Concerning the GOCs encyclical against Old Calendar Ecumenism

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Concerning the GOCs encyclical against Old Calendar Ecumenism

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

From the point of view of the GOC of Arch. Stephanos, all the Acacian bishops from 1960 on are schismatics and thus should be called by the title, Mr. or Doctor (if they have a PHD

Referring to the schism and the goc-s does the 1983 encyclical have any thing to do with it , or is it still enforced by the goc-s ?

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Re: Concerning the GOC encyclical against Old Calendar Ecumenism

Post by Maria »

I am starting a new thread for your question as I am not sure to which 1983 encyclical you refer.

Was this discussed in Father Stephen Fraser's book? Archbishop Stephen only recently ascended the throne to become Archbishop of Athens after the repose of Archbishop Nicholas.

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Re: Concerning the GOCs encyclical against Old Calendar Ecumenism

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

Maria wrote:

I am starting a new thread for your question as I am not sure to which 1983 encyclical you refer.

It was protocol number 6/13-7-1983

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Re: Concerning the GOCs encyclical against Old Calendar Ecumenism

Post by Maria »

Orthodox in michigan wrote:
Maria wrote:

I am starting a new thread for your question as I am not sure to which 1983 encyclical you refer.

It was protocol number 6/13-7-1983

Could you kindly copy it here?

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Re: Concerning the GOCs encyclical against Old Calendar Ecumenism

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

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Re: Concerning the GOCs encyclical against Old Calendar Ecumenism

Post by Maria »

Note: I have only copied the original encyclical from the link provided in the post above.
I deliberately removed the unnecessary spurious statement added to this encyclical by the Kirykos faction.
Archbishop Nicholas did not start a schism, instead it was one person, the deposed Kirykos who did so.

And note that this is a translation from the Greek by the Kirykos faction, so it could vary substantially. I would like to see the verified Greek original, but unfortunately, the deposed Metropolitan Kirykos has retained all the synodal documents as he was the GOC Synodal Secretary before his removal from office.

Encyclical of 1983 Against "Old Calendarist Ecumenism"


Protocol Number: 6/13-7-1983

Theme: Condemnation of the so-called "Old Calendarist Ecumenism."

The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Genuine Orthodox Church of Greece in its session of July 13, 1983, addressed the theme of the so-called "Old Calendarist Ecumenism", and took into account:

a) That the so-called "Old Calendarist Ecumenism" teaches an entirely heretical teaching, to wit, that all the groups and factions that follow the old calendar together consist and belong to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ, and it proposes a union of these [factions] according to an ecumenistic perception and not according to the Orthodox Confession and Ecclesiology.

b) That "Old Calendarist Ecumenism" is a fruit and product of antichristian Ecumenism, the pan-heresy of our age, which seeks, through the fractions and divisions and the ecclesiological confusion, to distort the Orthodox Confession – Ecclesiology and to introduce this heretical teaching into the Uninnovated Church, in order to thereby suffocate it.

c) That the age, in which we are going through, is an age of general apostasy and ecclesiological confusion, which was caused by antichristian Ecumenism. Thus, the criticality of these times requires [from us] especially, a continuous way of life in the pure Confession of the Orthodox Faith and in the teachings of the Church of Christ.

d) That "the chosen vessel," the divine Apostle Paul, commands us all: "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood," and continues: "grievous wolves shall enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them." (Acts 20:28-30)

e) That many have arisen, speaking perversely, for the purpose of setting aside the Confession and Ecclesiology of the Holy Church of Christ, and turn against the divine and Sacred Canons and generally against the Holy and Sacred Tradition, by preaching "Old Calendarist Ecumenism" with bared head, and disturbing the assembly of the faithful.

Since "Old Calendarist Ecumenism" is condemned by the consensus of the divine and Sacred Canons and is something foreign and polemical against the Orthodox Confession and Ecclesiology of the Church of Christ, for this reason, together with our Holy and God-bearing Fathers, holding the divine and Sacred Canons in embrace, in the Holy Spirit we decide:

  1. We judge and condemn the so-called “Old Calendarist Ecumenism,” as something foreign to, and incompatible with, the Orthodox Confession and Ecclesiology of the Holy Church of Christ.

2. With one mouth and one heart we confess and preach that the Genuine Orthodox Church, which for reasons of discernment is called "uninnovated" or "Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians," is the continuation of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ, from which [the following] were torn off: firstly, the innovated new calendarist church, through the introduction of the condemned papist innovation [of the calendar], by which Ecumenism entered in 1924; and secondly, the various old calendarist schisms, which were created by their distortion of the Confession – Ecclesiology of the uninnovated Holy Church of Christ.

3. This Orthodox Confession – Ecclesiology was printed and preached since 1924, and was Synodically preached in the historic year of 1935. We also keep it, preach it and confess it.

  1. With one voice we disapprove and remove any expressions or publications which, regardless of what context or by whom they were written, are unacceptable from an Orthodox perspective and are foreign to the Orthodox Confession and Ecclesiology, and we order that from now on, anything contradictory, whether it be due to carelessness or through human weakness, we regard it as having not been written.

In the year of salvation 1983, on July the 13th (old calendar).

The President:

  • ANDREW of Athens and all Greece

The Members:

  • GREGORY of Messenia
  • MATTHEW of Megaris
  • LAZARUS of Bresthena
  • PACHOMIUS of Argolis
  • THEODOSIUS of Phthiotis
  • TITUS of Kozane

The Chief Secretary

  • Hieromonk Kirykos (Kontogiannis)

(a) Since this was written in 1983, the Synod of Archbishop Kallinikos has been trying to unify all the schismatic groups that call themselves Old Calendar Orthodox or TOCs. In fact, in 2014, Archbishop Kallinikos and his synod have already unified with the Synod in Resistance and have joined in communion with Archbishop Agafangel.

The GOC under Archbishop Stephanos has recently issued an encyclical denying that it is seeking to unify with the Synod of Archbishop Kallinikos. Rumors started by the Kirykos faction finally reached a boiling point where the GOC had to speak out against them. ... 323466.pdf

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Re: Concerning the GOCs encyclical against Old Calendar Ecumenism

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

Are there any articles on nftu or is any one here aware of why the two bishops left the goc-s for the toc-k or what lead up to their departure?

Did they leave any written statements of was is conflict of personality or reasons of faith?

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