"SPY CHURCH" (The rocor/mp connection)

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Subdeacon Jerjis
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Post by Subdeacon Jerjis »

Dear Corpus,

I have read the other article that Konstantin has posted
on "a little german shall lead them" entitled "Abp Mark
and the KGB," and it has the same even, sober, well thought-
out tone that "Spy Church" has.

Konstantin, though I do not know him, seems to have a very
sincere concern for the ROCOR, not to create a schism, but to
prevent a very grave fall by the ROCOR into being controlled
and manipulated by a KGB controlled church called the MP.

I think that we should all not rush at Konstantin with criticisms
until we think through very carefully what he is trying to warn us
of - even if he takes a very different position. Finally, we have
a new and refreshing point of view. Let's enjoy it while we have
it before "killing" it off.

Sbn Jerjis/Dr Alajaji

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Post by CorpusChristi »

Subdeacon Jerjis
Then you tell me what is his purpose of posting these letters to Laypeople of other jurisdictions ? other than to cause division within The Church with distaste and bad Spirit(no need in clarifying which Metropolitan,since there is only One present First Heirarch of the Church Abroad-Vladyka Metropolitan Lavra-thus making only ONE true ROCOR)...
The right way is to form a committee of lay people with true facts and representatives from different areas to address the Sobor of Bishops by mail and actual meetings to personally address those concerns..Im sorry if i come across harsh, But people you are judging BISHOPs of the CHURCH of CHRIST,even if they have there faults , dont we have our own faults of far more distaste to our LORD...How could anyone take it upon themselves to cause the church distrust in its Bishops, have you forgotten
Matthew 16:18 this church was built upon this ROCK,and not even the Gates of hades shall prevail against her.
and i will leave with Our Lords own Words in Writings by St.Luke
LUKE 11:23 cc

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Post by SouthernOrthodox »

A voice of reason, Thank you. We as members of Christ's True Church living Abroad are thankful for "his" words. Good advice given.

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Subdeacon Jerjis
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Post by Subdeacon Jerjis »

Dear Corpus Christi,

There is a famous quote of St John Chrysostom that I would like
you to ponder:

"The road to hell is paved with the priests and the lanterns are
the bishops."

We must hold the bishops up to the knife of "rightly dividing the
word of truth." To view the bishops as those who can do no wrong
is popish idolatry. Your view is simply not Orthodox.

The ROCOR bishops are intending to unite their flock with a
church "entity" of iniquity. The MP geneology begins with the
bolshevik tool Sergios and ends with the Putin controlled Alexy II.

I am very encouraged by the ROCOR parishioner Konstantin Preobra-
zhensky for reproving to the rocor bishops for "cutting the word"
with a crooked knife.

Sbn Jerjis/Dr Alajaji
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Post by CorpusChristi »

I didnt say our Bishops were without sin or fault, we are all within sin, especially me the wretched sinner of us all. The only one without sin was our Lord Jesus christ who Died for our sins...St john Chrysostom a Great father of the Church also lived in Exile alone and celebrated the mysteries alone,"The Golden Mouthed" was exiled a second time into a desolate area called Pityus along the shores of the black Sea, he stopped at the city of Comana and communed for the last time at a church called St.Basiliscos Sept 14th ,407 Feast of the Exaltation of the precious cross , the point is he Communed in the Church not on his own for the last time, and truely the opposite of what anti-MPs profess to there flock. if we are inclined to be so paranoid about Non-Heretical worldly views of the church,then we are called to pick up our cross and walk in the steps of those like St.John Chrysostom..in my imidiate area there are about 4 or 5 living in exile and reclused because of the jurisdiction errors of mankind , they simply lost trust in there Bishops. my story sounds a little compasionate to the anti-MPs, and i am because I follow Christs message of Love,repentance and Peace.
there concerns are of there own and not of CHRIST
s message . these recluse monks and heiro monks live and serve God alone and dont cause confusion and separation within the church, they instead as Orthodox Christians have silently said i will not follow you and Leave, and God provides for them....my concern is for those that have been scandalised into believing no church has the Grace of God ,except there 10-15 churches. and if you cant get to one,then move closer to us.........that is absurd , may God have Mercy on them that preach this confusion..

Nathaniel Kapner

A Congressional Subcommitee.

Post by Nathaniel Kapner »

Congradulations my dear friend Konstantin!

This article, "SPY CHURCH - The rocor/mp connection,"
is nothing short of a work of genious!

I have already had it delivered to many HOMELAND SECURITY
DEPARTMENT HEADS, warning them that KGB/EL QUIADA agents
are about to swarm all over our innocent American neighborhoods
because of the +ROCOR bishops.

There is a strong possibility that +Met Laurus will soon be
summoned to a Congressional Subcommitee.

I promise to heed your call dear Konstantin to work together
with you to prevent one of the most dangerous events in the
history of American security threats.

Subdeacon Nathanael Kapner
Milton L Kapner
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Post by SouthernOrthodox »

I have already had it delivered to many HOMELAND SECURITY
DEPARTMENT HEADS, warning them that KGB/EL QUIADA agents
are about to swarm all over our innocent American neighborhoods
because of the +ROCOR bishops.

I promise to heed your call dear Konstantin to work together
with you to prevent one of the most dangerous events in the
history of American security threats.

Had to double check and make sure I was not at the wrong site. This sounds almost identical to the Branch Dividins. Are we sure some aren't following David Kirsch here. I have thought I have read some ridiculous things, but have to confess, but this without a shadow of a doubt, takes the prize.

One only has to open the newspaper to read that the governments of the US and Russia are growing stronger by the day. Someone please show me (other than this nonsensical hyperbole) any connection between the KGB and ElQuida and while you are at it may be show where Iraq had weapons of mass destruction planted by Alexy II.

Lord have mercy on us.

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