Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by Matthew »

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it was, in fact, both factors that were at play when the Metaphraxis or whatever his name was who first introduced the NC in Greece in the 1920s and within 10 years the 3 holy bishops who were to start the TOC separated from the state church for both those reasons, that the calendar of the latins was already condemned, and because they saw that it led to ecumenism with the heretics of the West.

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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by joasia »

It was Meletius in 1922. I read a book about the details, but I can't remember who published it. I'm thinking it was HTM, but I can't find it on their website. It gave lots of details. It was a think book in hardcover, burgundy color.

But, I created my own timeline of the events so that I can understand it better.

Time line – History of Greek Old Calendarists

1924 - The Greek Religious Community of True Orthodox Christians – laymen
1935 (May) - Mets. Germanos of Demetrias, Chrysostom of Florina, Chrysostom of Zakynthos left the
Synod of State Church..
- Formed Synod of the True Orthodox Christians of the Church of Greece
- Consecrated 4 bishops: Germanos of Cyclades Islands, Christopher of Megaris, Polycarp of
Diavlia, Matthew (suffragan) of Bresthena.
- Subsequently arrested sending letter to Synod of State Church.
1935 (June) - Trial: Germanos of Demetrias, Chrysostom of Florina, Germanos of Cyclades Islands were
banished. Matthew of Bresthena was confined to monastery. Chrysostom of Zakynthos,
Polycarp of Diavlia, Christopher of Megaris returned to State Church.
1935 (later) - Released: Germanos of Demetrias, Chrysostom of Florina, Germanos of Cyclades Islands, Matthew
of Bresthena.

1937 (Nov) - Germanos of Cyclades Islands sides with Matthew of Bresthena: re-crismate. (Matthewites)
- Germanos of Demetrias sides with Chrysostom of Florina: confession of faith. (Florinites)

1943 - Germanos of Demetrias died
1944 - Christopher of Christianopolis & Polycarp of Diavlia join with Chrysostom of Florina.
- Germanos of Cyclades reconciles with Chrysostom
- Matthew is left alone
1948 (Aug) - Matthew consecrates 4 bishops: Spyridon of Trimythus, Andreas of Patras, Demetrios of
Thessalonica, Kallistos of Corinth. (Note: Spyridon repented and lived in seclusion.)

1950 (Jan) - Germanos of Cyclades Islands released from prison and joins Chrysostom.
1950 (May 15) – Bp Matthew reposed
1950 (May 26) – Published encyclical(Thus do we believe, Thus do we speak): Met. Chrysostom, Met Germanos of Cyclades,
Christopher of Christianopolis(formerly Megaris), Polycarp of Diavlia.
1950-1955 – Persecution by Archbp. Spyridon Vlahos towards TOC.
1951 (Feb) – Met. Chrysostom arrested and exiled.
– Met. Germanos of Cyclades reposed
1954 (Feb) – Met. Christopher and Polycarp returned to State Church. Met. Chrysostom remains alone until his death.
1955 (Sept) – Met. Chrysostom reposed.
1958 - Convent Dormition of Theotokos, Parnitha, Attica: Met. Chrysostom’s remains were fragrant.

1960 (Dec) – Archimandrite Akakios Pappas travelled to US to ask ROCA to consecrate bishops for TOC. He was consecrated some
time after by Archbp Seraphim of Chicago and Bp Teophilus Ionescu of Detroit as Bp of Talantion (Greece).
1962 - Archbp Akakios and Archbp Leonty of Chile (ROCA) consecrated 5 bishops: Parthenios of Cyclades, Auxentius of
Gardikion(who left Matthew), Chrysostom of Magnesia, Akakios Pappas (nephew) of Diavlia, Gerontios of
1963 (Dec) – Met. Parthenios of Cyclades and Archbp Akakios reposed in the same month. Bp. Auxentius was elected Archbishop.
1969 (Dec) - Met. Philaret (ROCA) and Synod recognize Archbp. Auxentios of TOC Florinites as valid.
1973 - Archbp Auxentios had 10 bishops, 123 Churches, 39 monasteries and convents.
1971 - Matthewite bishops Kallistos of Corinth and Epiphanios of Kition Cyprus visited Holy Transfiguration Monastery.
1971 (Sept)- Kallistos and Epipharios received laying-on of hands at Holy Transfiguration M|onastery, Boston. Archbp Philotheus of
Hamburg and Bp Constantine of Brisbane officiated at these services.
1974 (June)- TOC struck off Bishop Peter of Astoria, from their membership.

1976 (Feb) - Kallistos and Epipharios severed ties with ROCA.
1979 (Feb) – Kallistos and Anthony of Megaris broke off from Auxentios and formed new group: The Greek Church of the
Genuine Orthodox Christians. They consecrated 8 bishops: Cyprian Koutsoumbas, Maximos Tsitsimbakos,
Kallinikos Sarantopoulos, Matthew Langis, Germanos Athanasiou, Kalliopios , Mercurios Kaloskamis and Kalllinikos

1979 (Feb) - Auxentios, with Gerontios of Piraeus & Salamina and Kallinikos of Phthiotis & Thavmakos elected new bishops:
Euthymios Orphanos of Stavropolis, Theophilos Tsirbas of Christianopolis, Paisios Loulourgas of Gardikion for
America, Athanasios Postalas of Platamon, Stephen Tsikouras of Kardamyllae, Maximos Vallianatos of the Seven
Islands, Gerasimos Vrakas of Talantion, Athanasios Haralambidis of Grevena, Paisios Phinokaliotis of Aegina, Justin
Kulutouros of Marathon.
1979-1984 – Kallistos Group: Bps. Maximos, Germanos and Kallinikos repented of their uncanonical consecreations. Received in
Auxentius Synod.
- Mercurios died.
1984 - Bp Cyprian accused of being an ecumenist. Broke from the rest and formed the Synod of Those in Resistance with John of Sardinia.
1985 - Met. Anthony and his bishops returned to Auxentios. Met. Kallinos refused.
1984 - 1986 - (Sept)- Kallistos broke away from the rest and died alone; did not commune with others.
1986 - Bp Chrysostom Kiousis and his bishops formed their own faction and deposed Auxentios who was left with Mets. Athanasios of Larisa,
Maximos of Seven Islands and Germanos of Aeolia.(Committee: Bps Kalliopios and Kllinikos of Achaia).
1986 - Met. Gerasimos of Boeotia repented and received Holy Communion, from Auxentios before he died.
1989 (Dec) – Synod of Chrysostom Kiousis lauded the MP.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by Matthew »

Excuse me, but did I read that end bit correctly? That Metr. Chrysostomos Kiousis (of Blessed Memory) started a "faction" (i.e.. Schism) and "Lauded" the evil MP?

I am not saying you are wrong, but I have never heard this said of my synod's not so long ago reposed head. Where can I read reliable sources for this claim?

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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by joasia »

Icxypion wrote:

Excuse me, but did I read that end bit correctly? That Metr. Chrysostomos Kiousis (of Blessed Memory) started a "faction" (i.e.. Schism) and "Lauded" the evil MP?

I am not saying you are wrong, but I have never heard this said of my synod's not so long ago reposed head. Where can I read reliable sources for this claim?

I think it was from HTM. Someone lent it to me some years ago. I just wrote down what was stated in the book.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by Matthew »

I see. Well, I will not dismiss the source simply because it was printed by the now discredited HTM. They have, after all, produced a great deal of fabulous spiritual and devotional material in the past. On the other hand, when it comes to issues jurisdictional debates and issues, I am not so sure they can be relied upon to tell things in the most honest and correct point of view since they have a long history of trying to shoot down other hierarchs and jurisdictions in order to justify their schism with ROCOR to escape an ecclesiastical investigation. That may be a factor in what they said about Metr. Chrysostomos Kiousis. If you could find the actual name of the volume and the page number that would be much appreciated.

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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by Barbara »

I'm going to copy that timeline so I can study it.
I appreciate such layouts, so that one can see the entire picture.
We are all familiar with many parts of the progression, but to see the whole thing like that always helps.

I will NOT put in the last line, though !

I think Icxypion's take on it was exactly right. Very reasonable explanation for the inclusion of such an incongruous statement.

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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by Matthew »

Yes, I too should have said that it is very useful timeline you have put together, Joanne, Thanks!

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