The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Oh, I realize who you mean. I was thinking of a Serbian TOC nun, but hadn't noticed any here.
You are referring to Mother Evfrosiniya. Now the situation has changed with Lesna's going under STOC [Kallinikos ] -- without a release from Abp Tikhon of Omsk, sadly.

Mother Evfrosiniya can always ask for help to obtain a new password.
She made many excellent contributions exposing World Orthodox and especially MP frauds as far as 'elders' or 'saints'.

From a facebook post, Mother Evfrosiniya was pictured with a smiling Bishop Akakije recently. She posted that she would not discuss the situation online, but that her nuns had agreed to be in communion with Bishop Akakije. I sent her a new password, but she has not communicated with me since. Please, let us not devolve into gossip. She does not want this kind of chatter.

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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by Justice »

The relations between the RTOC and the STOC could be going downhill.

Link: ... mment-2817

Lets hope this is just a rumor that Archbishop Tikon supports Putin, as he certainly isn't a friend to the True Orthodox.

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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by d9popov »

There has been a lot of misunderstanding in this thread about the Serbian True Orthodox Church under Bishop Akakije and Bishop Nektarije.

The Serbs received autocephaly from Constantinople in AD 1219. Various Serb territories were occupied by various foreign militaries from 1371 to 1918, and 1941 to 1945, during which times there were several attempts to abolish Serbian church autocephaly. These attempts were made by Constantinople (in collaboration with the Muslims), by Bulgaria, to a lesser extent by Russia, and by others (Austria, Croatia, Communists, etc.). The Serbs never, ever considered any of these attempts to be canonical. Foreign occupiers killed hundreds of thousands of people and the attempts to abolish Serb church autocephaly were through swords and the barrels of guns.

Years ago, there seemed to be an agreement that the Kiouses synod in Greece and the Tikhon synod in Russia would recognize each other and a Serbian bishop would be consecrated for the Serbian True Orthodox Church. Metropolitan/Archbishop Kallinikos (Sarantopoulos) sabotaged the unity agreement and would not consecrate a Serbian bishop for the Serbian Church. The Tikhon synod was willing and did consecrate Bishop Akakije.

Bishop Akakije’s motivation is clear: He want the Greeks and the Russians to respect the autocephaly of the Serbian Church. He would like the recognition of other True Orthodox synods in other territories, but he does not want their domination or interference. He does not want them supporting schisms among his flock.

Bishop Akakije has criticized the Kallinikos-Cyprianite unity, but he has also expressed hope that the final result would be the destruction of false Matthewite and false Cyprianite-Phyleite ecclesiologies.

Bishop Akakije may be ignorant of the fact that the Makarios synod actually has a firmer confession of faith against ecumenism than the Kallinikos synod. Bishop Akakije may have been bamboozled by Kallinikite propaganda on that issue.

Unfortunately, Bishop Akakije seems to be ignorant about the presence or toleration of the Barlaamite heresy among some Greeks and Russians who call themselves True Orthodox.

The solution would be for Greek and Russian bishops to stop trying to dominate a historically-autocephalous national church; for Bishop Akakije to continue speak out against Cyprianism/Phyleism; and for Bishop Akakije to be clearer than Greek and Russian hierarchs that the Church will never tolerate expressions of the Barlaamite heresy.

Bishop Akakije has also predicted that the RTOC and ROAC will eventually unite. Recent statements by Archbishop Tikhon of the RTOC make it clear that he has a very different view on ecclesiology from did Metropolitan Cyprian the Elder of Oropos and Phyle and different from Archbishop Lazar Zhurbenko. The ROAC (both factions) appears to be thoroughly Orthodox in condemning ecumenism.

The Anathema Against Ecumenism of 1983 and the Council of 1351 against the Barlaamite heresy need to be foundations for true Orthodox unity. Cyprianism/Phyleism and Barlaamism need to be renounced.

The Apostolic Canons demand local churches with local hierarchies and local primates. Some Greeks and Russians need to learn this better. Some Greeks, especially Kallinikites and Matthewites, have done enormous damage to the True Orthodox in the Serb territories, by their uncanonical interference — as opposed to encouragement and support.

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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by Maria »

See this reply: ... esy#p53427


Please define your terms.

What is your definition of the Barlaamite Heresy?

If you are going to attack all other True Orthodox synods and favor the ever-changing Name-Worshiping heresy of the Makarians and HOCNA, then this would be a serious problem. Every time I read the articles by Thomas Deretich, my head spins for I discover another spin on Name-Worshiping, which he labels as Name Glorification.

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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by d9popov »

Maria wrote:

Please define your terms. What is your definition of the Barlaamite Heresy?



To Barlaam and Acindynus and to their followers and successors: anathema, anathema, anathema.

To those who at times think and say that the light that shone forth from the Lord at His divine Transfiguration is an apparition, a thing created, and a phantom that appears for an instant and then immediately vanishes, and who at other times think and say that this light is the very essence of God, and thus dementedly cast themselves into entirely contradictory and impossible positions; to such men who, on the one hand, raving with Arius’ madness, sever the one Godhood and the one God into created and uncreated, and who, on the other hand, are entangled in the impiety of the Massalians who assert that the divine essence is visible, and who moreover, do not confess, in accord with the divinely-inspired theologies of the saints and the pious mind of the Church, that that supremely divine light is neither a created thing, nor the essence of God, but is rather uncreated and natural grace, illumination, and energy that everlastingly and inseparably proceeds from the very essence of God: anathema, anathema, anathema.

Again, to those same men who think and say that God has no natural energy, but [that God] is nothing but essence, who suppose the divine essence and the divine energy to be entirely identical and undistinguishable and with no apprehensible difference between them; who call the same thing at times “essence” and at times “energy,” and who senselessly abolish the very essence of God and reduce it to non-being, for, as the teachers of the Church say, “Only non-being is deprived of an energy,” to these men who think as did Sabellius, and who dare now to renew his ancient contraction, confusion, and coalescing of the three Hypostases of the Godhood upon the essence and energy of God by confounding them in an equally impious manner; to these men who do not confess in accord with the divinely-inspired theologies of the saints and the pious mind of the Church, that in God there is both essence and essential, natural energy, as a great many of the saints, and especially all those who gathered at the Sixth Ecumenical Council, have clearly explained with respect to Christ’s two energies, both divine and human, and His two wills; to those then who in nowise wish to comprehend that, even as there is an unconfused union of God’s essence and energy, so is there also an undivided distinction between them, for, among other things, essence is cause while energy is effect, essence suffers no participation, while energy is communicable; to them, therefore, who profess such impieties: anathema, anathema, anathema.

Again, to those same men who think and say that every natural power and energy of the Tri-hypostatic Godhood is created, and thereby are constrained to believe that the very essence of God is also created, since, according to the saints, created energy evidences a created nature, whereas uncreated energy designates an uncreated nature; to these men who, in consequence, are in danger now of falling into complete godlessness, who have affixed the mythology of the Greeks and the worship of creatures to the pure and spotless faith of the Christians and who do not confess, in accord with the divinely-inspired theologies of the saints and the pious mind of the Church, that every natural power and energy of the Tri-hypostatic Godhood is uncreated: anathema, anathema, anathema.

Again, to those same men who think and say that through these pious doctrines a compounding comes to pass in God, for they do not comply with the teaching of the saints, that no compounding occurs in a nature from its natural properties; to such men who thereby lay false accusation not only against us, but against all the saints who, at great length and on many occasions, have most lucidly restated both the doctrine of God’s simplicity and uncompoundedness and the distinction of the divine essence and energy, in such a manner so that this distinction in no way destroys the divine simplicity, for otherwise, they would contradict their own teaching; to such, therefore, as speak these empty words and do not confess in accord with the divinely-inspired theologies of the saints and the pious mind of the Church, that the divine simplicity is most excellently preserved in this God-befitting distinction: anathema, anathema, anathema.

Again, to those same men who think and say that the name “Godhood” can be applied only to the essence of God, but who do not confess in accord with the divinely-inspired theologies of the saints and the pious mind of the Church, that this appellation pertains also to the divine energy, and that thus one Godhood of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is by all means still professed, whether one apply the name “Godhood” to Their essence, or to Their energy, as the divine expounders of the mysteries have instructed us: anathema, anathema, anathema.

Again, to those same men who think and say that the essence of God is communicable, and who thus without shame strive to subtly introduce into our Church the impiety of the Massalians, who of old suffered from the malady of this same opinion, and who thus do not confess in accord with the divinely inspired theologies of the saints and the pious mind of the Church, that the essence of God is wholly inapprehensible and incommunicable, whereas the grace and energy of God are communicable: anathema, anathema, anathema.

To all the impious words and writings of these men: anathema, anathema, anathema.

To Isaac, surnamed Argyrus, who suffered throughout his life with the malady of Barlaam and Acindynus, and though at the end of his life the Church asked, as formerly she had often done, for his return and repentance, he nevertheless remained obdurate in his impiety and in the profession of his heresy, and wretchedly vomited forth his soul: anathema, anathema, anathema.



To Andronicus Palaeologus, our renowned and blessed emperor, who convoked the first council against Barlaam, and who vigorously championed the Church of Christ and that sacred council both by deeds and by words and by marvelous orations to the people with his own mouth; he made steadfast the evangelical and apostolic dogmas, while he both put down and publicly denounced Barlaam together with his heresies, his writings, and his vain words against our Right Faith; he was blessedly translated from this life and passed to that better and blessed state during these, his sacred endeavors and valiant deeds for the sake of piety: eternal memory, eternal memory, eternal memory.

To Gregory, the most holy Metropolitan of Thessalonica, who in the Great Church synodally put down both Barlaam and Acindynus, the leaders and inventors of new heresies, together with their villainous company, men who dared to aver that the natural and inseparable energy and power of God, and in short, all the natural properties of the Holy Trinity, are created, who dared to call the unapproachable light of the Godhood that shone forth from Christ upon the mountain, “created Godhood,” and strive once again to wickedly introduce into the Church of Christ the Platonic ideas and those other Greek myths; to this Gregory, who by means of his writings, words, and arguments, wisely and most gallantly led the fight in defense of the common Church of Christ and of the true, infallible dogmas pertaining to the Godhood, and proclaimed one Godhood and one almighty God of Three Hypostases, possessing both energy and will, and untreated in all His properties, as is in accordance with divine Scripture, and its interpreters the theologians, that is, Athanasius, Basil, Gregory, and John Chrysostom, and Cyril, and together with them, the wise Maximus, and the divinely eloquent Damascene, and moreover all the fathers and teachers of the Church of Christ; to this Gregory, who was manifest by his words and deeds to be the fellow-communicate, companion, ally, emulator, and comrade in arms with all these saints: eternal memory, eternal memory, eternal memory.

To all those men, together with the aforementioned renowned and blessed emperor Andronicus, and indeed, those who ruled after him, who contended for the defense of Orthodoxy in discourse and debates, in writings and teachings, in every word and act, who vigorously championed the Church of Christ, who in the Church confuted and publicly denounced the malicious and multiform heresies of Barlaam and Acindynus and their like, and brilliantly proclaimed the dogmas of piety taught by the apostles and the fathers, and for this very reason were repudiated by the impious, and were defamed and disparaged along with the sacred theologians and our God-bearing fathers and teachers: eternal memory, eternal memory, eternal memory.

To those who confess one Tri-hypostatic and almighty God, Who is not only uncreated with respect to His essence and His Hypostases, but also with respect to His energy; to those who declare that the energy of God proceeds from His divine essence, but proceeds inseparably, and who thus indicate by the term “procession” the ineffable distinction between the divine essence and energy, and by the term “inseparably” their supernatural unity, even as the Holy Sixth Ecumenical Council proclaimed: eternal memory, eternal memory, eternal memory.

To those who confess that even as God is uncreated and unoriginate with respect to His essence, so He is … unoriginate with respect to His energy (unoriginate in the sense that the divine energy is timeless); and to those who declare that God is in every way incommunicable and incomprehensible with respect to His essence, but is communicated to the worthy with respect to His divine and deifying energy, as the theologians of the Church profess and unoriginate with respect to His energy: eternal memory, eternal memory, eternal memory.

To those who confess that the light that shone forth ineffably upon the mountain at the Lord’s Transfiguration is unapproachable light, boundless light, an incomprehensible effusion of the Godhood’s resplendence, unutterable glory, the transcendently perfect … and timeless glory of the Godhood, the glory of the Son, the Kingdom of God, true and lovable beauty that encompasses the divine and blessed nature, the glory natural to God, and the Godhood of the Father and the Spirit flashing forth in the Only-begotten Son, as our divine and God-bearing fathers have said, Athanasius the Great and Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom, and moreover John of Damascus, and who therefore maintain this supremely divine light to be uncreated: eternal memory, eternal memory, eternal memory.

To those who affirm the light of the Lord’s Transfiguration to be uncreated, and do not assert that this is the super-essential essence of God, since the divine essence remains in every way unseen and uncommunicated; “No one has seen God at any time,” that is, as the theologians explain, as He is in His nature; but who say rather, that this is the natural glory of the super-essential essence, the glory that proceeds inseparably forth from thence and, by God’s love for men, shines upon those who are purified in mind, with which glory, as the theologians of the Church teach, our Lord and God will appear in His second and dread Coming to judge the living and the dead: eternal memory, eternal memory, eternal memory.

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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by Maria »

Please give your source for the above. This is a moderator request.

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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by d9popov »

Maria wrote:

Please give your source for the above. This is a moderator request.

Hi Maria,
My source was approximately three English translations and six Greek editions of the Synodicon of Orthodoxy, print and internet. One edition that I was able to inspect personally was from the year 1600!!! The chapters that I quoted are in every edition that I could find. The key word "Theotes" can be translated as "Godhood, Godhead, Deity, Divinity, Divine Nature, or God." I chose "Godhood" as the most literal. I edited some of the English spellings and punctuation. I will gladly compile a list of my sources and post it. I will also post the Greek. All of that might take a few days. In Christ, D9Popov.

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