Orthodox Ethos-Fr Peter Heers

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Re: Orthodox Ethos-Fr Peter Heers

Post by eish »

Barbara wrote: Mon 22 April 2024 12:07 am

A third will be killed, 1/3 will be baptized and 1/3 will go into the depths of Turkiye"
[OK, we see that Fr Peter failed geography - he meant the Black Sea. But what is the point of all this, ANYWAY ? Fake elder-Ephraim also prophesied the retaking of Constantinople, though by the Greeks.
Isn't this perennial preoccupation of the Hellenes wildly unrealistic ? The SAME statement, cloaked in different imagery, must have been advanced by "elders" through 6 1/2 centuries !

Has it ever happened ? NO.
Has it ever been close to happening ? No.
Why are today's too-eager converts falling for this delusion, then ??

If on the same level as this extract, Fr Peter's "collected prophecies" stated on that Alex Jones program are loony.
It's embarrassing to hear him spout such sheer nonsense.

Someone else here can analyze better, as Joel and eish have done, but i would sum up by suggesting this idea.
If Fr Peter believes these distorted 'visions', etc., then you can be sure his ability to discern is sorely lacking.
>>>Never place your trust, your money, your property, your spiritual life in such a charlatan !



That is a reference to the prophecy by St. Cosmas the Aetolian. He said that in the war (when Russia captures Constantinople from the Turks to access the strait, and is forced to hand it over to the Greeks' care because they have no other way to hold on to it), one third of the Turks will be killed, one third converted, and one third driven to The Red Apple. The Red Apple in the Greek speech of the time referred to a faraway place, in the depths of Asia Minor or the lands of Central Asia beyond, back where the Turks originally came from.

The Greek New Calendarists, however, have a very unhealthy obsession with this prophecy. The prophecy is true, yes, as are the related statements of St. Cosmas concerning the war. But the Hellenists are not interested in converting the Turks. They are not interested in saving their brothers' souls. (The Turks are, after all, a nation comprised today of almost entirely Greek apostates and only a few percent actual Turkic peoples in the sense of those with Central Asian ancestry. They adopted the Turkish language and religion.)

Agreed, they behave like madmen when it comes to the city. Just look at what the Greek hierarchs did in vain hope of getting Constantinople. They give the masons free rein, even joined them, because the latter said they wanted to help get them the city. In the Asia Minor catastrophy of the 20's, they lost everything trying to take territory from the Turks and resurrect the empire, not in a Christian way but solely for worldly glory. All because the Western powers promised to back them up. This same promise has played itself out over and over since the First Crusade. The heretics only ever help them out of the frying pan into the fire, but they keep making concessions to get their help against the Turks. They lost territory over and over, until the city itself fell. And then they kept trying to get it back. Not six and a half centuries but nine and a half. Has anyone learned the lesson after a millennium? Put not your trust in princes.

Fr. Peter is enthralled by Metropolitan Neophytos. This is somewhat understandable. Back in his Greek State Church days I think he used to be under Metropolitan Seraphim, who was one of the few vocal critics of ecumenism but went off the deep end with covidism. Now he has no supporters for his views except Metropolitan Neophytos. Unfortunately the metropolitan is under the delusion of many fake elders whom he knows and knew personally--some since canonised by the state church--who spout this stuff. I understand it. I also found truth being spoken practically nowhere else and started listening to the metropolitan. The problem is that after a few months discrepancies creep in and one starts to be sceptical, which becomes mistrust and then outright rejection as the predictions become clearly false.

If one is unwilling to make that emotional divestment from what once seemed like the truth then one must bear the consequences. If Orthodoxy is certainly the truth, then eventually one must accept either that True Orthodoxy can be right, or one must accept that every bishop in the whole world turned out to be a heretic for one or more reasons. Then one can keep one's head down (what most do) or speak up and be persecuted, believing oneself to be healing the Church. This is what Fr. Peter does, since he does not realise that he is in a different body. He is like a medieval Roman Catholic who suddenly found out that Orthodoxy is true, so he stays where he is and accepts anathemas from his own bishop but doesn't join the Orthodox Church because of a misplaced belief that the official papist body is the church and he must save it.

The persecutions from his bishop will only serve to convince Father Peter that he is suffering like the saints did. I suspect that this could be the true cause of the delusion.  This is a very dangerous trap as one would somehow need to discern the difference between suffering for the Orthodox Truth and suffering for something which is true, but not doing so in the fullness of Truth. One would at the same time need to avoid the pride which immediately leads into such traps. It is not humanly possible. Only Divine Grace can protect a man, and I would not call Fr. Peter a charlatan. He according to all evidence believes these things sincerely. Even Met. Neophytos I think is just misled and a little kooky. There are some real charlatan elders out there, however.

By the way, if the Ukraine war is not over before Easter this year that'll be another false World Orthodox prediction from '22. They were supposed (going by older prophecies but then widely disseminated) to have "two Paschas" when the celebrations were moved to the previous evening, "bloody Pascha" from the war, "hungry Pascha" also possibly related to the war, and then "victory." Yes, I keep track. And I have not heard of famine over there. Metropolitan Neophytos, however, has already lost that one. He promised that the war would be over by May, which we're almost done with #3 of by now.

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Re: Orthodox Ethos-Fr Peter Heers

Post by Barbara »

Fascinating, thank you eish !

I later realized the prophecy must have been stated for the Russians. But that is comical - why on earth would Russians, who have cherished their OWN dreams of the conquest of Istanbul for centuries also, hand it over to the Greeks ? Right there, we can see the heavy distortions in the thought of anyone falling for that self-serving forecast. I will write later or elsewhere on here about the grand scheme of a 19th century Russian philosopher to attain that golden dream.
Right now, we're focused on how these strange prophecies impact Fr Peter, and his spellbound American convert disciples.

You explained so much background, really helpful for me and all the readers of the Forum.

Perhaps the "Red Apple" related to the former Kazakh capital Almata ? Later changed to Almaty, the name means "apple" - which is alma in Kazakh language. [The capital was artificially moved to the bizarre Masonic-designed city of Astana, by the way]

Speaking of Masons, what you said explains so much about why the Constantinople Patriarchate has been so infested with them over the last 100 years ! I could never understand why that heavy influence came to be so entrenched in the EP.

Excellent point about the delusions of persecution from which Fr Peter most likely suffers. That is alarming to hear, because impartial observers can easily imagine that he envisions himself with a halo already.

Probably icons are being secretly produced by his followers for display after his eventual repose...

Yes, probably charlatan is too strong an adjective. But whether he believes these wacky ideas in the realm of prophecies or not, he is still leading many of his acolytes astray ! The result is the same.
It's Fr Peter's responsibility to teach them sensible things.
I am sure much of his material is sound.

But this fringe stuff only gives Fr Peter a questionable reputation with the mainstream Orthodox world and provides fodder for the fanatics at Fordham University's hotbed of leftist activists.

Why would Fr Peter see himself as being persecuted by his hierarch, anyway, when it's believed he has no bishop at all ?

Are you talking about Met Neophytus of Morphou ? I finally looked up the name. Needless to say, I had never heard of him. So really nobody was speaking out during that entire interlude, and that's how Met Neophytus came into prominence ? Thanks again for explaining these things.
He is under the Cypriot Orthodox Church, right ?

I completely agree : the little things that don't add u can expose the person as unreliable in general, much as one might want to wish they were. Well said !

The 2 Paschas prophecy sounds absurd. So do any end dates forecast for the war. Better for these people making predictions on such elusive subjects to spend the time praying for God's Will to be accomplished than pretending to read a crystal ball in order to attract attention from the world.


Last edited by Barbara on Tue 23 April 2024 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Orthodox Ethos-Fr Peter Heers

Post by eish »

Barbara wrote: Tue 23 April 2024 12:22 am



I must offer a small correction because I guess I'm getting old. Well, not that old. I don't feel like going through years of WO prophecy videos on YT to find the quotes so I have to tap my head a few times.

I said that the metropolitan predicted the end of the war by May but I mixed up two predictions when I posted that. The end of the war was in six months, whereas he said nobody would care about covid by May. Neither came true. Some people caught on with covid, of course, but measures were still in place and the Karens were still having a field day reporting people. If people walk around in masks, fines are handed out, and normal people can't enter government buildings, I don't call that nobody caring. He also said we wouldn't care because of the next horrible thing which would happen and would long for the days when we only had covid, and that it would be especially horrible because of what was being done to the children.

Now I do agree that our masters are doing horrible things to children but there was nothing particularly new.

Yes, Met. Neophytos of Morphou.

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Re: Orthodox Ethos-Fr Peter Heers

Post by eish »

Barbara wrote: Tue 23 April 2024 12:22 am

Are you talking about Met Neophytus of Morphou ? I finally looked up the name. Needless to say, I had never heard of him. So really nobody was speaking out during that entire interlude, and that's how Met Neophytus came into prominence ? Thanks again for explaining these things.
He is under the Cypriot Orthodox Church, right ?



Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou is with the Cypriots. He gained a wide following among WO conservatives because he was the only one who stood up completely against the covid measures and refused to lock down churches despite having his income docked and the threat of prison time. Prior to this he gained some fame--and infamy--by publicly stating that God gives homosexual children to parents who practice unclean acts in marriage.

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Re: Orthodox Ethos-Fr Peter Heers

Post by Barbara »

Many thanks for all this information and updates on the current scene, eish !
Let me clarify, too, what you wrote yesterday speaking about Fr Peter Heers :

"Back in his Greek State Church days I think he used to be under Metropolitan Seraphim, who was one of the few vocal critics of ecumenism but went off the deep end with covidism. Now he has no supporters for his views except Metropolitan Neophytos."

That was Metropolitan Seraphim of somewhere in the north of Greece around the Thessaloniki area, right ?
So was it Met Seraphim who went off the deep end ? How did that occur ?
Then you wrote "he has no supporters for his views"
WHO has no supporters now : Met Seraphim or - Fr Peter ?

Just clarifying, as it's essential to unraveling this mystery !
Thanks in advance, appreciate your thoughtful answers.

No problem about rolling two prophecies into one. That's understandable, as they somehow don't stick in the mind strongly enough. I think that's because of the lack of sound truth in them.


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Re: Orthodox Ethos-Fr Peter Heers

Post by Barbara »

I remember someone here asked whether any True Orthodox Synod had issued a statement against all the nonsense of that era.
We never got a chance to reply because this board went off the air.

But I think only ROCANA made a clearcut statement, strongly advising their flock to avoid all that.
So if only one TOC Synod was able to stand up firmly against that tidal wave, then I can see why eish is conveying that Metropolitan Neophytus earned near-star status among all sectors of Orthodoxy.


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Re: Orthodox Ethos-Fr Peter Heers

Post by Jean-Serge »

The Romanian synod also wrote against vaccination. ROCANA wrote but their statement contained obvious flaws.

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