Americans have become children — demanding, dependent & needy

The resting place of threads that were very valid in 2004, but not so much in 2024. Basically this is a giant historical archive.

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Americans have become children — demanding, dependent & needy

Post by Maria » ... xtinction/

There are multiple factors contributing to the death of adulthood, including the last recession, which has retarded the economic and social progress of millennials. As a cohort, they are living with their parents longer, carrying more debt than the previous generation, and delaying marriage and home-buying. Behind them is Gen Z, which, according to the American Psychological Association, reports the highest levels of stress than any other generation.
This is a world that has lost sight of God, the Holy Virgin Mary, and Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, because in many areas, faith is now illegal, so hope has departed, and love is almost distinguished. Only repentance will save us. Come Lord Jesus, quickly, and save us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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