Iconophili's Great Big Thread of Conspiracies!

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Post by AndyHolland »

If you rely on the federal government as a witness, rely on them as those who do not bear the sword in vain.

The true financiers and "backers" of 9-11 are everyone who uses oil. We are all guilty there. That is how conspiracies and the nations really work. The demons lead us to fill the belly. The poor Jews are more deluded than the rest of us - please leave them alone. God have mercy on us and save us.

andy holland

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Post by sue57 »

Why not say honestly why you dislike Jews so much? Is it because you think they killed Christ? Well, then they suffer from their rejection of Him, and will lose the kingdom of God (not that any of us know who will or will not gain entry into Paradise.) If the Jews had not crucified Him, the Romans would have, or the pagans or anyone else in this sinful world. The fact that the Jews had one God, of course, makes their rejection of Him that much more terrible, but NONE of us are ready to recieve him, that's why we pray and commune and repent!

How would you, personally, define Christian forgiveness? And, if you really think that Jews attacked the US, what would you do? I mean you have posted what is a very provocative statement, and I hope you are not suprised that people are going to question its validity. I think it is not "objective," but has a clear mission to show that Jews are enternal culprits. But please, tell me, why would Jews join Al Quada? Persumably, so a cabal can take over the US and kill all the Christians, right? Yeah, this world is anti-Christian, no doubt about it, but on the other hand, there are Orthodox Christians who post all over the web, then go and write for conservative sites that link to Protestant sites with missions in Eastern Europe. Who is right in a situation like that? All I'm saying is our decisions and actions are NOT easy nor obvious. Life if full of hard choices.

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Post by Daniel »

I didn't read the article linked above in ICONOPHILI's orginal post but he is on to something.

September 11, 2001 was a joke perpetrated in order to push along the coming of Antichrist. It was not about oil it was not about Muslims not liking our so-called freedoms, it was not about anything that most people think it is about.

We are Chrisians, further more we are Orthodox Christians. We believe God created all out of absolutely nothing. We also believe that all of this will come to an end. Granted, we can not know the hour or day, but we can watch see that things are close, and things are close. We all know that Antichrist will come (and may already be in the world). We have to carefully watch and see how certain events fit in to this.

September 11, 2001 was most definatly apart of this.

Our so-called war on 'terror' is another joke to distract us from what is really going on.

Iraq has nothing to do with Hussien (a pussycat compared to Stalin and Moa). It has every thing to do with supplanting a tradition society of the old order (yes, I know that it wasn't terribly 'traditional' under Hussien, we are just finishing the job that he started on our behalf), with a modern society of the New Order.

Why all the focus on Islam? They are the last of the old order than can mount a physical resistance to the coming of the Antichrist. Christians lost their physical battle with the muder of Tsar Nicholas and the defeat of the White Army. Now war now is spiritual.

The term 'anti-semitism' is ridiculous as a threat against those who may question the supremacy of Judaism. The world 'semitism' was first used in linguistics to catagorize...well...semetic languages. Aside from Hebrew this includes:Syriac, Aramaic, Arab, some Ethiopian languages among others. To solely restrict the use of the word 'anti-semetic' to mean 'againt Jews' is, like I said, ridiculous.

For a better source of information on September 11, 2001 check out Alex Jones' Infowars.com

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Post by sue57 »

I know that all semitic peoples are not Jews. I understand that. But, if you believe that time of the Antichrist is imminent, then are the troubles in say, Liberia, also linked to Jews? Or the slaughter in Rwanda?

I would never deny that Jews participated in the Russian Revolution. But so did baptized Orthodox Christians! And I said that I did not think criticizing Israeli policy is anti-semitism, I don't. But I think that it's obvious that the 9/11 post was not about that. It is an effort to propose some sort of conspiracy theory with an obvious intent to tie to Jews, Illuminati, Rothchilds, and I guess, George Buch. Check out the truthseeker website, although I'm loathe to recommend it to anyone. However, I did find out that Bill Frist is the antichrist. Now I can start planning for the end.

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A Report Card For islam

Post by Kollyvas »

http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/artic ... E_ID=48779

A report card for Islam

Posted: February 11, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

Years ago, elementary school children brought home report cards that contained a graded item called "Works and plays well with others." A "U" for Unsatisfactory on this graded item often resulted in the same consequence as an "F" in an academic subject. The Islamic world has certainly earned a "U" for their response in recent days to the cartoons published in the Danish press.

It doesn't matter that the cartoons may have been irreverent or tasteless; rioting in the streets and destroying property is an inappropriate response. The Islamic world does not work and play well with others – when others fail to behave as the Islamic world wishes.

It is the entire Islamic world that must be given the "Unsatisfactory" grade, not just the fanatics who perpetrate the violence. The Islamic world should be the loudest voice in condemning the violence of the fanatics. If there has been an Islamic voice of condemnation at all, it has been a muted whisper. The fanatics get the "U" for their actions; the rest of the Islamic world gets the "U" for their inaction.

The Islamic world should explain why a derisive cartoon image of Muhammad is a sin worthy of death, but it is perfectly acceptable for the state-controlled Iranian press to sponsor a cartoon contest depicting the slaughter of innocent Jews. They should explain why it is "cruel and unusual punishment" for a U.S. soldier to touch the Quran while handing it to a prisoner, but it is perfectly acceptable to burn the Bible and murder the people in private homes where a Bible is found.

The Islamic world should explain why it is virtuous for a Muslim to strap on a bomb and explode it in a public marketplace filled with innocent women and children. The Islamic world should explain why they continue to allow the fanatics to kidnap and behead journalists and construction workers, and commit wholesale executions in the name of Allah.

There is no rational explanation, of course, for the behavior of the Islamic fanatics. And it is up to the rest of the Islamic world to either convince the fanatics of the error of their ways, or to disavow the antics of the fanatics as contrary to the spirit of Islam. Continued silence from the non-fanatic Islamic world is tacit approval of their behavior.

The rest of the world that is not Islamic has no chance of convincing the fanatics of anything. It is a task that must be undertaken by the Islamic leadership. Failure by the leadership to perform this vital task will not simply tarnish Islam in the eyes of the world, it will hasten a global culture clash that will make the Crusades look like a schoolyard skirmish by comparison.

The image Islam has presented to the world in recent years is irrational and uncivilized. It may well be true that the vast majority of the Islamic world is quite rational and civilized, but the image the world has seen is just the opposite. The rational and civilized Muslims are being represented by the fanatics. Unless the fanatics are isolated by, and from, the rest of the Islamic world, then the great historic tradition of Islam will continue to suffer.

The conflict between Islam and the rest of the world is gathering steam. The rest of the world has been restrained in response to repeated attacks by the fanatics. But somewhere, there is an end to this restraint.

There was a scene in a movie in which the good guy found himself confronted by a half-dozen bad guys. He fought ferociously and, with muscle and superior fighting skills, eventually disabled all the bad guys. Just as he realized he had won, another bad guy emerged, bigger than all the rest. The good guy didn't fight; he pulled his gun and shot the bad guy between the eyes.

The non-Islamic world has been fighting the bad guys when and wherever they emerge. Sooner or later, the good guys are going to pull their guns and shoot the bad guys between the eyes.

It will not be just a handful of Islamic fanatics lying on the floor. It will be thousands and thousands of innocent Muslims and non-Muslims lying in the aftermath of brutal annihilation. There will surely be attacks and catastrophe in the Western world, but most of the devastation will be in the Islamic world, where people need hope and help, not death and destruction.

It is the Islamic world that bears the responsibility for putting a bridle on their fanatic brethren. The Islamic world should either convert the fanatics, or isolate them, ostracize them and deliver them up to justice for their crimes. Anything less is unsatisfactory.

Related special offers:

"Defeating Radical Islam"

"Everlasting Hatred: The Roots of Jihad"

Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental Conservation Organization and chairman of Sovereignty International.

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Last edited by ICONOPHILI on Sun 12 February 2006 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 227
Joined: Mon 28 November 2005 2:52 am


Daniel wrote:

I didn't read the article linked above in ICONOPHILI's orginal post but he is on to something.

September 11, 2001 was a joke perpetrated in order to push along the coming of Antichrist. It was not about oil it was not about Muslims not liking our so-called freedoms, it was not about anything that most people think it is about.

We are Chrisians, further more we are Orthodox Christians. We believe God created all out of absolutely nothing. We also believe that all of this will come to an end. Granted, we can not know the hour or day, but we can watch see that things are close, and things are close. We all know that Antichrist will come (and may already be in the world). We have to carefully watch and see how certain events fit in to this.

September 11, 2001 was most definatly apart of this.

Our so-called war on 'terror' is another joke to distract us from what is really going on.

Iraq has nothing to do with Hussien (a pussycat compared to Stalin and Moa). It has every thing to do with supplanting a tradition society of the old order (yes, I know that it wasn't terribly 'traditional' under Hussien, we are just finishing the job that he started on our behalf), with a modern society of the New Order.

Why all the focus on Islam? They are the last of the old order than can mount a physical resistance to the coming of the Antichrist. Christians lost their physical battle with the muder of Tsar Nicholas and the defeat of the White Army. Now war now is spiritual.

The term 'anti-semitism' is ridiculous as a threat against those who may question the supremacy of Judaism. The world 'semitism' was first used in linguistics to catagorize...well...semetic languages. Aside from Hebrew this includes:Syriac, Aramaic, Arab, some Ethiopian languages among others. To solely restrict the use of the word 'anti-semetic' to mean 'againt Jews' is, like I said, ridiculous.

For a better source of information on September 11, 2001 check out Alex Jones' Infowars.com

My the Lord give you rest in his Kingdom! Finally someone is getting what I'm trying to piont out, you have no idea how my heart aches when my own Orthodox Bretheren have a "NON-Orthodox-Western" Idea of what the jews are doing and what specificaly is our relationships with the jews, man it really angers me, when people post here afetr me saying all this non-Orthodox things about who the Jews are not responsible for the FALL of the Tsar/ World War 1-2 and the coming World War 3, I mean I know not EVERY SINGLE jew is behind this "conspirosy" I know there are plenty of Jews who don't know whats going on, for example there are "Jews Against Zionism" and Save the Males.ca which are Jews who speak out and say there is a New Word Order conspirousy being carried out by jews themselves, so I don't want ANYONE here to think I'm saying EVERY SINGLE jew is behind this, at the same time I haven't said that, so there was no reason for some people to say I was, the reason some of you reacted this way was because afetr WorldWar2 the "Elite" have had there puppets in the U.S. Governments teach (Brainwash) us in schools to never investingate/ refute all these "Proppagandas" about Jews not being behind a New World Order scheam. Anyways Check out this new article I found,(Written by a Jewish person who's been speaking out about the "Zionist Elite" for years,it really explains about the "LATEST" anti-western sentiments from the Muslims and how is realy behind the anti-muslim "cartoons". http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=4156
