AbpAnthony[Smirnitsky] of Voronezh

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AbpAnthony[Smirnitsky] of Voronezh

Post by Barbara »

This comes from a Jordanville pamphlet "Great Ascetics of Russia", number 5 in the series. I know I wrote about him somewhere else here, but I'll start another thread.
Archbishop Anthony [yes, one of countless holy figures with this name !] was born in the Poltava region in late 1773 and reposed in his diocese of Voronezh in 1846. While his real last name was Gavrilov, the future prelate received the name Smirnitsky due to his unusual humility.

>> It's a great pity that Abp Anthony's advice was not carried out throughout the land at the time as well as during the difficult decades leading up to the 1917 Russian Revolution :

"Archbishop Anthony also directed his attention to secular educational establishments. It is well known that he once affectionately said to the teaching staff of the high school:

"You are my helpers. Alone I can do nothing.
I am like a man who is put in a high belltower. I call and yell but who will hear me ?

Implant in children the fear of God : teach them to know God, to love Him and zealously pray to Him.

Impress on their hearts holy faith, love for our Orthodox Church and her holy laws, love for the Tsar and homeland.
This is true Christian wealth.""

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