Ija Schmit reposed but why Rocana falsified the news ?

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Ija Schmit reposed but why Rocana falsified the news ?

Post by Barbara »

I went to look at the Rocana website to see that link mentioned when I came across the obituary of "Ija Dimitievna".
The minute I saw that she was born in Latvia, I knew it could only be Ija Schmit, wife of Harvey Schmit. These two were long time supporters of the St John of San Francisco parish in South San Francisco, which used to belong to RTOC. Then it went with Bp Stefan to "Rocana".

This is actually somewhat major news. One of the various reasons is because Ija was the sister of Fr Herman Podmoshensky and as far as I heard, was a supporter of his missionary work.
So it could not have been she who wanted her last name left off. Apparently the Rocana staff were leery to have anyone make the connection betwen their parishioner and the controversial Fr Herman of Platina.

The text of the announcement reads :

"On September 22, 2018 at 5:00 PM, Ija Dmitriyevna reposed at the age of 82. Ija Dmitriyevna was born in Latvia and was an amazing person of deep faith and a great Russian heart. We express our condolences to her spouse, the warden of the Church of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco Foma Petrovich, as well as to her relatives and those for whom the deceased was dear."


Then, I looked at the parish website and Harvey Schmit's name is no longer listed on there as the poster of news. It surely is he that the Rocana editors referred to as "Foma Petrovich", for his father's name must have been Peter.
He is an American convert to Orthodoxy of decades, originally of German Catholic background. Harvey and Ija are/were very dedicated to the ideals of the Old Rocor and notably, they were fervent supporters of the Russian Monarchy.

Ija Schmit was active in the Ladies of the Russian Nobility [not exact name of the organization but something like that]. The two of them deserve far more credit than this truncated obituary ! I will post a little more, which perhaps could go into a public forum ?
That's up to Maria.

Right now, I am pointing out the strange evasive way the obituary, so minimal in content anyway, was worded.

Their daughter Nina, who is married to the owner of a venerable Orthodox bookstore, was not even mentioned specifically ! This employment of vague speech is always a red flag.

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Re: Ija Schmit reposed but why Rocana falsified the news ?

Post by Barbara »

The exact name was the Society Honoring Russian Nobility. Ija Schmit was the foundress of this worthy organization, based in the Burlingame, California area and most likely comprised of ladies belonging to Rocor.

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Re: Ija Schmit reposed but why Rocana falsified the news ?

Post by Maria »

Dear Barbara,

It is good not to speculate about these matters.
If you had not speculated, then this obituary could have been posted in the public forums.

Sometimes, for whatever reason, a woman will change her name, so perhaps before her death, she was not known as Ija Schmit.

Not too long ago, I changed my name legally as a recently deceased nazi operative who was part of Operation Paperclip and who lived next door to me had conspired to have a mentally ill woman consult my doctors and cause confusion in my own medical records as I had never been treated for mental illness.

The medical clerks would accidentally grab her records instead of mine as she came in to see these doctors more frequently, so her medical records were on top of the pile. I would only seek medical attention like once a year if that, so my files were buried in the files. At first the doctors would say, "I see you were here a month ago," and I would shake my head and say, "No, it was at least a year ago." Next, they would question me about my experiences with dangerous psychoactive drugs, like lithium and other drugs, which I said I was not taking. Noticing my alarm, the doctors looked more carefully at the charts. Then they asked me my address, phone number, and birth date. Noticing the discrepancy, they told me to wait a minute while they pulled the correct charts. This same scenario happened repeatedly at my dentist and my eye doctor. Just too weird. This lady not only had my same birthday, but my same name, which only confused the matter.

In addition, somehow the local police began confusing my name with that same crazy woman who had been incarcerated at a local mental hospital and who had an extensive arrest record. Apparently, she could pass as my double, so I began to wonder if she had legally changed her name to match mine.

For some important history, please note that this World War II nazi operative had secretly installed a telephone line that ran from our house to this operative's home during the construction of our homes back in the early 1960s. When my husband-to-be purchased our home back in October of 1979, he had no idea that our phone lines were compromised. In addition, the real estate agent lied in presenting other information to us. Therefore, this nazi operative listened and tape recorded our phone conversations, and knew what doctors I was seeing and when. This operative also arranged a hit on my husband and nearly killed him. The hit man was prosecuted, but got away with murder literally.

Police told us that this nazi hit man was wanted for other hits, but they had not been successful in prosecuting him. Therefore, he got away with a misdemeanor conviction instead of a felony with a plea deal. The police told us that the next felonious assault would be prosecuted as a felony.

Thus when I went before the judge and asked to have my name changed, he asked me why. I declared, "identity theft," and he granted my petition.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Ija Schmit reposed but why Rocana falsified the news ?

Post by Barbara »

Maria !

That is ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING ! How you can sound so calm, I can't imagine, after that dreadful scenario !

I came in to do further research, and confirmed that it is indeed Ija Schmit, and no other. I found the funeral home's obituary which just appeared online. Now we can be sure that there is beating around the bush by Rocana. Perhaps, in all fairness, they will issue a complete obituary and are preparing to do that.

Well I wanted to give her appropriate credit, so if you want, I can revise this, add very interesting material, and post in the public forum. Which one would be right, if so ? Her husband had helped me immeasurably with a wonderful suggestion when I appeared one weekday at their local Rocor Church, so I feel it important to not let the memory fade away.

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Re: Ija Schmit reposed but why Rocana falsified the news ?

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Maria !

That is ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING ! How you can sound so calm, I can't imagine, after that dreadful scenario !

I came in to do further research, and confirmed that it is indeed Ija Schmit, and no other. I found the funeral home's obituary which just appeared online. Now we can be sure that there is beating around the bush by Rocana. Perhaps, in all fairness, they will issue a complete obituary and are preparing to do that.

Well I wanted to give her appropriate credit, so if you want, I can revise this, add very interesting material, and post in the public forum. Which one would be right, if so ? Her husband had helped me immeasurably with a wonderful suggestion when I appeared one weekday at their local Rocor Church, so I feel it important to not let the memory fade away.

Why don't you, then, repost this in the Traditional forum without the speculation. Just post her obituary and warm memories of Ija and her husband.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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