greece, July 22, 1971)

Comparing the Elder’s writing 45 years ago with that of Bishop Auxentios a year ago, and also with Bishop Stefan’s recent encyclical, one sees very similar language.

  • Just as, on the far left, the ecumenical proponents of false union make us Old Calendarists the objects of their vulgar ridicule and resentment, trumpeting forth hackneyed accusations that we are uneducated, fanatic opponents of true and canonical Christian unity, so similar demonic resentment has arisen among those on the far right, who in their delusions of piety decry and misrepresent true union, since it ies in the face of their years of fomenting the divisions and fruitless contentions that have kept traditionalist Orthodox circles tragically divided.
    Source: An Unpleasant But Necessary Statement About Certain Misrepresentations of Historical Fact, July 2, 2016, page 2, at (Emphasis is mine.)

It appears that Dr. Auxentios is plagiarizing this Elder without giving him any credit as both men point to the Royal Path and mention foes on the left (Fanaticism) and the right (Ecumenism). Note: plagiarism is not only defined as copying original material, but also appropriating ideas or paraphrasing words without giving the original author due credit.

In Dr. Auxentios’ paragraph below justifying the “heresy of Cyprianitism,” he correctly identifies Cyprianism as originating with Chrysostomos of Florina, who continually flip-flopped in his dealings with the New Calendarists, and who even denied his bishopric.

  • Regarding the “heresy of Cyprianitism,” the ecclesiology of the Synod in Resistance was not an invention of Metropolitan Cyprian, but was based on the Synod’s interpretation of the Conciliar, Patristic, and historical precepts of the Orthodox Church—an interpretation, in fact, expressed in many of the writings of the “Father” of the Old Calendar movement, Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Phlorina—which it never declared to be an infallible and indisputable ecclesiological stand. ...
    It should be noted, too, that the use of the appellation “Cyprianites,” which one still hears, is insulting, nescient, and hardly a compliment to the Christian comportment of those who use it as a negative epithet. (Emphasis is mine.)
    (cf. An Unpleasant But Necessary Statement About Certain Misrepresentations of Historical Fact, July 2, 2016, page 3, at )

Note that Dr. Auxentios’ encyclical seems to have been plagiarized in turn by Bishop Stefan who decries the attack against Cyprianism, and who urges silence in the face of this heresy. On the contrary, true confessors are to preach against heresy. Exposing heresies such as Cyprianism is not a sign of anger, but shows a love for Christ’s Truth.

  • 20. To trumpet over the course of many years that Cyprianism is a most terrible heresy does not yield significant fruit, but on the contrary does harm and gives others cause to accuse us of fanaticism. Those, [Cyprianites] who despite our admonitions continue to maintain that heretical churches have grace will have to answer for themselves. It is not for us to judge them, it is not for us to have wrath against them. If we are angry then we are not the preachers of Grace, nor confessors, but fanatics. The holy martyrs, sufferers and confessors were not angry at their tormentors, but prayed for them. (Emphasis is mine as is the bracketed material.)

Finally, notice how Bishop Auxentios ends his encyclical by saying that he is not angry but concerned for the salvation of those who have spread anti-Cyprianite teachings. And that he hopes that they will be reconciled as brothers.

  • Not with anger or pique do I expose those who are circulating the falsehoods that I have outlined above, but with concern for their souls and with the hope that they, too, will “be reconciled” as “brothers” to us, that we might together “present our offering” before God (St. Matthew 5:23-24). (Emphasis is mine).
    Source: An Unpleasant But Necessary Statement About Certain Misrepresentations of Historical Fact, July 2, 2016, page 4, at

Also note how Bishop Stefan closes with almost the same sentiment, and how Stefan has exhorted the Cyprianites and the anti-Cyprianite True Orthodox to be “without wrath” and to “lift up our prayers in peace.” Yet, lifting up prayers implies praying together.

  • 21. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave everyone an indication of how to express our annoyance with those who refuse to heed our exhortations: ”And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.” (Matt.10:14). In obeying these words, we ought to go with our preaching into another house, into another city, without wrath and lift up our prayers in peace. (Emphasis is mine).

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Re: Bishop Stephan of Trenton leaves RTOC

Post by Barbara »

EXCELLENT observations, Maria !

To be fair to Bp Stefan, I try to imagine that the copying occurred spontaneously, by chance : that Bp Stefan's article was not intentionally replicating words and ideas from Elder Epiphanios, or at minimum from Bishop Auxentios' diatribe against those who stand firm against the compromising spirit which is the embodiment of Cyprianism.

What you proved, however, is that the 2 more recent archpastoral writers have expressed themselves in terms alarmingly close to those employed by this Elder and a number of other Church figures.

Where, one wonders, did Bp Stefan suddenly get the idea to fulminate on this subject ? One can only speculate that he had begun some informal talks with Etna and / or the geographically nearer GOC ? Why else would Bp Stefan discuss this subject from a vantage point so distant from the RTOC position on Cyprianism ? - ?

It is VERY perplexing and worrisome.

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