Was HRC the Real Colluder?

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Maria »

Cyprian wrote:
Maria wrote:

Several priests have sent me PMs that your posts are not edifying, especially when you bring in all the perversity that you uncover. It is not good to read about such stuff, and they refuse to read it. I also tire of reading page after page of filth as it is very distracting
and unconducive to my prayer life. Why must you derail threads and bring in the clown Rudy?

These supposed PM's by "several priests" you cite are totally without merit and are baseless, since they are anonymous. None of these supposed "several priests" ever bothered to PM me and tell me to my own face that they found my posts objectionable, and yet they find it acceptable to go and complain behind my back to you. This serves to show that these supposed "several priests" are cowards, pursuing their own self-serving agenda, and are looking for any pretext or excuse to silence me. There are many members of this forum (including clergy) who scandalize me, and I make no secret of this, so it is no surprise that I have enemies here, who are looking for any opportunity to silence me.

That "clown Rudy" is Trump's latest attorney and advocate, making all sorts of appearances on behalf of Trump all over television in recent months. Since you are the one so enamored with Trump, promoting him constantly, Trump's association to this "clown" is quite relevant. It speaks to how you conveniently choose to willfully ignore any "filth" associated with Donald Trump, but have no problem posting "filth" regarding the Clintons and the Obamas.

Maria, you are the one promoting this morally reprehensible, filthy despicable character Trump all the time.

I notice you have used this anonymous PM's diversion as a pretext to avoid answering any of my questions. Does your priest know that you are an ardent admirer and enthusiastic defender of Donald Trump, and what does he have to say about this? Why can't you answer such a simple question?

As I am the administrator of this forum, people either report a post for a rule violation or they send me an email. These emails are not anonymous. I keep their names confidential as that is the right thing to do.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Maria »

Cyprian wrote:

Maria, you also never told us whether or not you consider Donald Trump to be a Christian or not. Why won't you answer such a simple question? Are you afraid to admit to everyone that you are resting your hopes on this charlatan who does not conduct himself in a Christian manner in any way? A real Christian would be very sorrowful and sad if their daughter apostatised from Christianity and converted to Judaism. But Trump makes public speeches saying how proud he is to have a Jewish daughter and grandchildren, and then makes his Jewish son-in-law a close and senior advisor. Trump is an anti-Christian. I have no qualms about saying this. I really feel sorry for you that you are placing your hope and faith in an anti-Christian, who acts more like a Jew than a Christian.

I do not know if Trump is a Christian or not. Currently, by his fruits in appointing Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, he is doing a good job.

Yes, it is sad that his daughter has apostatized from Christianity. If this is the case, then Trump probably did the same.

We should therefore be praying for him that he repents.

Instead of attacking each other, we should be praying for each other.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Cyprian »

Maria, I do pray for you. I prayed for you and Barbara immediately after my most recent posts to you on this forum.

Brett Kavanaugh is a complete fraud. A total liar and charlatan like Scalia before him, and Trump who nominated him. I demonstrated this on my FB (which you do not read) and have also proven that all Supreme Court Justices are agents of the Illuminati, groomed decades in advance and installed by the secret society. Since this reality is too difficult for many to grasp and comprehend, we can resort to more basic questions.

Kavanaugh is a Roman Catholic educated at a Jesuit school. What's to like about someone who is deluded enough to be in communion with and who recognizes Pope Francis? Kavanaugh was a member of a secret society at Yale. Kavanaugh was a law clerk for Justice Kennedy, a "professing Catholic" who not only found a right to abortion in the Constitution, but imposed unnatural “homosexual marriage” on the fifty states.

What is it about Kavanaugh that you find so compelling?

The truth of the matter is, your mind is simply too delicate and fragile to accept how the world truly is, so you are sadly unable to examine the evidence objectively. You simply block out any evidence which contradicts your pre-determined world view, which is based upon misguided hope in worldly institutions and worldly figures.

Sacred Scripture tells us, "the whole world lieth in wickedness" (1 John 5:19). Fr. Seraphim Rose said: "All ecclesiastical organizations will eventually bow down to Antichrist." If all ecclesiastical organizations will be unable to resist bowing down to Antichrist, how much more so political and worldly organizations?

It is a waste of time for one to place their hopes or faith in any political movement or candidate. It is even a waste of time, and oftentimes sinful for an Orthodox Christian to vote for many of the popular candidates.

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