Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by Maria »

jgress wrote:

In 1983, the Old Calendarists celebrated Pascha on April 25, but the New Calendarists on May 08. Do you see what I'm getting at now?

Pascha must always fall on the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox. Of course, this calculation will depend on when you believe the vernal equinox is. That is always March 21 on whichever calendar you use, but the calendars differ on which day to assign March 21. The New Calendarists chose to align their March 21 with the Gregorian reckoning, but then they continue to celebrate Pascha with the Old Calendarists. But this means that, according to their own reckoning, Pascha can now fall as late as May 08, and simultaneously can never fall before April 4, i.e. it is no longer always on the first Sunday after the full moon on or after the vernal equinox. The disruptions to the Typicon are well known, e.g. St George's often now falls well before Pascha, even though the service for the Great Martyr is filled with references to Paschal joy, which are inappropriate during Lent and Holy Week. But even aside from this, this mixed calendar violates the injunctions of the Council of Nicea.

In principle, the Church as a whole might decide to change the day She assigns to be the vernal equinox. But Local Churches can't do this on their own, as the State Churches of Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, etc have done.

Doesn't only one New Calendarist jurisdiction (Finland) always celebrated Pascha with the Western Churches?

While all of the New Calendarists in the USA (for example, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and Antiochians) calculate Pascha using the Old Calendar they observe the New Calendar feast days. For example, next year Pascha falls on April 15, 2012, but the Finnish Orthodox Church and Western Christians will celebrate Easter on April 08, 2012, one week earlier. However, even though both the GOC and the Antiochians celebrate April 15 as the Pascha, the GOC will commemorate Venerable Titus while the Antiochians will commemorate Aristoarch and Pudens (of 70), St. Leonidas of Athens, and Martyr Sabbas the Goth (a 13 days difference).

I guess a better example is Christmas. Both the Finnish, the Greek Orthodox Church of America, and the Antiochians will celebrate Christmas Day on December 25, 2011, while the GOC will celebrate the Nativity of the Lord on January 7, 2012.

The MP and Serbians, although both follow the Old Calendar, are in communion with the EP. So, it is not only the Old Calendar which distinguishes churches, but who is in communion with whom as the GOC is not in communion with the EP, GOARCH, OCA, Antiochians, or the MP.

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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by jgress »

The point is that the New Calendarists celebrate Pascha later than the Typicon permits. The Finns along with the West celebrate it earlier than is permitted.

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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by StephenS »

I have always understood that there is the Church calendar, the papal calendar and the modified papal calendar introduced in 1924. In my many travels to Greece I always insisted on referring to the Church calendar, as it is neither Old nor been overtaken save by innovators.

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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by Barbara »

Where have you visited in Greece ??
Where do you especially like ?
Maybe you could tell us about your pilgrimages or whatever on a separate thread ?
Welcome here, you sound new also.
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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by StephenS »

I visited Churches and Monasteries mainly in Southern Greece, Aegina, the Cyclades and Crete. They included both those holding to the Church calendar and the amended papal calendar. Everywhere my adherence to the Church calendar was stated, quite vigorously by my Greek companions. Never was challenged or adverse comment made. In the Patriarchate of Alexandria convent I even found a picture of the miraculous appearance of the Cross above a faithful Church in 1924.

My association with Greece goes back to my father who was involved in the smuggling of agents and arms during the First German occupation (as opposed to the present Merkel gaulietership).

Anyway, enough of me. The topic is a vital one, with the issues running far deeper than calendars, supposed canonicity or numbers.

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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by Matthew »

Welcome Stephen!

I think most Greeks in the New Calendarist churches in Greece and certainly in the Diaspora (who tend to be much more traditional anyways than Greeks in the homeland) have a certain respect for anyone who tries to hold to the Old Ways, such as the calendar even if they don't personally do so. I know that at Esphigmenou a great amount of their financial support and pilgrims come from the New Calendarists who are against ecumenism and the rapprochement of the World Orthodox hierarchs and clergy with the confessions of the West. Perhaps there is some hope for a partial salvaging of the New Calendarists in the future--especially if a holy and righteous TOC Czar arises in Russia to oppose the godless NWO and who purges the Russian land of the false Orthodox MP and reinstates the TOC catacomb church as the official Church of Holy Rus. May God grant that day to come.


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Re: Why do we follow the Old Orthodox Calendar

Post by StephenS »


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