Use of secular knowledge

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Use of secular knowledge

Post by jgress »

Well, I wouldn't go too far in critiquing worldly knowledge. The real issue is when you make secular learning, however impressive, the foundation for spiritual life, rather than the Church. But the fact that secular learning can't save you on its own doesn't make it wrong. Rather than wrong, I would say that it is only useful for its purpose, which is understanding the world as we know it. The Church, on the other hand, tells us about the world we wouldn't otherwise know.

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Use of secular knowledge

Post by Matthew »

I apologise, I didn't mean to say that secular learning was wrong, per se, but merely that taking a limited form of knowledge and making it either the only form or the highest form of knowledge was wrong. Hence, we agree on this, I think.

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Re: Use of secular knowledge

Post by jgress »

Also, people can derive certainly wrong conclusions based on worldly knowledge. Over at I was attempting to show that the actual medical evidence (as evaluated by medical professionals) concerning sexual behavior does not support the widespread pop-scientific notion that the more we indulge our sexual appetites, the better for our mental and physical health. It's really a good example of people hearing what they want to hear, and not really paying attention to the details. The medical literature is not terribly conclusive on precisely how harmful lack of sexual restraint can be, but there's nothing to suggest that traditional values of sexual purity and continence are in any way unhealthy, if they're practiced in the right frame of mind.

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Re: Use of secular knowledge

Post by Matthew »

Interesting points. I feel that whatever science may eventually reveal, it will discover that what the Holy Fathers teach is in fact the healthiest and most correct. Hence, it will show or confirm that simple faith in the fathers is the fast track to the best life, without the need to "figure it all out" or justify it by logical argument.

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Re: Use of secular knowledge

Post by Matthew »

jgress wrote:

The medical literature is not terribly conclusive on precisely how harmful lack of sexual restraint can be, but there's nothing to suggest that traditional values of sexual purity and continence are in any way unhealthy, if they're practiced in the right frame of mind.

Yes, I am sure you are right about that. A correct frame of mind is essential. But in that case, where they are dealing with people who probably do not have an Orthodox mind or approach to celibacy, the results would show ill-health. Hence, in that context their conclusions of the damage that could be caused by continence would be to some extent correct. Our corrective of course is to show the bigger picture of Orthodox psychotherapy
as being that which brings all these things into balance and health, and not to denigrate chastity.

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Re: Use of secular knowledge

Post by jgress »

Icxypion wrote:
jgress wrote:

The medical literature is not terribly conclusive on precisely how harmful lack of sexual restraint can be, but there's nothing to suggest that traditional values of sexual purity and continence are in any way unhealthy, if they're practiced in the right frame of mind.

Yes, I am sure you are right about that. A correct frame of mind is essential. But in that case, where they are dealing with people who probably do not have an Orthodox mind or approach to celibacy, the results would show ill-health. Hence, in that context their conclusions of the damage that could be caused by continence would be to some extent correct. Our corrective of course is to show the bigger picture of Orthodox psychotherapy
as being that which brings all these things into balance and health, and not to denigrate chastity.

That's a good point.

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Re: Use of secular knowledge

Post by JamesR »

Well, I'm partially guilty of taking secular knowledge a bit too far...Nietzsche is my favorite philosopher and has highly influenced many of my views on the world.

"'Blessed are the peacemakers' For those are peacemakers in themselves who, in conquering and subjecting to reason all the motions of their souls and having their carnal desires tamed, have become in themselves a Kingdom of God."-St. Augustine of Hippo (Confessions)

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