Protestant majority disappearing in the USA

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Post by TomS »

Sean wrote:

I strongly disagree with you brother. For a neophyte to call the very Pillar and Foundation of Truth incapable of standing up to falsehood is utterly absurd, and personally offensive.

But he is not talking about the Church here - he is talking about Orthodoxy operating as the pillar of an effective Nation State.

Sean wrote:

Holy Russia fell as a chastizement from God, because her society was infiltrated by Freemasons and other unsavory influences spawned of the so-called "Renaissance" and "Enlightenment" eras. Peter and Catherine "the Great" both did their share in letting in these anti-Christian elements to undermine Orthodoxy.
In a similar vein, Constantinople fell to the Turks as a chastizement for betraying Orthodoxy at the false Council of Florence.

You are not helping your argument here. In both of these examples Orthodoxy failed to protect the State.

Sean wrote:

The entire reason I said "Thank God for entropy!" when commenting on the demise of protestantism, was to make the point that sectarianism is outside the Church and therefore ultimately subject to a graceless corruption and dissolution. The Church on the other hand will endure, for the gates of hell shall not prevail against Her.

He was not saying that the Church (Othodoxy) fails. He was stating that Protestanism works better for operating in THIS world. Do you not agree with that?

Orthodoxy as contained in the writing of the Saints is all about NOT focusing on THIS world.

I don't understand why you have a problem with what he is saying.

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Post by gphadraig »

Does this mean WASPs are headed for extinction? :lol:

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Post by Sean »

TomS wrote:
Sean wrote:

Holy Russia fell as a chastizement from God, because her society was infiltrated by Freemasons and other unsavory influences spawned of the so-called "Renaissance" and "Enlightenment" eras. Peter and Catherine "the Great" both did their share in letting in these anti-Christian elements to undermine Orthodoxy.
In a similar vein, Constantinople fell to the Turks as a chastizement for betraying Orthodoxy at the false Council of Florence.

You are not helping your argument here. In both of these examples Orthodoxy failed to protect the State.

I am not doubting that the mission of the Church is an otherworldly one, but you ignore the fact that Holy Monarchy was the Christian standard of government up to the end of the Constantinian era, and it endured for well over 1700 years. Furthermore, Orthodoxy did not fail to protect the state. The state failed precisely because it failed to defend Orthodoxy.

TomS wrote:

He was not saying that the Church (Othodoxy) fails. He was stating that Protestanism works better for operating in THIS world. Do you not agree with that? [...] I don't understand why you have a problem with what he is saying.

Just because a system has been effective in its relatively brief history doesn't necessarily mean that it is absolutely needed, and since we're talking about a set of heretical beliefs, why on earth shouldn't I have a problem with what he is saying.
Anyway, I've engaged in this unpleasantness more than I would have liked. Let's just agree to disagree.


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Post by Wheeler »

Protestantism has its faults. It is not apostolic. I know that. But I see things in there that make me blush. There is grace in the Protestant churches but not the fullness of grace.

You know I have been to many an Orthodox church. The young can not quote any scripture whatsoever. They never read the Bible. The adult men know nothing of the hymns of their church.

Protestants do. The Protestant methodology is that all are taught the bible and are made into leaders of the faith. If the minister dies, another takes his place. They can all lead in the Church. There is constant teaching and most of all there is a lot of preaching and teaching from the Old Testament. There is no preaching from the Old Testament in the Orthodox church. Much of the political theology of Protestantism comes from the Old Testament. It says in Scripture to put in on your heart. Protestants do a tremondous job of memorizing scripture. There is no memorization of scripture in the Orthodox church.

Another methodology is that Protestantism relies on reading. They always have taught all of their faithfull to read. Reading is the basis of the Faith. Yet, in Russian Orthodoxy, there was no push to read. Priests did not teach their people to read. Much of the peasantry that went to communism were illiterates. Not so in Protestant countries.

Protestantism engages the faithful in the liturgy and motivates them to Christian living. Not so in Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy has some serious problems. Greek Orthodoxy is simply incompetent to do its job. many of the young go to protestant churches in Florida. Many do not know their faith and have never read the Bible. I have met so many fallen away and pagan Greek Orthodox that it is pitiful. many of the Greek Orthodox I know vote socialist.

It is Protestantism and her preaching that created America and its greatness.

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Post by TomS »

100% on the MONEY, Wheeler!

They say that I am bad news. They say "Stay Away."

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