... et-encore/
C'est un grand "collaborateur" de Bergoglio alias Francis.
Richard Williamson et pas une fin
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Richard Williamson et pas une fin
- Maria
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Re: Richard Williamson et pas une fin
From the link posted by Father Nilos:
L’analyse de Mgr est humaine et naturaliste, même si le vocabulaire employé est là pour tromper les fidèles afin qu’ils ne sortent pas du dogme williamsonnien principal, à savoir repousser à tout prix toute idée d’ecclésia-vacantisme (on notera la malice de Mgr qui se garde bien de parler de « sédévacantisme » !!! hommage du “vice” à la vertu ???…) sous couvert d’un pharisaïsme qui serait de mauvais aloi vis à vis de nos frères supposés être restés catholiques même s’ils ont adhéré depuis des lustres à la nouvelle église œcuménique de Vatican II et en acceptent les pratiques cultuelles à la fois rituelles et apologétiques. En ce domaine, un vrai catholique prendra toujours bien soin de distinguer le for interne du for externe et appliquera cette distinction à tout jugement que chaque chrétien a le devoir d’exercer vis à vis du témoignage externe et public de la foi.
Le premier paragraphe de Mgr est un petit chef-d’œuvre de sophistique à lui tout seul. Jouer au tordu pour manifester son agilité et sa brillance intellectuelle est un petit jeu auquel, depuis belle lurette, Mgr nous avait accoutumé. Et ça commence très fort !
Soucieux de toujours retomber sur ses pieds, quelles que soient les énormités dont il nous gratifie, Mgr se fait le guide de “ses” prêtres en leur recommandant de ne pas systématiquement (= à temps et à contretemps) de ne pas interdire (quelle horreur !) à leurs ouailles d’assister à la synaxe (l’on doit bannir le mot de Messe pour un tel acte cultuel) de la secte Conciliaire.
Mgr commence par une étrange banalité que je qualifierai d’évidence “façon porte ouverte” (la synaxe est « l’acte cultuel central de la fausse religion anthropocentrique ») pour ensuite nous gratifier d’une incongruité dont il a le secret.
Translation of the paragraph in bold:
Anxious to always land on his feet, whatever the enormities of which he tells us, this bishop guides "his" priests recommending them not to systematically -- in season and out -- not to prohibit (what horror!) their flocks to attend the synaxis [Novus Ordo Mass] (one must banish the word Mass for such an act of worship) of the Conciliar [VatIcan II] sect.
Bishop Williamson, who was dismissed from the SSPX, continues to speak very maliciously of the sedevacantists while at the same time, he states that one should only attend Traditional Latin Masses and should never attend the Novus Ordo Mass (New Order Mass or NO Mass). Then he states that if there is no Latin Mass available, then it is okay to attend the NO Mass. He has already said that Traditional Catholics can attend the NO Mass at funerals and at weddings out of respect for their friends and relatives. Now, however, he speaks out of both ends of his mouth! And allows or even recommends that his faithful can attend the NO Mass for the salvation of their souls when the TLM is not available in their area. What are Traditional Catholics to think? What course of action should they take?
If the SSPX is going into union with Francis, and the Novus Ordo is totally under Francis' control, then why stay with WIlliamson who is now telling people to avoid the sedevacantist and the SSPX, but to attend the Novus Ordo when there is no Traditional Latin Mass in their area? Since the Novus Ordo comes from the Lutherans (see the 1904 Lutheran Hymnal), it is Protestant. Why is Willilamson telling Traditional Catholics to attend a Protestant Liturgy?
With Bishop Williamson telling his "flock" that he cannot serve as a regular Bishop, that the Resistance is not a regular diocese, and with his commemoration of Francis during his own "Masses," what are Traditionalist Resistance Catholics to think?
Indeed, the only other option for Traditional Catholics is to look East, join the Traditional True Orthodox Christians, and be done with the ambiguity and lies of Rome, the SSPX, Williamson, and of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople who so desperately wants unity with Rome.
In fact, most True Orthodox Christians already realize that communion has already been established between Rome and the Vatican back in 1965 when the EP and Paul VI lifted the anathemas of 1054 A.D. That is why the EP and the Pope celebrate Vespers together every year on the feast days of St. Andrew (at Constantinople) and Sts. Peter and Paul (at the Vatican).
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.
Re: Richard Williamson et pas une fin
Maria wrote :
With Bishop Williamson telling his "flock" that he cannot serve as a regular Bishop, that the Resistance is not a regular diocese, and with his commemoration of Francis during his own "Masses," what are Traditionalist Resistance Catholics to think?
This all is indeed shocking ! What a volte-face. Bishop Williamson formerly spoke out forcefully. Why on earth is he crumbling ?? Could he have been poisoned by agents of Francis ?
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Re: Richard Williamson et pas une fin
Richard Williamson, this esoteriste Rosicrucian, is a cunning coworker of Bergoglio.
- Maria
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Re: Richard Williamson et pas une fin
Archimandrit Nilos wrote:Richard Williamson, this esoteriste Rosicrucian, is a cunning coworker of Bergoglio.
Is there proof that Bishop WIliamson is a Rosicrucian or was formerly a Rosicrucian?
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.
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Re: Richard Williamson et pas une fin
Here can you see different proofs. ... ctator.htm