Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

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Re: Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

Post by Matthew »

I am doing a lot of reading about juicing these days. It looks really healthy and ideal for building up the immune system.

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Re: Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

Post by Barbara »

To back to Maria's post on this page about her friend -
that was obscure about the "a brother" - is that a monk ?
Or someone's brother?
I am not clear.
It sounds useful.
I am totally anti-alcohol myself, by the way. No way, no shape,nor form !

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Re: Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

To back to Maria's post on this page about her friend -
that was obscure about the "a brother" - is that a monk ?
Or someone's brother?
I am not clear.
It sounds useful.
I am totally anti-alcohol myself, by the way. No way, no shape,nor form !

Maria stated:

However, if a brother is an alcoholic, and we order alcohol with our food, that could be a huge stumbling block for him.

Okay, my reference was to the Scripture quote [that was omitted in Josaia's post].
Brother would refer to one of the brethren (men or women) in the parish.

I believe that we should be careful in what we do and say, as innocently sounding words or simple foods could scandalize. I never realized how sensitive my friend is to the presence of buddhas. I am glad that she told me so that I do not continue to offend her. We are trying to find other restaurants in the area that do not support planned parenthood or have a buddha or new age symbols. I gather that Starbucks is also off our list.

And when I visited the nearby Coco's, I discovered that nothing on their menu is freshly prepared, not even the soup. The salads are non-organic, and worse, they have eliminated the "a la carte" items. There is really nothing on their menu for vegans, unless you want GMO fried veggies. Thus, all I can have there is tea.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

Post by Barbara »

What is Coco's ?!
You can see I never get out to eat, but I think your friend is right to be very particular.
Please tell her someone on Euphrosynos-Cafe is impressed and supporting that choosiness.

One MUST be or one compromise leads to another and all sorts of justifications start forming
a thick pad between one's convictions and one's actual actions.

If I were going out to eat, I am sure I would choose a restaurant which had nothing to do with
supporting homosexuals or abortion or Planned Parenthood. This would most likely be
run by someone from another country, like Armenia, for example [the first Christian NATION in the world].
These are VERY nice, conservative, family oriented people who will
produce really great food which is authentic and at the same time are unlikely to
be involved in any leftist/radical/libertine "causes".

Or, I don't maybe a Russian restaurant, but one would have to really know the owners and their convictions.
They could be pro-Putin Soviet-style nationalists, too. Neither would that be appetizing...

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Re: Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

Post by Barbara »

An afterthought about Debutante balls, these must have been from somewhere where the father gives the party for
the daughter and that is called her Debut.

Where I went to college in the Northeast, many of my friends had Debutante parties like that.
[The girls who didn't were exceedingly jealous by the way of the girls who were coming out that December. There
was a clear division between Debutantes and Non.]

But in my home region, it was not at all structured like this.
There is NO WAY a Mason would have darkened the door !
I am laughing saying this.

Why? Because it was SO exclusive that only 16 girls were invited each year from my state, the state
immediately south AND up through Canada. It was so discreet that no one knew about the existence of
this Debutante Ball - except those who were invited and their relatives.

The height of GOOD TASTE.

The newspaper coverage was similarly low-key, aimed at preserving privacy and not upsetting the families
whose daughters had not been invited by a special Committee. [I was interrogated - politely - about my mother's
family's history and lineage - as my father's background was well known to the Committee, as he had been born and raised there, unlike my mother
who was from Old French St Louis ].

The headline read "A Tasteful Splash For A Tasteful Few". The article started out :
"We can't tell you their names, but here is what they did." And proceeded to detail the elaborate festivities and
the beautiful ball gowns of the debs.

So let me say that no Mason - which is automatically a low or maybe middle class phenomenon - usually composed
of ambitious men trying to make business connections and rise up in the business world, rather than the social hierarchy -
could have been included.

I never even heard of this term until I traveled abroad. For that reason I wish I had known people from Orthodox immigrant families
who would have warned me about them way back then. For I am sure all conservative White Russian and maybe even some Greek families
would have been well apprised.
Too bad that I was so sheltered, perhaps !

Anyway, one reason I am telling this is to illustrate the difference in a couple of decades in American society.
From excellent discretion and consideration for those who were NOT invited to that exclusive ball,
now we see everywhere total tackiness and flaunting of EVIL lifestyles and EVIL practices !
Both by the newspapers [look how restrained they were back at my era of being a debutante ] and people in general
love to shock and pollute with horrible, gory or disgusting news stories. Or totally ridiculous headlines day after day like :
"Man dies overeating in contest of eating _____ [some repulsive insect]"

I advocate the learning of information and exchange of views on this Forum with other like-minded True Orthodox and similar types, instead of taking in all the filth
purveyed by the news outlets and the general public's mentality !
It's like a daily dose of low-grade poison which damages the soul and even the visual faculty over time.

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Re: Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

Post by joasia »

Barbara, I'd appreciate it if you can keep to the subject. If you want to discuss American social customs, then you can create your own thread. It would certainly be interesting when comparing to Orthodoxy in America.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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