Monks Robes

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Re: Monks Robes

Post by Incognito1583 »

Why not clean the inside and the outside together? The whole man must be deified.

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Re: Monks Robes

Post by Catherine5 »

You have made very deep comments on this thread, as well on a few other threads I have started to browse around here and there on this site.
Very sensitive and perceptive!
I hope all of us might consider to reread those several times to let their full benefit premeate through.

Wondering , if not too personal, what was your experience in your monastery? What was good and bad? Was it difficult to return to the world for all these years?
What did you learn that make you seek a different type of monastery the next time?
It would be wonderful to hear anything you feel like telling us about your perceptions. We would all enjoy to learn.
Did you find that you prefer the eremitical life to the cenobitic monastic one?
Would you rather be a contemplative type monk given the choice, or a "doer"?
Would you consider becoming an anchorite this time ?-!!!

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Re: Monks Robes

Post by Incognito1583 »

I don't want to talk too much about myself. But If I had it my way, I would like to be an anchorite. The ancient saints always appealed to me the most. Where are the pillar saints? God hasn't changed. There is something wrong with US.

The monastery I was at was not monastic enough, and I was too immature and unstable at the time.

In some of my older posts (which I don't recommend) you might notice mood swings. I have had a problem with anger, and I apologize. I have had nothing but negative and injustices done against me my entire life. It is difficult to always be cheerful.

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Re: Monks Robes

Post by Varsanufios »

Incognito1583 wrote:

I don't want to talk too much about myself. But If I had it my way, I would like to be an anchorite. The ancient saints always appealed to me the most. Where are the pillar saints? God hasn't changed. There is something wrong with US.

The monastery I was at was not monastic enough, and I was too immature and unstable at the time.

You must know that this is last times.Even in times when Saint Ignatius(Brichaninov)living he doesnt told to avoid life in brotherhods.

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Re: Monks Robes

Post by Catherine5 »

Can you explain more of how injustices were done to you? I understand what you might have been going through. But reading that made me feel sympathetic, and would like to hear more what you meant by that? No intention to pry about your personal details as others have done.
Have you had mood swings all your life, or was it any particular thing that started them out, for example, a bad family situation or difficulty in the monastery? Because there can be demons both at home and in monasteries. Orthodox pilgrims have experienced that surprising attack while staying overnight especially, though nobody ever speaks about it. Have any thoughts about all of this? You seem more open and yet reflective so I thought I try get more of what you have to teach us.

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Re: Monks Robes

Post by Incognito1583 »

That we might be in the last days, is no excuse for our behavior. People blame the "last times" for the churches being divided. I think an extreme apocalyptic mentality breeds apathy. It's this whole attitude that "well, we're in the last days and the Antichrist is coming. There is really nothing we can do about the state of the churches." This is a false attitude. The reason the churches are divided is because there is too much EGO in them. Bishops always have to be right, and they divide over petty issues. They act like a buch of babies. If they don't gett their way, they just run off and start their own synods. I've said it over and over again. They need to get together and comb through their differences. They obviously don't care about the scandal they are causing people. Because of them, I can't even go to church and have fellowship, because men destroyed all the local churches with Ecumenism. The old calendar Churchs needs to be ONE. These bishops are wolves. They are rendering the Body of Christ apart. They are not the right material to guide the churches. They have too much pride, ego and ambition. They don't trust God. They take matters into their own hands. Contemporary Christianity is a complete joke. That there have always been problems in the churches, is no excuse for apathy. I'm tired of the megalomania, the ego, pride and selfishness among bishops. They can't resolve the problems because there is always someone with an inflated ego that has to do it their own way. If they persist on this course, there will be vitually nothing left of Orthoddoxy in ten years.

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Re: Monks Robes

Post by Incognito1583 »

A good example is that ROCA suied a convent because the convent didn't go with them in union with the MP. ROCA bishops wanted the property of the convent. These bishops are total wolves. They have been appointed to destroy the churches. They obviously never read the New Testament where it says suing people (other Christians) is forbidden. Instead they take matters into their own hands. They think they are above the Scriptures and God's laws. They are modern day pharisees.

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