Which Renderings Of This Prayer Do You Use?

Which rendering do you prefer?

Jordanville (1979)


Jordanville (1996)





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Other (please tell us which one)

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Post by Julianna »

Whatever. :roll:


Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »

Then please, by all means clue me in to what the huge theological differences are. This should be interesting.

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Post by Julianna »

The important question's WHY're they different? WHY'd they add words? WHY'd they subtract words? WHY change the words of the saints?


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Post by Jakub »


I could be a lurker and just sit & watch but I am curious like Paradosis on your reply.

Besides at sunset every evening I wipe my slate clean of bad feelings towards "brethern" and ask forgiveness and hope they do the same.


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Post by Liudmilla »

Words are important...but only in how we use them. We are ultimately responsible for the words that come out of our mouths. However..............Since not all of us are able to use the ORIGINAL words of the prayers written in the language of the composer....(not even you Julianna)... we are left to struggle with translations...some of which were very good, others of which were not so good. Time has provided better translations...hence the differences. Which one of the above you use makes little difference. It is the state of mind and heart --when you utter the prayer -- that counts. Besides I think God understands what you are trying to say.

Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »


Since you believe this issue is so important, and since others apparently don't see what the big deal is, would you please answer the questions you brought up so we can understand why this is important?

WHY're they different? WHY'd they add words? WHY'd they subtract words? WHY change the words of the saints

Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »


Saint Gregory the Theologian said of Saint Athanasius:

He conferred in his gentle and sympathetic way with both parties, and after he had carefully weighed the meaning of their expressions, and found that they had the same sense, and were in nowise different in doctrine, by permitting each party to use its own terms, he bound them together in unity of action. - Oration 21, 35

This is where I am coming from. I am not saying that words are unimportant. What I am saying is that when we mean the same thing, we shouldn't be so picky about using what we think is the "proper" translation. And unless we are using koine Greek or Aramaic, we are using translations most times (for things like the Lord's Prayer). As St. Gregory says elsehwere, we:

should have been looking, not so much at the terms used, as at the thoughts they were meant to convey. - Oration 32, 24

Although I am unable to locate the quote at the moment, Gregory says something that addresses exactly what is being discussed here (it's a more direct affirmation of the principle seen in the practical situation with Saint Athanasius described above). St. Gregory essentially says: if we agree in content, who cares if we disagree in the particular terms?

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