What are the reasons that women wear a headcovering?

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Re: What are the reasons that women wear a headcovering?

Post by Matthew »

The modernist Pseudodox of the EP and MP (who commune with their spiritual kin in the WCC [Wiccan Council of Condemned heretics]) reject the commandment that women be veiled in prayer (as all heterodox modernists do) because they refuse and hate the submission to the divine order of The Father, The Son, the man, and then the woman. They know that the head covering is an acknowledgement of this order of authority in the created order under God and that the female sex is equal in value but differs in role and place of order. Hence, to justify themselves they resent women who maintain this ancient faith and order and would rather malign these holy women who follow the example of simplicity and humility and obedience of the Mother of God, than to admit their rebellion and pride.

Just as men would be greatly rude and insulting to God and the faithful of a parish to walk into the divine liturgy with a baseball cap on and refuse to remove it, so also is the woman who refuses to cover her head in the same setting. Men also have their own obedience in this matter, and yet no one challenges it. If these feminist "Orthodox" want "Equality" then they should champion either the wearing of the head covering for women and the non-head covering for men (that both should show submission in this matter) OR they should demand we all dispense with both commandments for men and women. However, because they only champion the rights of women, they no longer fight for women's equality, but rather for women's Superiority! Why? Because even in the Ecumenist Orthodox parishes around the world the man must STILL submit to Christ as head by uncovering his head in Church and when at prayer, but the women now (if the Ortho-Fems continue to get their way, will continue to be allowed to do whatever they want, whether at home cooking or at Church or monastery in prayer.

Here are things as they presently stand: If she wants to wear a veil, she can wear a veil. If she wants to pray bear-headed, she can do that. The woman can do whatever she wants. But the man must not wear a hat in church! What a rude shock if he does that. No parish would be afraid to ask the man to uncover his head upon entering if he failed to do so in any of those parishes. So, the Ortho-Feminists have succeeded in raising women of the New Caledarist churches ABOVE men! This is actually and truly the OPPOSITE of what Saint Paul teaches as being the reason for this apostolic and universal ordinance. How they show themselves to be heretics daily!

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Re: What are the reasons that women wear a headcovering?

Post by Maria »

Icxypion wrote:

The modernist Pseudodox of the EP and MP (who commune with their spiritual kin in the WCC [Wiccan Council of Condemned heretics]) reject the commandment that women be veiled in prayer (as all heterodox modernists do) because they refuse and hate the submission to the divine order of The Father, The Son, the man, and then the woman. They know that the head covering is an acknowledgement of this order of authority in the created order under God and that the female sex is equal in value but differs in role and place of order. Hence, to justify themselves they resent women who maintain this ancient faith and order and would rather malign these holy women who follow the example of simplicity and humility and obedience of the Mother of God, than to admit their rebellion and pride.

Just as men would be greatly rude and insulting to God and the faithful of a parish to walk into the divine liturgy with a baseball cap on and refuse to remove it, so also is the woman who refuses to cover her head in the same setting. Men also have their own obedience in this matter, and yet no one challenges it. If these feminist "Orthodox" want "Equality" then they should champion either the wearing of the head covering for women and the non-head covering for men (that both should show submission in this matter) OR they should demand we all dispense with both commandments for men and women. However, because they only champion the rights of women, they no longer fight for women's equality, but rather for women's Superiority! Why? Because even in the Ecumenist Orthodox parishes around the world the man must STILL submit to Christ as head by uncovering his head in Church and when at prayer, but the women now (if the Ortho-Fems continue to get their way, will continue to be allowed to do whatever they want, whether at home cooking or at Church or monastery in prayer.

Here are things as they presently stand: If she wants to wear a veil, she can wear a veil. If she wants to pray bear-headed, she can do that. The woman can do whatever she wants. But the man must not wear a hat in church! What a rude shock if he does that. No parish would be afraid to ask the man to uncover his head upon entering if he failed to do so in any of those parishes. So, the Ortho-Feminists have succeeded in raising women of the New Caledarist churches ABOVE men! This is actually and truly the OPPOSITE of what Saint Paul teaches as being the reason for this apostolic and universal ordinance. How they show themselves to be heretics daily!

I started a new thread to discuss our clergy and their use of "hats" during Holy Services.
http://www.euphrosynoscafe.com/forum/vi ... f=4&t=9797

How have Orthodox feminists succeeded in raising women of the New Calendarist churches above men?
I do understand that feminists have succeeded in weakening the male role, in that some men are afraid to be men.

For instance, rarely do we see men opening car doors for women as women have been known to complain when men try to help them. More and more frequently, women are certainly not acting like ladies, so it is not surprising that men are not treating women with respect.

However, I have noticed that whenever I wear a long skirt outside to the market, men bow their head in respect. I think these men are Antiochian Orthodox or Oriental Orthodox (Coptics).
And when I used to attend a New Calendarist church back in Spring 2011 and wore a head covering with a modest dress, men would also bow their head in respect.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: What are the reasons that women wear a headcovering?

Post by Matthew »

Maria wrote:

How have Orthodox feminists succeeded in raising women of the New Calendarist churches above men?

Forgive me, I thought it was understood from what I said. The one who has fewer restrictions is the higher and greater. Men have to take off their hats in Church because Christ is their head. Women must wear a veil because the man is the head of the woman, as the apostle says. But if this second commandment for the woman is overthrown such that she can do whatever she pleases in this regard, but the first commandment that the man be uncovered in reverence for Christ as his head is still in force and he must submit, then clearly, this arrangement sets the status of the woman ABOVE the status of the man.

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Re: What are the reasons that women wear a headcovering?

Post by jgress »

This is very good:

http://orthodoxinfo.com/praxis/saint-gr ... bride.aspx

This quote in particular impressed me, as it seems quite ahead of its time (or not, perhaps!):

You must respect him and love him unconditionally, as you love God. Be aware that you are a woman and you have an important and great purpose and destiny; however, your purpose and destiny is different than that of your husband who must be the head of your household. Set aside the silliness of equality among the sexes, that some of your contemporaries preach, and attempt to comprehend the obligations of marriage. In the realization of these obligations you will discover the great patience and endurance that is necessary to fulfill your family duties; it is in this manner that you will also discover the great strength that you as a woman possess.

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