The Homosexual Agenda

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The Homosexual Agenda

Post by Justice »

I believe we as Christians have duty to stand up to the Homosexual agenda plaugeing America today. From the emasculation of boys and men to the disgusting public ceremonies showing two men or two women getting married we have to stand up! To think it all started when they stopped doing prayers in school, that was the first big step right there and replaced it with Darwinism. I suppose since Darwinism taught us that "it's natural" that gave them the courage to start protesting "it's just love" and now they're attacking Christian society as we know it trying to opress us with their ungodly ways, And I always ask myself, why can they say why they think Homosexuality is right but when a Christian steps up to the plates and tries to counter he/she is immediately silenced! I truly believe that TRUE Christians are the most hated group in America at this point. If you even try tell anybody one the street the Christian point of view they deem you a horrible person.

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Re: The Homosexual Agenda

Post by Barbara »

Absolutely right, Justice. Please pray for all this evil to go away.
I believe homosexuals are chock full of possessing demons. Then these demons try to entice more people into their fold.
That's why the homosexuals don't just keep to themselves. They push their insult to God onto the normal people in order to gain acceptance and to assuage their deep awareness that they are doing evil. Uncomfortable with that, they have to harp on all this awful stuff over and over. Why is it that only their repulsive voice is heard in the media ??

All monotheistic religions are against this unspeakable darkness But NEVER does one read an article by someone even non-Christian but having the same idea against the takeover of society by homosexuals. These are not allowed. I bet that the ridiculously-named Huffington Post doesn't permit such ideas to be published on its site, even by someone not Christian. It's not tolerated.

God has to intervene to change this highly alarming situation.

At the library, I glanced at the name tag of a new employee checking books out. I cringed to see it read that popularly used evil acronym for all the perverts put together ! What on earth is this flaunting of their aberrations ? Children as well as adults have to be confronted with this as they check out their library materials. I supposed it was some sort of 'equal opportunity' bid.
I noted the extra-short haircut on that woman only too late.

I will make sure to avoid that staff member like the plague in the future. But how many others are lurking around all over ???

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Re: The Homosexual Agenda

Post by Justice »

Thank you for your excellent response Barbra,

Not only that they're starting to teach kids about this with Children's books such as Daddy's Roommate and Heather Has Two Mommies!

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Re: The Homosexual Agenda

Post by Maria »

California mandates the teaching of "homosexual studies" starting in Kindergarten.

As California goes, so goes the nation because Pearson, which is the largest producer of text books and which has a monopoly on testing students (hint: SAT, GRE, etc.), also publishes California texts for the entire nation. This monopoly is insidious.

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Re: The Homosexual Agenda

Post by Barbara »

Eww, I felt a wave of nausea when I saw the 2 titles of those children's books mentioned by Justice. FRIGHTENING !

Likewise, Maria's information. Are any groups speaking out against the Pearson textbooks ?

Homosexual studies from Kindergarten ?? That is all the more reason to set up Orthodox schools which provide a viable alternative to the public system.

P.S. I felt that same sick feeling when a headline appeared yesterday about tom hanks. A glance at his picture made me recall Cyprian's warning about him - and all the rest. Just seeing their faces in the news constitutes pollution for a spiritual person.
I hope you don't attend these nightmare movies, Justice ! They are all bad ; none are tame. Sitting and watching some creep like this perform makes the viewer tune in with that actor or actress. It's not worth it to know all about the latest movie release so as to be able to speak with one's peer group. Better to say "I never saw that film and I won't go to any of the trash put out by Hollywood."

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Re: The Homosexual Agenda

Post by Barbara »

Has anyone seen this symbol around ? It is a fish with the rainbow-homosexual-colors inside.
Presumably, a Christian who is also homosexual - not that any of us believe that could exist.
For I saw one on the back of a car at an OfficeMax. Then a man was wandering around who made me feel distinctly uncomfortable. He just gave me the creeps ; I could tell there was something different - NOT GOOD - about him. He didn't look or act like people from Idaho.
He kept pacing back and forth, looking around for seemingly nothing in particular. Finally he disappeared. A minute later, I left. When I saw that the car with the sticker was gone, I figured it must have been this man's. Then I realized why I had reacted that way. Strange, as Tsar Nicholas Pavlovich would say. [ See Hieroschemamonk St Feofil thread to understand the reference. ... 14&t=11907]

Just thought I would check if this sticker is some new trend or it was an isolated example ? I noted this particular one
was brand new, unlike those which have been on cars for some time.

Last edited by Barbara on Sun 28 May 2017 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Homosexual Agenda

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Has anyone seen this symbol around ? It is a fish with the rainbow-homosexual-colors inside.
Presumably, a Christian who is also homosexual - not that any of us believe that could exist.
For I saw one on the back of a car at an OfficeMax. Then a man was wandering around who made me feel distinctly uncomfortable. He just gave me the creeps ; I could tell there was something different - NOT GOOD - about him. He didn't look or act like people from Idaho.
He kept pacing back and forth, looking around for seemingly nothing in particular. Finally he disappeared. A minute later, I left. When I saw that the car with the sticker was gone, I figured it must have been this man's. Then I realized why I had reacted that way. Strange, as Tsar Nicholas Pavlovich would say. [ See Hieroschemamonk St Feofil thread to understand the reference. ]

Just thought I would check if this sticker is some new trend or it was an isolated example ? I noted this particular one
was brand new, unlike those which have been on cars for some time.

No, I have not seen this type of homosexual rainbow fish bumper sticker. However, I have seen the evolving fish, which pokes fun of the Christian fish.

Could you do an internet search to see if there is an image you could post or link here? That would help.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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