U.S. Military Mind Control: Syphilis, Lyme Disease, Schizophrenia, and MK Ultra

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U.S. Military Mind Control: Syphilis, Lyme Disease, Schizophrenia, and MK Ultra

Post by Maria »

It appears that the U.S. Military, which worked with Nazis during and after World War 2 to develop mind control drugs, has been involved with a lot of biological, mental, mind-control, and pharmaceutical experiments.

We know about the U.S. Air Force and their attempt to control weather as war through weather modification. When aircraft under military control spray lithium into the atmosphere, it can not only dry up clouds and create explosive fire tornadoes and fire storms, just like magnesium, but lithium also disables people with excruciating stomach cramps, headaches, mental confusion, toxicity, and muscle aches. Thus lithium is a chemical weapon.

Looking at other agents used by the U.S. Military, the biological sphere is nefarious, especially that of syphilis and Lyme disease, which are related diseases because they are caused by the same family of microorganisms, the spirochete, which can change forms in the victim such as changing into a biomass, to mask detection. Both syphilis and Lyme Disease cause an end-stage mental illness in which victims, if not hospitalized, can engage in mass murders or genocide. We know the military also infected Black prisoners in Tallahassee with Syphilis and left them untreated for decades. This is a crime against humanity.

Looking at all these mass shootings we have recently experienced, one must wonder if some of these mass murderers were victims of either syphilis, Lyme disease, pharmaceutical control, or MK Ultra Mind Control.

This Military-Industrial Complex is wicked.

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Re: U.S. Military Mind Control: Syphilis, Lyme Disease, Schizophrenia, and MK Ultra

Post by Barbara »

Eww, I had no idea about the connection between those diseases. Terrible !

I think that the plan is to get most of the American population mentally deficient so that people can not reason or think well ; thus all the easier to take full control of the population and force unpopular measures on them.

So through every means possible, they will work to meet this goal.

Did we discuss about lithium before as prescribed for mental problems like depression ? I think I remember writing about a girl I knew, a family friend, who was taking that from adolescence onwards. Otherwise I would NEVER have heard of lithium, except for battery cells !

So if it is the same chemical lithium, does that mean the psychiatrists who are doling it out to their patients are furthering the onset of schizophrenia or other mental illnesses throughout society ?

Yes, those dupes who go and do random attacks - which are then covered to the nth degree by the media - must be gov. operatives or else trained by the MK-Ultra program from young days.

In the days of the Order of the Assassins, primarily in northern Iran [ Alamut was their famous citadel ] and Syria, at least these young men were given specific assignments to kill one particular enemy of Hassan al-Sabah, the Order's founder and leader.
They were given hashish and brainwashed and sent ou on their missions. But never to shoot randomly in a crowd like today's much more notorious pattern launched by the US, Is not real and Britain together probably.
Just even knowing that the Assassins were out there lurking struck fear in the hearts of ALL political and cultural figures throughout the Middle East. But common people, unlike the civilians of today, had nothing to fear.

Of course, the Assassins were given a very bad name by first Marco Polo, who traveled through Iran on his way to the court of Kublai Khan in the region of China. From then on, European historians made them out to be dastardly, probably embroidering some details to make the stories more shocking to Western audiences.

But that, bad as it was, was nothing so evil as the system Maria described above, practiced by - yes, the descendants of those same Westerners who pointed the finger at some one else, always from a little understood region of the world, just as today. Even this very day, [ Beheading of St John the Baptist on the Church Calendar ] being the anniversary of the attacks in New York, is a reminder of how that dynamic has been honed to a fine art by the Is not realis and their dupes. Do the evil deed themself or have it done by proxy characters. Then with the speed of lightning, assign blame to some fake 'bad people' with no evidence whatsoever to back up the assertion. The enemy is really only themselves.

By the way, Maria, you wrote that the US Military worked with Third Reich German officials DURING WW2 ? Do you mean German prisoners of war ?
Some high ranking Nazis were captured, their deaths faked, and the men spirited it off to the US for assistance in various ways.

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Re: U.S. Military Mind Control: Syphilis, Lyme Disease, Schizophrenia, and MK Ultra

Post by Maria »

Below is a short video that exposes the CIA's MK-Ultra program, especially found in the musical and acting professions in Hollywood.

Beware - some scenes are sexually suggestive, but this is part of the MK-Ultra program, where people are sexually tortured until their personality fractures into multiple personality. This enables the CIA and elite-handlers to continue the sexual abuse because all inhibitions have been removed.

The latest MK-Ultra victim is most likely TAYLOR SWIFT who suddenly now supports Democrats.
How convenient! Her CIA/Deep State handler probably told her to speak out in favor of Democrats.

Look at Taylor's picture below (on the left). Notice that her left eye is partially closed while the other is wide open?
This is one of the six signs of being an MK-Ultra victim. Notice too, the vacant stare that she has?
Taylor is under control. As MK-Ultra victims mature, they often become handlers for the younger MK-Ultras.

Marsha Blackburn, the Republican candidate, has normal eyes. Neither one is smaller than the other.


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