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Christianity and Platonism

Posted: Sat 2 September 2017 6:02 pm
by Justice

Ive been hearing recently that Platonism has had influence over Christianity and st. Augustine was very much influenced by it. I'll give a link to the wikipedia page on Platonism. In short, my question is what's the Orthodox perspective on this?

Re: Christianity and Platonism

Posted: Mon 4 September 2017 5:53 pm
by d9popov

Several Platonic or Platonic-inspired doctrines were anathematized by the Fifth Ecumenical Council. Several saints had a high regard for Plato as a sincere seeker of truth and believed that he would receive mercy from God in eternity. Western scholars sometimes exaggerate Platonic influence on the Greek Church Fathers. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, served the Church in explaining to the Latin Church that Donatism and Pelagianism were heresies, but he made some series mistakes. Two were that he allowed his Manichean and Platonic background to influence his thought and writings as a bishop in the Church. Saint Vincent of Lerins, Saint John Cassian, and a major western synod opposed Augustine on some of his teaching. Augustine is not followed as a dogmatic authority in the Orthodox Church.