Novelties of Kyrikos: Re-Baptising all Baptized Orthodox Christians

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Novelties of Kyrikos: Re-Baptising all Baptized Orthodox Christians

Post by Maria » ... baptismeng

  • When Bp. Kirykos receives New Calendarists, ...

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Re: Novelties of Kyrikos: Re-Baptising all Baptized Orthodox Christians

Post by Agios_Irineos »

Maria wrote: ... baptismeng

  • When Bp. Kirykos receives New Calendarists, ...

Thank you for sharing this Maria!

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Re: Novelties of Kyrikos: Re-Baptising all Baptized Orthodox Christians

Post by Barbara »

Now I see why the newest Kyrikite hierarch, Met. Seraphim of Mt Lebanon and Exarch of all Phoenicia, had to undergo the full triple immersion baptism again before being taken through the clerical ranks. I was
wondering why that was necessary coming from a True Orthodox jurisdiction, albeit a more liberal one.
This is a succinct answer. Thanks, Maria. You are surely quick on the draw !

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Re: Novelties of Kyrikos: Re-Baptising all Baptized Orthodox Christians

Post by khomes »

the different uses of ekonomia or akrivia does not mean a "novelty". In times past various heretics were received by ekonomia who today none of us would consider taking in other than by akrivia. the use of ekonomia and akrivia is up to the bishop of course within limits. it is better to err on the side of caution and use akrivia than to be careless or reckless and use ekonomia. St. John Chrysostom says that the abuse of ekonomia becomes outside the law/ lawless. use of ekonomia in many cases gives a misunderstanding that we accept the baptisms of heretics. since we believe that only the one church has true baptism, we can take people in by baptism even if they might have had the correct form. though, in theory, if they had the correct form, we can use ekonomia, though it doesnt meant that we have to use ekonomia. we still use and have used ekonomia in some cases, though our "norm" is akrivia as it should be. This is not, therefore agaisnt the actions of St. Matthew as he used ekonomia back then. this is up to the Bishop. this goes to the center of the confession of faith really. is ekonomia used because we believe that the baptisms of the new calendarists or various OC schismatics are valid? do we believe that they are actual orthodox Christians? no, because there are no Christians outside the true church and there is no baptism outside the true church.

I was baptised into the Genuine Orthodox Church with the name Matthew on March 1 2016

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Re: Novelties of Kyrikos: Re-Baptising all Baptized Orthodox Christians

Post by RaphaCam »

When one is received into Orthodoxy by chrismation, is the redemption of sins considered to have taken place in the Heterodox baptism or in the Orthodox chrismation?

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Re: Novelties of Kyrikos: Re-Baptising all Baptized Orthodox Christians

Post by Maria »

RaphaCam wrote:

When one is received into Orthodoxy by chrismation, is the redemption of sins considered to have taken place in the Heterodox baptism or in the Orthodox chrismation?

If a person is received by Holy Chrismation in the Genuine Orthodox Church, then this is only because the correct Orthodox form was originally used: Triple immersion of the entire body with the proper words. Chrismation perfects that which was lacking, and so the newly illuminated person is considered to be purified, sanctified, and illuminated, with all their sins forgiven as if they had just emerged from the baptismal waters.

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Re: Novelties of Kyrikos: Re-Baptising all Baptized Orthodox Christians

Post by Isaakos »

The simplest thing would be to receive everybody by conditional baptism.

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