Bearing false accusations from archimandrites and bishops

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Post by joasia »

Why how interesting I was just thinking about bearing the false accusation from the bishop and you are right I must bear his burden

Well, this is the perfect example of your lack of reality...when did I ever say that you should bear the burden of your bishop? Boy, you really can twist a situation. If you are referring to my signature...then you are completely ignorant of the teaching. Laymen are not in a position to take on the burdens of bishops. The quote is about helping each other in our spiritual struggles. When our brothers and sisters struggle on their path to God, we should be there to pick them up and vise versa. We are not responsible for the decisions the bishops make, but we should pray for their souls. Bearing one anothers burdens, is praying for them, essentially (and helping them succeed in their spiritual struggle)..because we go to the highest authority, GOD, and He is the only one that can make it work.

I bare a fraction of your burden...that fraction is our correspondence...I bare alot more for my family and friends...but, it's still baring it.


Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Post by Olympiada »

Well, this is the perfect example of your lack of reality...when did I ever say that you should bear the burden of your bishop? Boy, you really can twist a situation. If you are referring to my signature...then you are completely ignorant of the teaching. Laymen are not in a position to take on the burdens of bishops. The quote is about helping each other in our spiritual struggles. When our brothers and sisters struggle on their path to God, we should be there to pick them up and vise versa. We are not responsible for the decisions the bishops make, but we should pray for their souls. Bearing one anothers burdens, is praying for them, essentially (and helping them succeed in their spiritual struggle)..because we go to the highest authority, GOD, and He is the only one that can make it work.

Are you finished yet? I am looking forward to the end of this unsatisfying correspondence. You don't know anything about bishops do you? You sure do know how to moralize though. Phew, stinky.
All right I will drop some wisdom, number one, bishops are men, translation, human. Sayonara.

I bare a fraction of your burden...that fraction is our correspondence...I bare alot more for my family and friends...but, it's still baring it.

Um, you bare nothing for me but your own glaring pride.
Good bye.

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Post by joasia »

WHATever. Stop wasting the space here. You don't even have an ounce of wit. Go bore some other website.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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