On the Jerusalem Patriarchate

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On the Jerusalem Patriarchate

Post by Lounger »


On Monday, July 28th, His Grace, Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany, paid a visit on His Beatitude, Diodoros, Patriarch of Jerusalem and All Palestine, in his residence near Kamena Vourla, 160 km outside of Athens. ...

Archbishop Mark ... asked Patriarch Diodoros whether anything had changed in the mutual relations between the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, in particular in the question of the recognition of our canonicity and our participation in the Holy Sacraments. The Patriarch answered unequivocally that Metropolitan Timotheos's statement reflected only his private opinion, and that this was in no way the opinion of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. He said: "We have always been in eucharistic communion, and we will continue to be so in the future. In this regard nothing has changed."

After a short while, Patriarch Diodoros, who was obviously ill, took leave and was escorted to his private quarters. Metropolitan Irineos then continued the conversation with Archbishop Mark. ...

Both Patriarch Diodoros and Metropolitan Irineos unequivocally expressed their dismay over Metropolitan Timothy's statements, and assured Archbishop Mark that their love towards our Church was unchanged.

29 July 1997

Statements of Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff, from the public archives of the Orthodox Indiana List:

"The Patriarch of Jerusalem maintains cordial relations with some of the Old Calendarist bishops in Greece, as well as with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (see a recent article, with pictures, of Patriarch Diodoros' visit to our convents in the Holy Land in Pravoslavnaya Rus', published in Jordanville). I certainly, as a ROCOR priest on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land was offered by the Jerusalem Patriarchate the honor of receiving Holy Communion, in vestments, at midnight Divine Liturgy at the Holy Sepulchre, and accepted with great joy. It was one of the most important moments of my life."

---Fri, 9 Feb 1996 23:13:07 -0800

You are absolutely right that the ROCOR has a special relationship with both the Serbian and Jerusalem Patriarchates.

Actually, all the ancient patriarchates were in full communion with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia at the time of its creation in 1920. This continued until relatively recently...

Our monasteries and convents in Jerusalem have always commemorated the Patriarch of Jerusalem, whose episcopal representatives have always been present at major celebration at our churches in the Holy Land. Recently, an article was published, with pictures, of Patriarch Diodorus receiving visitors at one of our convents. All ROCOR clergy have traditionally been allowed to receive communion in vestments at the Holy Sepulchre (as I did in 1985).

---Fri, 8 Mar 1996 20:33:31 -0800

Anyone who studies the history of the ROCOR will see that the Synod has always considered itself to be very much part of "World Orthodoxy." Metropolitans Anthony and Anastassy throughout their entire stewardship of the Church Abroad made every effort to participate as fully as circumstances permitted in the life of the entire Orthodox Church.

When the Patriarchate of Rumania was established (in 1925), Metropolitan Anthony of the ROCOR travelled to Bucharest and participated in the enthronization of Patriarch Myron, together with representatives of the churches of Constantinople, Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, Serbia, Greece, Poland, and Bulgaria.

Archbishop Anastassy assisted the Patriarch of Jerusalem in restoring the hierarchy of the Jerusalem Patriarchate after its bishops withdrew as the result of a dispute with the Patriarch. After new bishops were consecrated by Patriarch Damian and Archbishop Anastassy, the other bishops repented and returned to ecclesiastical obedience.

---Thu, 4 Jun 1998 15:14:58 -0700

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