In defense of our Archbishop Tikhon...

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Re: In defense of our Archbishop Tikhon...

Post by Barbara »

Right. "Bishop" Andrei [Erastov] - not to be confused with other Bishops of that name, past and present.

I almost looked at rocana the other day but forgot. I figured I wasn't missing too much though I do like the obituaries giving fairly good and thorough life stories of various emigres who repose. The so-called mission in Idaho is in some tiny place of which no one has ever heard, and consists of one family - so far. Of course, one cannot mock small beginnings, but there was a bit of overstatement in the Rocana report about this new mission [ presumably for the Rebel Rocana - but maybe they will see the Light - even read Euphrosynos Café Forum - and change their True Orthodox jurisdiction soon.

I will check the link soon. He should not be attacking someone with vastly greater seniority as a Bishop than he, who was consecrated only a year ago or so. Not to mention by whom he was consecrated : clergy who were forbidden to serve by their original hierarch.

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Re: In defense of our Archbishop Tikhon...

Post by Agios_Irineos »

Barbara wrote:

The so-called mission in Idaho is in some tiny place of which no one has ever heard, and consists of one family - so far. Of course, one cannot mock small beginnings, but there was a bit of overstatement in the Rocana report about this new mission [ presumably for the Rebel Rocana - but maybe they will see the Light - even read Euphrosynos Café Forum - and change their True Orthodox jurisdiction soon.

Barbara, I know this family in Idaho. I spoke with them when they were in their search, and while I wish they had ended up with us, I would assuredly have blessed the planting of a mission with one faithful family. Referring to it as a "so-called mission" is a very unfair characterization. This family is sincere and dedicated to True Orthodoxy, even if we might have wished that they ended up in a different jurisdiction.

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Re: In defense of our Archbishop Tikhon...

Post by Maria »

I agree with Bishop Irineos.

There was an older woman who constantly attacked Met. Moses of Toronto, but he continued to pray for her and to be kind.

He also encouraged the parishioners to be charitable and "to love your enemies and to pray for them." They did.

When she entered a hospice with incurable cancer, she called Met. Moses and asked him to instruct her in the faith, and the parishioners intensified their prayers for her.

Elizabeth was baptized, chrismated, and communed shortly before she died, and she apologized profusely to all those whom she had offended.

May her memory be eternal.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: In defense of our Archbishop Tikhon...

Post by Barbara »

That's interesting that you spoke with them Bishop Irineos. I am sorry they did not choose to go under your omophorion.

As far as missions, I picture them more like your St Simons Island mission in Georgia, thriving with plenty of people attending Liturgies and inquirers looking into joining. One family sounds so small, especially in a remote rural area as opposed to a major city with a large pool of people who might become interested. Rural Idaho is not usually fertile ground for Orthodoxy, let alone True Orthodoxy. The usual reaction is "What are all those WEIRD Pictures ??" That is said in a pejorative tone, not a joking one.

There is no curiosity, either, to hear the answer and learn. In short, people are closed, especially in Idaho communities where there is a majority of LDs members. I know, because I live here. Farming communities are suspicious of anything new and tend to be ingrown. It's a rather unpropitious place to find many converts.

Whereas in Salt Lake City, Utah, some LDS people have discovered Orthodoxy and converted - to World Orthodoxy mainly.

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