changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace -

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changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace -

Post by Barbara »

Catholic News Agency blandly presents the false head of the false anglican denomination.
This article generated a cascde of negative comments from mainstream Catholics, who seem
more alert than many in official ranks.

I chose the most clever to add at the end. It has a homespun wisdom.

London, England, Oct 21, 2012 {CNA}.- The outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams is trying to persuade members of the Church of England’s upcoming General Synod to back the ordination of women as Anglican bishops, putting further strain on the theologically divided Anglican Communion.

The archbishop is trying to push through the measure at the General Synod in November. The synod is the last gathering of Anglican leaders before he leaves office in December 2012 after 10 years as the leading clergyman of the Church of England.

The failure of the legislation would mean it cannot be revisited until the next general synod in 10 years.

The legislation risks further alienating traditionalists, many of whom have already left for other churches because of objections to leading Anglicans’ theological and moral differences with historic Christianity.

Archbishop Williams’ push for women bishops will be one of his last major actions as Archbishop of Canterbury.

His replacement will be nominated through the British Crown Nominations Commissions, which will submit a preferred candidate and a second acceptable candidate to the U.K. Prime Minister. The Prime Minister will then advise Queen Elizabeth II.... on the appointment of the archbishop’s successor.

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  Comment :
  Rowan,Rowan,Rowan your boat
  Swiftly from the Church
  You got left in the lurch
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Re: changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace -

Post by StephenS »

The Anglican bishop of Durham, Justin Welby, has been designated the next Archbishop. Only a bishop for one year, a former oil executive and father of six. Is keen on women bishops but not so-called homosexual marriage.

No beard either.....

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Re: changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace -

Post by jgress »

I think you mean Lambeth Palace.

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