Wed/Fri Fast Days - Question

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Re: Wed/Fri Fast Days - Question

Post by priestmark »

TomS wrote:

I know that you are not supposed to have wine, but are you allowed to have hard Liquor on Wed and Fridays (i.e. Vodka, Rum, Ouzo!)

Of course the definitive answer is: "ask your priest.'

Not every Wednesday and Friday requires abstention from wine. It is related to the commemoration of the day. Wine and olive oil, while normally not allowed, are allowed on some Wednesday/Fridays for strengthening because of the rank of service. After a Vigil Rank service even fish is allowed on Wednesday or Friday. I believe anything of doxology or higher rank allows wine(beer) and oil. Of course this reasoning assumes you are attending the services.

Beyond this is where you need to ask your priest. But in my experience, hard stuff is not allowed except on fasting free days. When allowance is made for wine and oil, it does not follow that vodka, rum or ouzo is okay. If wine is not allowed, then hard stuff is certainly "right out."

Get yourself a good calendar such as one of the parish calendars published by St John of Kronstadt Press. It will show you what Wednesdays and Fridays are fast free, fish days, or wine and oil days. The only confusion people consistently seem to have with this calendar is in not realizing that Cheesefare Week allows any food (fish incl) except meat.

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Post by Natasha »

Because Joe turns everything into a north vs south issue.
Although, I have to say, when I think Kansas, I don't think hardcore southerner, but maybe that is because I live in the southeast now.

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Post by Joe Zollars »


Kansas is but my place of exile. I was reared in the sovreign (and southern) state of Arkansas. of course my ancestors fought in the war for southern independence, therefore, I bleed bonnie blue.

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When to fast?

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Just recently I asked a priest about when the fasting should start and stop and I would like to share my answer with the Cafe.

My question: I know that the Ecclesiastical day truly starts at sundown, but should fasting follow that as well? Should I refrain from meat and dairy on Tuesday at 6 p.m. or such? If so, when is a certain set time when we should consider the next day to have started?

His answer: The fasting schedule begins and ends with midnight. The only time we fast according to the sunset time table is when someone has a sickness that they cannot fast a whole day (diabetic or something like this).

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Mor Ephrem
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Re: When to fast?

Post by Mor Ephrem »

Nicholas wrote:

Just recently I asked a priest about when the fasting should start and stop and I would like to share my answer with the Cafe.

My question: I know that the Ecclesiastical day truly starts at sundown, but should fasting follow that as well? Should I refrain from meat and dairy on Tuesday at 6 p.m. or such? If so, when is a certain set time when we should consider the next day to have started?

His answer: The fasting schedule begins and ends with midnight. The only time we fast according to the sunset time table is when someone has a sickness that they cannot fast a whole day (diabetic or something like this).

I don't get this response because if you're following the sunset time table I would think it would still be a 24 hour (whole) day's worth of fasting. If you follow our rules for fasting, you'd know it. ;)

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Fasting and Catholics

Post by George »

I was wondering if anyone knows when and why Roman Catholics stopped fasting on Wednesdays and when their fasting began to be only abstainance from fish.


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