Ukraine's dangerous MetDumenko

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Ukraine's dangerous MetDumenko

Post by Barbara »

While this is old news, I just saw it. Quite sickening !

"The newly-created Ukrainian Church needs to work on softening its views towards the LGBT community and supporting the homosexual community in Ukraine in order to not be like the conservative Russian Church, “Metropolitan” Epiphany Dumenko, the head of Ukraine’s new nationalist church said in a recent phone conversation.

Epiphany was called by Russian pranksters claiming to be David McAllister, a German member of the European Parliament, calling to offer congratulations on his election and support for the future of the new Ukrainian church. Interestingly, the callers spoke in English and Epiphany responded in Russian.

Epiphany told the callers that he was ready for immediate reforms in the church and for working towards softening the church’s stance towards the LGBT community in order to be more like Europe and less like Russia.

“Unfortunately, not all Ukrainians share western tolerance, but without this, you cannot be part of the European family, and the church usually has a conservative position. But you have the opportunity to lead this movement—making Ukraine part of Europe. This is not a question for today, but it should not be delayed,” the pranksters said.

Epiphany responded:

Of course, I am for starting reforms in the church, so there wouldn’t be conservatism, so we would depart from Russian tradition and so the church would be open ... Because we are moving towards Europe, and therefore we should depart from the Russian conservative tradition. The church should be more open, because Russian Orthodoxy is very conservative and far from the people. I have the position that we should be with the people. We should understand their problems.

The Ukrainian nationalist church’s press service later acknowledged that the call had taken place and stated: “During the conversation, Metropolitan Epiphany got a feeling that it was a provocation, so he ended it,” but not before he spoke with the pranksters for at least 15 minutes."

An angry St Nicholas might be giving a warning to the parties who are far out of line here

Russian and other Orthodox Churches everywhere should respond by strengthening their conservative stances on all such topics. Hierarchs should not be quiet. They should announce that clearly so righteous people around the world will not gain any impression from this widely publicized new Ukrainian church faction that the approach of its 1st Metropolitan Epiphanius ( Dumenko ) is representative of today's Orthodox people.

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Re: Ukraine's dangerous MetDumenko

Post by Barbara »

Today is the Synaxis of St John the Baptist, a fierce opponent of libertinism and all the vices in that line.

This puppet-like Metropolitan is due to be consecrated 2 Sundays from now. Watch for some attention-grabbing statements from him in the early weeks of his reign. These statements to the pranksters were a practice for his probable aim to net a few more headlines splashed over the Western media.

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