Orthodoxy = Church of Seven Ecumenical Councils + more?

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Orthodoxy = Church of Seven Ecumenical Councils + more?

Post by Maria »

In addition to the Seven Holy Ecumenical Councils, are there any other councils that we True Orthodox should hold as worthy of belief?

There was mention made of a council held a few hundred years ago that declared that Christ is present in the Eucharist, not quite the way the Catholics defined transubstantiation, but this Orthodox Council used very similar words. Do you know which council this was and where it was held?

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Re: Orthodoxy = Church of Seven Ecumenical Councils + more?

Post by jgress »

As far as I know, there are only 7 councils that are traditionally called Ecumenical, involving representatives from all over the traditional oikoumene, i.e. the Roman Empire, both East and West. There have certainly been Pan-Orthodox councils since then, which have defended various doctrines, but they aren't usually called Ecumenical, I think because the West was no longer participating. But you have e.g. councils of 1341 and 1351, when St Gregory Palamas defended hesychasm, and the doctrine of uncreated Grace, and the distinction between God's Essence and Energies. I can't remember if the filioque doctrine was ever condemned formally in council.

Here is an excerpt from Bishop Kallistos Ware's history of the Orthodox Church.


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Re: Orthodoxy = Church of Seven Ecumenical Councils + more?

Post by Jean-Serge »

I noticed only now this thread. The photian council of 879 was also an ecumenical one, called ecumenical later and attended by everybody. Of corse, since it condemned the alteration of the Creed, later the catholics ceased calling them ecumenical. The definition of ecumenical is not attended by the West and the East.It is wrong to say that the orthodox church is the church of 7 councils.

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Re: Orthodoxy = Church of Seven Ecumenical Councils + more?

Post by Matthew »

Jean-Serge wrote:

I noticed only now this thread. The photian council of 879 was also an ecumenical one, called ecumenical later and attended by everybody. Of corse, since it condemned the alteration of the Creed, later the catholics ceased calling them ecumenical. The definition of ecumenical is not attended by the West and the East.It is wrong to say that the orthodox church is the church of 7 councils.

Yes, this makes sense. I was also told by my priest that the Church holds all councils as valid, true and binding on all the Church. Whether or not they are called ecumenical or local. So, for example, the anathema of 1984 by ROCOR though a local council is binding on all True Orthodox Christians and hierarchs. It makes no differences about how many bishops attended and voted, or from how many geographical regions they came.

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