Missing Prayers

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Post by Mousethief »

With my priest's permission, I made a cassette tape of myself saying the prayers and if I don't say prayers before the icons at home, I play the tape in the car on the way to work (there is an icon on my dashboard so I'm in front of at least one icon!).

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Post by Alyosha »

It's a great struggle for me too, especially because I'm so not a morning person. I told my priest that I end up reading the morning prayers on the bus on my way to work and he said it's okay. And then he told me how he saw a lot of people on the subway in Moscow reading the Psalter, etc. It was comforting. Still, the struggle remains.

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My situation

Post by Xenia1 »

I work at a Protestant high school, and we are expected to attend staff devotions half an hour before school starts. These devotions are very "Protestant" and were not profitable for me, so I decided to quit attending them and spend the half hour at home, saying my beautiful Orthodox prayers instead. This is much better and has caused no ripples at work... well, at least not many. They don't want to ask!

Anyway, now that I have time I am doing a much better job keeping my prayer rule. Of course, I always had time.....


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