Carr Fire, was it started by a car fire? No, it was deliberately set.

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Re: Carr Fire, was it started by a car fire? No, it was deliberately set.

Post by Maria »


Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Carr Fire, was it started by a car fire? No, it was deliberately set.

Post by Barbara »

I didn't even make that connection between Carr and car !
I thought that explanation was ridiculous. How could some mechanical problem in one vehicle decimate thousands and thousands of acres in and near a major city - and develop into becoming seemingly almost unstoppable ?

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Re: Carr Fire, was it started by a car fire? No, it was deliberately set.

Post by Maria »

Here is more information that is affecting all the Pacific Coast states as well as those further inland including Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Wyoming, Montana, New Mexico, and Colorado.

See this website: ... 98082a63f9


Look at those straight lines from California to British Columbia. Those are geo-engineering "con-trails" generated by our USAF jets and drones. They contain lithium, nano-aluminum, and most likely glyphosates that are all known as desiccants or chemicals that cause droughts by drying up the moisture vapor in the clouds. In addition, these and other chemicals cause the fire tornadoes, burning roofs, and exploding trees because they are inflammable by nature.

The NASA satellite image above reveals massive climate engineering operations being carried out over vast expanses the Pacific ocean off of the US west coast. The geoengineering / solar radiation management operations completely disrupt the hydrological cycle and thus fuel drought and fires (a scenario which has been ongoing). The image was captured on Saturday, July 28th, 2018. This happened to be the day that a long planned climate engineering awareness and call to action event had to be canceled in Redding, California, due to the Carr fire. Smoke from the Carr fire is clearly visible on the NASA satellite image.

Though there are countless forms of human activity damaging the climate and biosphere, illegal global climate engineering / solar radiation management operations are a primary causal factor fueling catastrophic wildfires all over the globe (which official sources are not disclosing). Climate engineering is completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, triggering increasing dry lightning, destroying the ozone layer, contaminating soils, and covering everything at ground level with an incendiary dust (due to the fallout from atmosphere spraying programs). The 10 minute video below elaborates on the direct effect geoengineering operations are having on forest fires, their behavior and their frequency. Geoengineering is nothing less than weather warfare.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Carr Fire, was it started by a car fire? No, it was deliberately set.

Post by Barbara »

I'll watch that video tomorrow.

Were there these fire tornados long ago that suddenly came into the mainstream media view fairly recently ? Or are they a byproduct of all these chemicals being sprayed these last few years ?

And are the drying agents being sent into the atmosphere to stop any possible saving rain which would assist in extinguishing a big fire ? Is the point that the controlling forces don't want the fires to stop but rather to sweep uncontrollably through cities - as appeared to be the strategy in last autumn's Santa Rosa area fires ? The reason ? To scare as many people as possible, to make them feel insecure and needing the help the state ?

The most alarming sentence is that the conference exposing this weather manipulation was long known to be taking place in Redding just at the time of the fire which stopped it. How convenient. Very creepy !

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Re: Carr Fire, was it started by a car fire? No, it was deliberately set.

Post by Barbara »

VERY Sobering indeed, all this.

Yes Cyprian is totally right about that tramp clown who is causing nothing but trouble all over the world. By revoking the agreement reached with Iran after so many years of haggling, he is causing unbelievable damage. Iran is powerful and from the Anglo-American-Moss ad angle, its oil industry needs to be shut down.

However, prices of oil may go up to $ 90 a barrel due to the attempt to exclude Iran from trading on the oil market.

How does that affect citizens here ? Terrible ! Imagine heating bills in the winters.

However, many countries are not buying the US orders to its minions to not do any oil or gas business with Iran. Already Russia, China, India, Turkey are all saying they will go ahead as usual -- in defiance of tramp.

Probably there is NO US leader who has been MORE hated and reviled in the rest of the world, including Europe, than he.

I don't understand what happened in that recent summit between the 2 major leaders, but I am sure it was ALL STAGED !

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Re: Carr Fire, was it started by a car fire? No, it was deliberately set.

Post by Barbara »

Looks like a good video exposing the geoengineering.
Answers my question about dessicants : they are to lower humidity. Now i see better. Will watch the rest later at home.

Are the SMART meters exploding upon some kind of laser beam attacking them ? Or for the famous mechanical failure excuse ?
Are they made really badly, in China, and hence, some units may have faulty electronics ? Those descriptions sound so alarming of all the outlets making strange noises and fire starting which jumps to next house.

All the more reason to not have neighbors close by - IF ONLY !

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Re: Carr Fire, was it started by a car fire? No, it was deliberately set.

Post by Cyprian »

I wrote a post on FB explaining what the Carr Fire is all about and some movies they hid their plans in. I am not in the habit of copying all the information over here to this forum. The first thing that should have jumped out at folks is the fact that the fires are in Trinity county, California (as well as Shasta), which also happens to be the name of a Hindu deity. This has been deliberately associated to the Trinity atomic test, and relate to possible plans to nuke Indians, which I have mentioned on previous occasions. Why India? Indians for (In-Diane, In--Diana, Princess of Wales).

Trinity (nuclear test)

The deliberately set Carr Fire has been purposefully associated to the fake serial killer creation of the secret society, known as the "Son of Sam," David Berkowitz. You see, the Son of Sam, so the tale goes, used to like to set fires in his youth. They also purport that beginning in the summer of '76, he would walk up to people in their parked car, and fire upon them. You see? fire a gun at people in their car, for the Carr Fire. They claim that Berkowitz was caught because of a parking ticket, after he parked his CAR in front of a FIRE hydrant. It is all a fabrication, and the lying corrupt NY police were in on the whole psy-op.

David Berkowitz was an arsonist (so they say), i.e. a firestarter. His neighbor was Sam Carr, for the Carr fire. They claim that his neighbor's dog Harvey issued irresistible commands to kill. It's all a fabrication, and was shown ahead of time in countless Hollywood productions. I have already explained in the past how the film The Omen (1976), starring actor Harvey Spencer Stephens as Damien, was released less than eight weeks before the first supposed Son of Sam killing, and how in the film a dog mentally issues irresistible commands to kill. So the film The Omen was playing in the theaters that summer at the exact time the purported Son of Sam killing spree began. I also have explained in the past how the Son of Sam refers to the biblical figure Samson (i.e. Son of Sam), of Samson and Delilah from the Old Testament Israelite tribe of Dan. The Church teaches that the Antichrist will come from the tribe of Dan.

Judges 14:15  And it came to pass on the seventh day, that they said unto Samson's wife, Entice thy husband, that he may declare unto us the riddle, lest we burn thee and thy father's house with fire: have ye called us to take that we have? is it not so?

Judges 15:6  Then the Philistines said, Who hath done this? And they answered, Samson, the son in law of the Timnite, because he had taken his wife, and given her to his companion. And the Philistines came up, and burnt her and her father with fire.

Judges 16:17  That he told her all his heart, and said unto her, There hath not come a razor upon mine head; for I have been a Nazarite unto God from my mother's womb: if I be shaven, then my strength will go from me, and I shall become weak, and be like any other man. 16:18  And when Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she sent and called for the lords of the Philistines, saying, Come up this once, for he hath shewed me all his heart. Then the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and brought money in their hand.  16:19  And she made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him. 

This is why in the film The Omen (1976), Damien's father sneaks in and cuts his hair while he is sleeping, and sees the 666 birthmark on top of his head. To allude to the story of Samson (Son of Sam), and the locks of his hair being cut while he was sleeping. As I said, Samson is from the tribe of Dan, of which the Antichrist is to come. Damien is the Antichrist Son of Sam (Samson) who has his locks cut while he was sleeping. Damien and the Son of Sam both are a deliberate allusion to Prince Harry, Harry sometimes being a nickname for Harvey.

Why ought we suppose that the adult 32 year-old Damien in Omen III: The Final Conflict (1981) is played by actor Sam Neil (who also starred in Jurassic Park,which is also about the Antichrist)? Because the Son of Sam hoax killer refers to himself as "Sam". Damien is first played by an actor named Harvey, and then the older Damien is played by Sam, because the neighbor of David Berkowitz, was named Sam and supposedly had a demonic dog named Harvey. Of course I have written much of how Hurricane Harvey was deliberately perpetrated and is all about the Antichrist. That is why they first steered the winds into Corpus Christi, Texas, i.e. "Body of Christ," and then the rain into Harris (Harry's County), of which Houston is the seat. For whom is Houston named after? SAM, as in the Son of Sam. Sam Houston.

Plans to perpetrate the Carr Fire is shown ahead of time in many films and works of literature. Stephen King books, (and their film adaptions), like Firestarter (1984) and The Shawshank Redemption (1998) for example. Drew Barrymore starred in Firestarter (1984), because her initials are DB, like David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam and she starts fires as a child, like they purport about David Berkowitz. She mentally sets cars on fire, for the Carr Fire. The famous actor Morgan Freeman's birthday is June 1, the same as Richard David Falco, aka David Berkowitz, the "Son of Sam," and Morgan Freeman is Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding in the Shawshank Redemption, for the California Carr Fire which started near Redding, California.

So actor Morgan Freeman has the same birthday as the purported Son of Sam killer, and in the film he serving a long prison sentence for murder, just as they claim with the Son of Sam, and his name is Redding. The other star of the film Tim Robbins, his character is Andy Dufresne, and
"Dufresne or du Fresne is a French topographical name from Old French meaning 'ash'". Ash for all the ash created by the fires they deliberately set.

I also explained on my FB how the Dirty Harry films are all about the hoax Son of Sam killer and the Carr Fire.

Here is my latest post:

Patrick, in one sense (there are several), the Brooklyn connection to the hoax disappearance of Mollie Tibbetts is for the Son of Sam psy-op (1976-77), supposed killer David Berkowitz (Richard David Falco), born in Brooklyn.

The "Son of Sam" killer's neighbor (so the story goes) was Sam Carr. This is why they timed the disappearance of Mollie Tibbetts around the same time as the deliberately set Carr Fire in Shasta and Trinity counties, California.

Trinity (nuclear test)

According to the tale, Sam Carr had a black labrador retriever named Harvey, who was supposedly possessed by an ancient demon, issuing irresistible commands that Berkowitz must kill people.

As I have written in the past, Harvey is the name of the actor who plays Damien the Antichrist child in The Omen (1976), released about 7-8 weeks before the first purported shooting/killing by the Son of Sam. The film The Omen also features a dog who issues irresistible commands to kill, and the film is obviously about the staged/hoax Son of Sam killings. "David Berkowitz" is said to be adopted, just like Damien is adopted in the film.

The Dirty Harry films are also all about this sensational psy-op. Recall, Dirty Harry is famous for his .44 magnum.

In the 1971 film Dirty Harry (I have also written about how this film is about the hoax/staged DB Cooper hijacking psy-op...DB for David Berkowitz and DB Cooper), Harry says:

"I know what you're thinking punk. you're thinking did he fire 6 shots or only 5? Well to tell you the truth, I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a 44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and will blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?"

The "Son of Sam" was dubbed the ".44 Caliber Killer," to allude to Dirty Harry and his .44 Magnum Smith and Wesson. Dirty Harry (1971) is about a deranged serial killer, five years before the fake Son of Sam serial killer was scripted to become famous.

In the second Dirty Harry installment, Magnum Force (1973), vigilante cops walk up and shoot people in their cars... surprise, surprise, not unlike how they claim David Berkowitz walked up to people in their car and would fire at them.

Did you notice the pun? "car" "fire"? This is for the Carr Fire which they deliberately set in California, which is all about the Son of Sam David, who, like Damien, alludes to Prince Harry, whose Hebrew name is David. Prince Henry Charles Albert David.

In the fake letters purportedly written by the Son of Sam, taunting the police (which the lying, corrupt police in NY wrote themselves) the Son of Sam refers to himself as "John Wheaties".

So the killer "Sam" also uses the alias surname "Wheaties". Hence the character Sam Wheat (Patrick Swayze) in Ghost, set in New York, and filmed in Brooklyn, for "Sam" "Wheaties" the Son of Sam killer from Brooklyn.

They also purport that the Son of Sam David Berkowitz was an arsonist, and connected him to setting many fires, which is how this has all been purposefully tied into the Carr Fire, which was not an accident from "sparks flying" (recall, I recently wrote about Meghan Markle's "When Sparks Fly" film)

Now, they say that this same Sam Carr has a daughter named Wheat Carr, so Sam has a daughter Wheat, for Sam Wheat, the character in Ghost (1990), who has the girlfriend Molly.

Mollie Tibbetts boyfriend has the name 'Dalton Jack' (DJ) and Patrick Swayze is called Dalton all throughout the film Road House (1989). His sidekick in the film? Actor Sam Elliott. By the way, the actor who plays the killer in Ghost, actor Tony Goldwyn? His father is Samuel Goldwyn, so he is the "son of Sam".

So Molly and Sam are in the film Ghost, which was filmed in Brooklyn, NY, for Mollie Tibbetts from Brooklyn IA, and Sam Wheat (Swayze) is an allusion to Sam Carr, neighbor of the Son of Sam killer David Berkowitz, who fired upon people in their car.

Of course, Ghost has several connotations, not only one. I have already mentioned a ghost is a spirit to allude to attacks connected with "the Spirit of '76." Ghost is also an allusion to the Ghost of Christmas Past from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, and perhaps plans for nuking people around Christmastime.

In the first contrived letter of the Son of Sam:

"Police—Let me haunt you with these words; I'll be back! I'll be back! To be interrpreted as—bang, bang, bang, bank, bang—ugh!! Yours in murder Mr. Monster."

The "I'll be back! I'll be back!" is what Hollywood has arranged for Arnold Schwarzenegger, ("The Terminator") to be known for saying. Of course, the Terminator films are about a nuclear war.

The "bang, bang, bang" in the first Son of Sam letter, is for the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968), which is all about the hoax Son of Sam serial killer, which is a prophecy about the Carr Fire.

Richard Wayne "Dick Van Dyke" stars in the film for Richard David Falco, aka David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam. The digits of Dick Van Dyke's birthday, December 13 (12.13), one will notice, totals 6/1 backwards, the birthday of David Berkowitz.

Dick Van Dyke

David Berkowitz

Of course, David is for Prince Harry's Hebrew name David. Prince Henry Charles Albert David.

Albert R. Broccoli (of James Bond fame) produced the film, and he shares the same birthday as Gregory Peck, the adoptive father of Damien the Antichrist child from The Omen (1976), which is, as I mentioned, also all about the Son of Sam. Broccoli was born in Queens, New York City. Most of the Son of Sam's purported activity took place in Queens, although also some in the Bronx and Brooklyn.

2018 is the 50th anniversary of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968), and this film is about the Son of Sam (i.e. Sam Carr, the neighbor of David Berkowitz) and the Carr Fire.

That is why the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is about a race car that crashes and catches fire, and efforts to rescue this same car from a junk man who wants to scrap it, melting the metal down in the fires. The film is all about a car and fires, for the Son of Sam (Carr) killer, who fired at people while parked in their car, and the deliberately perpetrated Carr Fire in Trinity and Shasta counties, California.

There are many films about the deliberately set Carr Fire, including the aforementioned Dirty Harry films, which are also about the fabricated Son of Sam killings sensation scripted many years in advance to occur in the summer of 1976 (Spirit of '76), i.e. Ghost of '76.

Clint Eastwood is Inspector Harold Francis "Dirty Harry" Callahan, and the Carr Fire is named after Judge Francis Carr.

Why did they call it the Carr Fire? Explaining the names behind the flames ... 133685.php

"Dirty Harry" Callahan, because Callahan, California is approx. 30 miles north of the Carr Fire.

The Callahan Lava Flow is near the volcano Mount Shasta. The Callahan Flow is one of the major Lava Flows within Lava Beds National Monument. I have mentioned many times why Clint Eastwood films are about volcanic eruptions and dam failures. Clint Eastwood's birthday is May 31, the anniversary of the Great Johnstown Flood, as a result of the deadliest dam failure in American history. The second deadliest dam failure in American history is the St. Francis Dam failure, hence the character Francis Callahan, and Clint Eastwood being born in St. Francis Hospital in San Francisco, which is Spanish for "Saint Francis".

Clint Eastwood's birthday, May 31, is 13 days earlier, May 18 on the old calendar, an allusion to the May 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens. He is Dirty Harry Callahan (for the Callahan lava flow), to allude to the story of making Harry Truman of Mount St. Helens dirty, when he was (supposedly) buried under 150 feet of ash and mud from the eruption. Dirty Harry's character is deliberately cantankerous the way they scripted Harry Randall Truman to be cantankerous.

Clint's film Every Which Way But Loose (1978) is about the eruption of Mount St. Helens, and also the sequel Any Which Way You Can (1980), and that's why they chose actress Ruth Gordon to play Ma Boggs in the film, for she was born on the exact same day and year, October 30, 1896, as Harry R. Truman, of Mount St. Helens fame. She is an outspoken, feisty, cantankerous, curmudgeon just like Harry Truman.

see for yourself, if you please:

Harry R. Truman

Ruth Gordon

Of course Ruth Gordon was in the film Rosemary's Baby (1968), about the "spawn of Satan," the Antichrist.

Clint Eastwood was born in San Francisco (in St. Francis Hospital) and the Dirty Harry films are set in San Francisco, for Judge Francis Carr. Of course they are also revealing their plans to groom and install Pope Francis, if anyone cares.

Perhaps a more obvious novel/film about the Carr Fire in California is the Stephen King novel, adapted for film, Firestarter (1984) with Drew Barrymore, where she mentally sets cars on fire, to allude to the Carr Fire.

Barrymore's character Charlene "Charlie" is adopted by actor Art Carney, who played Harry Truman in the docudrama St. Helens (1981), about the eruption. They chose him because his films are showing in advance their plans to deliberately erupt Mount St. Helens.

For example, the Art Carney film Harry and Tonto (1974) about Harry Truman.

Harry and Tonto

"Harry Coombes (Art Carney) is an elderly widower and retired teacher who is forced from his Upper West Side apartment in New York City when his building is condemned. He initially stays with his eldest son Burt's family in the suburbs but eventually chooses to travel cross country with his pet cat "Tonto" in tow."

Harry the widower being evicted when his building is condemned is for repeated attempts and pleas to evict Harry Truman the widower from his Lodge at Spirit Lake near Mount St. Helens, after the volcano was "condemned" by authorities and about to blow. The film features Harry and his cat, because Harry Truman famously has many cats.

Drew Barrymore i.e. initials DB in Firestarter, for David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam. Actor David Keith plays the father of the "firestarter" Drew Barrymore, and his birthday is May 8, the same as Mollie Tibbetts (and Pres. Harry S. Truman) for Prince Harry.

The film Firestarter (1984) is also Hollywood revealing their plans to deliberately cause the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Colombia, and the ensuing Armero tragedy, said to have killed est. 22,000.

Armero tragedy

Charle's father in the film is named Andy, for the Andes mountains, where they erupted the volcano. Her name Charlie is for Prince Charles, since the eruption of this volcano was scheduled for his birthday.

November 13, 1985 was the first day following a new moon, and the day after a total solar eclipse. Art Carney's birthday is 11/4, which is what 11.13 totals.

They timed the eruption for around 10:30 - 11:00 PM local time, which was November 14 in England, the birthday of Prince Charles. The eruption and lahars that buried 20,000 people in Armero continued into the morning hours of November 14.

Art Carney also starred in Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Story (1980), the same year as the eruption of Mount St. Helens, and Clint Eastwood starred in Escape From Alcatraz (1979), the year prior to the eruption.

Art Carney played Harry Truman in St. Helens (1981), and he is shown driving a pink Cadillac in the docudrama.

Clint Eastwood starred in Pink Cadillac (1989) to keep up the association. Pink Cadillac is about the deliberately perpetrated oil spill disasters, both the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound, Alaska, and the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion and spill on April 20, for Prince Harry, said to be born at 4:20 PM.

The deliberately perpetrated Exxon Valdez was March 24, 1989. The deliberately perpetrated BP oil spill was April 20, 2010. 4.20.2010, one will notice, totals 3/24 backwards, connecting the two deliberately perpetrated oil spills.

Also, March 24 Exxon Valdez, i.e. 3/24, is 4/2/3 backwards. April 20, 2010 is 4/2/3 when you ignore the zeros and total (2+0+1+0) = 3

The producer of the film is David Valdes, for the Exxon Valdez.
Clinton Eastwood's co-star in the film is Bernadette Peters, because her initials are BP, for the BP oil spill.

I tried to get some interest in the John Grisham novel/film The Pelican Brief (BP backwards), which is all about the BP oil rig explosion and spill, and Supreme Court justices, but my post generated not even one response, so I deleted it.

The Pelican Brief is about the Louisiana Brown Pelican (initials BP) and oil, and it features an explosion at the beginning for the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion.

Julia Roberts is in a John Grisham novel for Chief Justice John Roberts.

Julia Roberts, i.e. J. Roberts, for John Roberts.
John Grisham i.e. John G., for Chief Justice John G. Roberts.

In the novel the Pelican Brief, the Chief Justice is named John Runyan... once again John R., for Chief Justice John Roberts.

John Roberts was nominated by Bush on July 19, 2005, thirteen years after the book, and twelve years after the film The Pelican Brief was released. They groom Supreme Court justices decades in advance.

Darby Shaw (Julia Roberts) is twenty-four in the novel, when her lover/law professor is blown up. twenty-four is 4-20 backwards, for the BP oil disaster off the coast of Louisiana scheduled for April 20. The oil spill was said to devastate the Brown Pelican (BP).

The opening scene of the film The Pelican Brief (1993) shows deep water on the horizon, for the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig. The sun is shone setting on the horizon in the opening scene.

see for yourself, if you please:

The Pelican Brief - Opening Title Sequence

There is a lot more to it. I always just give a small overview, to see if anyone is interested. If my posts do not generate a lot of interest or discussion, I will not bother to elaborate in depth.

Returning to Firestarter (1984), notice that whenever Barrymore's character "Charlie" is about to set something on fire, her hair swirls and flies around like a tornado is being whipped up. This is for the "Firenado" associated to the Carr Fire.

Drew Barrymore's mother is played by actress Heather Locklear, and one will notice that the media dredged this 1980's and 1990's star up and fabricated some supposed scandals in the news with her right around the time Mollie was said to have disappeared on July 18. The Carr fire was set on July 23, the day after David Spade's birthday.

David Spade Says He Still Talks to Troubled Ex Heather Locklear: She's in a 'Tough Situation'
July 18, 2018 02:35 PM ... -locklear/

David Spade: Heather Locklear Is in a Tough Situation - Us Weekly ... situation/
Jul 18, 2018 - David Spade Says He and Ex-Girlfriend Heather Locklear Still Speak: She’s in a ‘Tough Situation’

Firestarter (film)

p.s. Patrick, the man whom they claim last saw Mollie Tibbetts jogging was interviewed on his porch, and they made sure to have the 317 house number visible in the shot for St. Patrick's Day March 17, (and Patrick Swayze, whose girlfriend is Molly in Ghost), and Mollie's boyfriend alleges that he last saw her on July 16, the anniversary of the Trinity Atomic Test, only days before the Carr Fire in Trinity County, CA.

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