Is World Orthodoxy graceless? Why become True Orthodox?

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Re: Is World Orthodoxy graceless? Why become True Orthodox?

Post by Matthew »

irene777 wrote:

Hi Matthew,
Thanks for your post...don't we just have heretical people in the Church but nothing in the Church has changed yet, no doctrines have changed still right? So wouldn't a lot of those things apply when someone is trying to change doctrine, but most people are doing things more "covertly" to undermine the Church, without creating something "big enough" to cause a big enough stir, but definitely causing harm to people's souls.

Hello again Irene. It is not true that "no doctrines have changed" in the World Orthodox communion. It is a doctrine in the church, upon which a host of canon law is based, that heresy (sins against dogmatic Truth) drives out grace and leads to the forfeit of salvation. That is why the Fathers of the Church unequivocally ruled throughout the canons--as well as the saints throughout their exemplary lives and writings, that we are not to hold communion with anyone who is known to be a heretic. If he is a layman, he is to be excommunicated; if a bishop or other clergyman, the faithful should break communion with him. The reason for this swift and decisive response of cutting of heretics from communication with the Faithful is contained in your own post above: for while remaining organic members of the Church they are "definitely causing harm to people's souls." So, there can be no union with Bartholomew who preaches not, "covertly" his heresies, but with "bared head" is the enemy of the Church as were his predecessors who also have been teaching heresy.

I want to make it abundantly clear to you that in lifting the anathemas against the latins of 1054 (not to mention how this also purports to "lift" all the other anathemas and judgements of local synods in the Orthodox Church down through the centuries) all the World Orthodox have adopted a new dogmatic confession: that what dogmas were sinned against by the Latins are no longer dogmas, and therefore were never dogmas to begin with. The latins have not repented of their errors, so either they remain heretics without grace, or the Orthodox saints and synods down through the centuries, who condemned them and their errors, did not know what the true Dogmas were, and that Athenogoras, Demetrios, and now Bartholomew set Orthodoxy right for they are wiser and more Orthodox than St Mark of Ephesus and Saint Paisius Velichkovsky, and Saint Nektarios of Aegina who taught the Orthodox people to forcefully reject the heresies of the graceless Latins, communion with whom, by mere prayer or the Cup, would mean the loss of their souls. You see, there has been a change in doctrine here, on the level of Dogma, not theologoumena (mere pious traditions of lower importance). Again, I set some this out in the post that I referenced at the beginning of the first post I made in this thread. I hope that this point on the degree of seriousness that all this represents will become clearer to you as time goes on.

By the mercy of God,

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Re: Is World Orthodoxy graceless? Why become True Orthodox?

Post by Matthew »

irene777 wrote:

Also, how do you view the Church now and the claim that the gates of Hades will never prevail against the Church, while still maintaining the Church is a physical thing, the ark of salvation? Thanks!

Sorry, I forgot to respond to your final point, Irene. First of all, we have to answer the question of what the Church is--especially because all the disorder we see around us now, not just among TOCs or World Orthodoxy vis-a-vis the heterodox, but among Protestants themselves, is largely due to the fact that many do not adhere clearly and in practice to the teaching of the Holy Fathers on the nature of the Church: that in It's holiness, apostolicity, and catholicity, it must also, and just as importantly, remain visibly One, both in the visible here and now, and also one with the Church of centuries past. The World Orthodox are not the Historic Orthodox Church anymore, because they have denied the dogmatic truths that councils and saints, chiefly St Mark of Ephesus the "Pillar of Orthodoxy", sought to preserve and protect and confessed correctly and thus were declared saints by the Holy Spirit that dwells in the Church and speaks through Her. The World Orthodox, I would be remiss here for failing to say, have many among their ranks who are exemplary in life and much that they say, and for that matter, as do also many of the Protestant Evangelicals who were my fellows in my youth. They cannot be faulted for the good they do and truth that they say, and even suffer many things because they oppose ungodliness in secular society around them. I think they shall receive a reward and blessing from God for this, and they do in large measure even in this life, when one observes their well ordered families, obedient children, well-adjusted lives, and godly conduct. But all of this is not the measure and rule by which we discern the identity of the One Holy Apostolic, and Catholic Church. It is the guidance we receive from the body of honoured writings of the Holy Fathers, the Holy Canons, and the examples we have in the lives of the Saints, particularly in their words and manner of relationship towards those judged to be heretics outside of both the Church and of the divine grace of genuine Mysteries.

I realise all this comes as a bit of a shock. I was an evangelical convert to the New Calendarist Orthodox Church. After some time, I would come across writings and even meet people who were Old Calendarists and thought the claims they made about the heretical nature of some of our bishops and priests and seminary professors was unbelievable and could not be taken too seriously. Then as time wore on and I observed how our priest invited a Catholic priest to the altar (he was the brother of one of our much loved church members in the choir) on pascha and dressed him in an Orthodox style rassa and he prayed with our priest for the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the gifts on the altar (this among other such infractions), I began to realise with a deepening dismay and alarm that things were not nearly as far removed from crisis level betrayals of the Faith as I had thought. Especially as I became more and more widely read in the lives and teachings of the saints regarding how we ought to view the Latin and Protestant heretics--namely that we were forbidden to pray with them, much less declare their "sacraments," such as baptism, to be "one and the same" with our own Holy Orthodox Baptism (see quotes and reference below). But this is exactly the dogmatic confession declared in writing and jointly signed by representatives of the Pope and Orthodox bishops at Balamand in Syria as well as confirmed even more firmly by North American Catholics and Orthodox in an agreed statement (see below). I ask you, in what universe can you imagine Saint Mark of Ephesus calling these worthless men who did this thing, his brothers? NO. He would have decried them as heretical apostates who, rather than bringing the Latins into the Church had cut themselves out of the Life that is alone dispensed by the One True Orthodox Church. It is a point beyond contention, that if you read the writings of the Holy Fathers of Oldtime right up until the Russian Revolution, you find their language toward heresy and heretics "fanatical and extreme" by modern standards and sentiments so thoroughly trained in ecumenistic notions of so-called "love," "respect," "human descency," and so forth. The holy fathers declare that if our "love" convinces the heretic that his heresy is sufficient for his salvation that this is not love but hatred, no matter how good, kind and gentle such a gesture towards the heretics may appear. Love is to labour to free the misguided out of heresy into the correct teaching of the Church and into Her nurturing embrace.

The True Church of Jesus Christ, will remain undivided upon the earth until He comes a second time. However, Christ himself indicates that at the time of His second advent the members will be few indeed, for the "whole world will worship the beast and receive the number of his infernal name", and Christ also said, "When the Son of Man returns, will He find the Faith upon the earth?" --meaning that they who hold fast to the faith unchanged and hold no communion with heretics who deny that faith, will be few indeed at the end of the Age.

I hope that this answers your question.

By the mercy of God,


Balamand Declaration:

Six years later, in Balamand, Lebanon, the now famous “Balamand Agreement” was formulated. Among its declarations, the claim of a “common baptism” stood out, and under the shadow of the importance of Vatican II:

13) . . . since the Pan-Orthodox Conferences and the Second Vatican Council, the rediscovery and the giving again of proper value to the Church as communion, both on the part of Orthodox and of Catholics, has radically altered perspectives and thus attitudes. On each side it is recognized that what Christ has entrusted to His Church—profession of apostolic faith, participation in the same sacraments, above all the one priesthood celebrating the one sacrifice of Christ, the apostolic succession of bishops—cannot be considered the exclusive property of one of our Churches. In this context it is clear that rebaptism must be avoided.

The previous article makes these comments on the quotation below from the Agreed Statement:

Metropolitan Maximos, Bishop Demetrios of Xanthou, Fr. Alexander Golitzin [now Bishop (OCA)—ed.], Fr. Alkiviadis Calivas, Professor John Erickson and others were among the Orthodox representatives who signed the Agreed Statement of the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation on “Baptism and Sacramental Economy.” Issued in 1999, it was an attempt to answer critics of the Balamand Agreement as well as to issue a critique of sacramental economy. Besides labeling St. Nikodemos the Athonite an “innovator” for his contribution to the Church’s tradition regarding economy, the Consultation stated the following:

North American Catholic and Orthodox Agreed Statement made at the OCA's St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary in Crestwood NY in 1999:

C. The Results of our Investigation: "We Confess One Baptism"

The Orthodox and Catholic members of our Consultation acknowledge, in both of our traditions, a common teaching and a common faith in one baptism, despite some variations in practice which, we believe, do not affect the substance of the mystery. We are therefore moved to declare that we also recognize each other's baptism as one and the same. This recognition has obvious ecclesiological consequences. The Church is itself both the milieu and the effect of baptism, and is not of our making. This recognition requires each side of our dialogue to acknowledge an ecclesial reality in the other, however much we may regard their way of living the Church's reality as flawed or incomplete. In our common reality of baptism, we discover the foundation of our dialogue, as well as the force and urgency of the Lord Jesus' prayer "that all may be one." Here, finally, is the certain basis for the modern use of the phrase, "sister churches." At the same time, since some are unwilling to accept this mutual recognition of baptism with all its consequences, the following investigation and explanation seems necessary.

Sources: ... conomy.cfm

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Re: Is World Orthodoxy graceless? Why become True Orthodox?

Post by Jean-Serge »

There was also the covenant agrement in Australia in 2004. Many churches recognised one another's baptism, among them the Antiochians, Romanians and Greeks, see page 9 of this document. ... venant.pdf

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Re: Is World Orthodoxy graceless? Why become True Orthodox?

Post by Matthew »

Thank you Jean-Serge. Here is the direct quote of the text you have cited.

d. Dimension Four: Common Sacraments
i. We AGREE together
to recognise the Sacrament of Baptism administered in each other's church, and to promote the use of the common Certificate of Baptism.

Anglican Church of Australia
Antiochian Orthodox Church
Armenian Apostolic Church
Congregational Federation of Australia
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia
Lutheran Church of Australia
Roman Catholic Church in Australia
Romanian Orthodox Church
Uniting Church in Australia

Not only this, before I say what I will say below, consider with all carefulness that among the listed Protestant churches above [along with all their various attendant heresies] that these Orthodox Churches say have the grace of genuine baptism, the Orthodox are also admitting that the Uniting Church of Australia also STILL maintains the grace of True Baptism. I highlight the Orthodox recognition of this denomination's baptism because the UCA, which is the third largest in Australia, accepts Homosexual Relationships and Marriages not only among members, but among their clergy as well. Moreover, their clergy is comprised of both men and women; hence gays and lesbians can be the spiritual leaders and guides of whole parishes. I ask you, what is there left of Orthodoxy when the bishops leading the Antiochians, Greeks, and Romanians in Australia confess as grace-bearing such demonic religionists? Their semblance of Orthodoxy is a sham and any pretense or similitude to Orthodoxy, rather than mitigating, magnifies their scandal and crimes against dogma and severs their claim to representing Orthodox Christianity in any basic sense. ... ian_people

I never saw this official joint-declaration before. Who can doubt the heretical nature of the World Orthodox Communion. When will the anti-ecumenists in the World Orthodox Church return to the Apostolic and Patristic position that heresy or communion with heretics (in this case "Orthodox" Bishops who confess and recognize heterodox protestants and Latins as possessing genuine baptism) drives out grace, and it was for this reason that the Holy Fathers anathematized heresies, because they are spiritually deadly. When will they then also understand and admit that they can not maintain, year after year, and decade after decade, communion with these "Orthodox" hierarchs who are so inclined to recognize heretics as part of the (invisible) True Body of Christ, for if heterodox ministers possess and are able to effect genuine baptism, then they cannot be said to not be part of Christ's Church. Hence, there is added the heresy that says, contrary to the clear words of the Creed, "I believe in MANY Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Churches". You poor sheep in World Orthodoxy, so scandalized by the ecumenism in your ranks, Wake Up! Get out of there if you care anything for your souls.

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Re: Is World Orthodoxy graceless? Why become True Orthodox?

Post by Barbara »

I just noticed the last post by Matthew concerning this shocking acceptance of the "UCA".
I had read through the rest of the thread, but missed the final post. Wow, amazing.

Strangely, I had been looking up something else like that just today. It concerned a former neighbor who was
a 'minister' in some way-out thing like this UCA. I have to look at the actual wikipedia entry for UCA when I get some courage ! But it's really awful that ANY Orthodox could even squeak out a word to some group like THAT !
Let alone 'accept their baptism'.

Good find, Matthew.
Appreciate your excellent, cogent explanations. They will assist Irene777 or any new person wanting to really understand the situation.
Perhaps even more relevant now in summer with the dangerous morass of this Council swirling around.

I hope Irene 777 hasn't given up ?

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Re: Is World Orthodoxy graceless? Why become True Orthodox?

Post by Justin Kolodziej »

Well, I am back considering True Orthodoxy despite not really having a church near me.

If I might add a question: It appears that the World Orthodox pretty much considers the so-called "Oriental Orthodox" as actually Orthodox, this despite them still refusing to accept the 4th, 5th and 6th and 7th Ecumenical Councils! If they had no other issues, would that be enough to make those World Orthodox who would say so heterodox and therefore graceless? What do you guys think?

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Re: Is World Orthodoxy graceless? Why become True Orthodox?

Post by Jean-Serge »

The right question is: "Is world orthodoxy the church".If so, or if not, the conclusions are quicly made ragrading the question of grace.

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