SHOCKING NEWS! Former ROCOR bishop forsakes...

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Re: SHOCKING NEWS! Former ROCOR bishop forsakes...

Post by Priest Antonios »

Barbara wrote:

[Laughing] It DOES sound Hawaiian, doesn't it ?
Funny, made my evening imagining a luau with people eating fresh pineapple with him
in an aloha shirt !

Sure beats him in a Hula skirt... shudders

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Re: SHOCKING NEWS! Former ROCOR bishop forsakes...

Post by Barbara »

Now THAT"s cause for a real live "LOL", much as I hate those silly computer-ese terms.

I did laugh aloud at that Antonios's amusing remark, so the abbreviation IS fully applicable here !

PS. I guess that answers what I was getting at above. Eeek.

Hieromonk Enoch
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Re: SHOCKING NEWS! Former ROCOR bishop forsakes...

Post by Hieromonk Enoch »

The Abp. Lazar I was referring to was Abp. Lazar (Zhubenko), who was the leader of a Russian True Orthodox group, which group is now headed by an Abp. Tikhon. The other Lazar has a different last name.

Fr. Daniel (mentioned above) was absolutely no friend of True Orthodoxy. He was a rabid (and I mean rabid) Moscow Patriarchate supporter. He considered Pat. Sergius, the founder of Sergianism, to be a great and holy saint, confessor, etc (invoking his intercession at the end of one of his articles). Fr. Daniel absolutely hated all the 'schismatic' and 'pseudo' groups that broke from the MP; and publicly preached against the True Orthodox, just like he preached against the Muslims.

This is why people must be careful when approaching his person. The fact that he was killed by Muslims who disliked his attempts to convert them, should not exonerate his attack on the Church. Perhaps Fr. Daniel had a very morally upright life, and was well respected, but, this does not mean anything else than that other heterodox in history lived very ascetic type lives, though, they were separated from the Church. If Fr. Daniel softened his position as time went on, and was becoming sypathetic to the cause of Orthodoxy, that is, True Orthodoxy, I do not know.

However, people like Fr. Anatole Berestova, Fr. Daniel Syoesev, in cooperation with sites like Anti-Raskol, etc, etc, etc, were, and are, MP hacks who constantly attack everyone, plant doubts in everyones minds, do their best to sew discord between traditionalists, trying their best to disrupt the lives of True Orthodox clergy (again causing discord between parishoners and clergy, and clergy and bishop, and parishioners and bishop, etc), distorting everything they come across, all in the name of the MP.

My point is that if we take the accusations of people like Fr. Anatola, Fr. Daniel, etc, as 'gospel', especially because others begin to repeat them (and by repeat them, I mean actually repeat them word for word; I've looked on several Russian language websites, and the different sites always have the exact same accusations against someone they don't like and the sources are exactly, and I mean exactly, the same source), then, we must take their accusations against others to be just as valid.

In Christ,

Fr. Enoch

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Re: SHOCKING NEWS! Former ROCOR bishop forsakes...

Post by Maria »

Thank you very much for your clarifications, Father Enoch.

They are greatly appreciated.

When lies are repeated often enough, people easily mistake these rumors for the truth without bothering to do further research, then True Orthodoxy is mistaken for heresy while those in World Orthodoxy are considered to be "canonical." This confusion is the fruit of the devil.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: SHOCKING NEWS! Former ROCOR bishop forsakes...

Post by Priest Antonios »

Is this the same Fr Daniel who was featured in Orthodox Word a few years ago?

-Dcn Antonios

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Re: SHOCKING NEWS! Former ROCOR bishop forsakes...

Post by Barbara »

^ No, no Antonios. That was the Indonesian convert to Orthodoxy, Fr Daniel ___ .
He stayed with the MP union and is as far as I know still active in his region of Asia under Met Hilarion [Kapral]'s Rocor-MP.
This Fr Daniel toured a few places in the US several years ago, as I recall.
He was considered to be quite a wonder as he had converted from Islam [the religion of 99 % of Indonesians].

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Re: SHOCKING NEWS! Former ROCOR bishop forsakes...

Post by Barbara »

Fr Augustine, that is VERY HELPFUL, indeed.

I had no idea this was all this attack on "raskolniks" - what a joke ! Raskolniks are Old Believers in MY book...
Anyway it reveals so much about how the MP hates the True Orthodox.
Now I see why the Fr Daniel of Yasenevo was in that church there. Probably had close ties with SVIR>
I am sure of it now.

Fascinating, all of what you wrote.

Remarkable that you speak Russian ! I gave up trying years ago. To be able to read on the Russian internet is
a major asset in understanding the MP tactics against all of us TRUE Orthodox.

I suspect that many TOC clergy and laity don't have time or inclination to study what is written and observe the same root of the
information like you say. Thus what you are able to contribute is so valuable.

I think TOCs need a Bureau of Information-Gathering. This is clearly an area where most fall short, being
concerned often with sheer survival of parishes and flock. Or fending off attacks from the devil.

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