Orthodox Pilgrimages

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Orthodox Pilgrimages

Post by JamesR »

Well, I just finally received my Driver's License a couple days ago along with a used 2000 Kia Sephia car that a grandparent gave me and I have absolutely no responsibilities until I start college in a couple of weeks.

I'd like to make some pilgrimages to Orthodox places around the West Coast, starting in my home state of California. Where should I visit? I already visited the Joy of All Who Sorrow once, but I'll probably go again, I'd like to visit Fr. John Karastamatis' Church, and I'm not sure if there are any other Orthodox holy sites around.

Recommend me Orthodox places on the West Coast to pilgrimage to.

"'Blessed are the peacemakers' For those are peacemakers in themselves who, in conquering and subjecting to reason all the motions of their souls and having their carnal desires tamed, have become in themselves a Kingdom of God."-St. Augustine of Hippo (Confessions)

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Re: Orthodox Pilgrimages

Post by Barbara »

Congratulations, James R ! [How many times did you have to take the driver's test before passing -?!].
You are fortunate to get your own little car. What color is it, just out of curiosity ?

About pilgrimage, that is a worthy use of your new vehicle indeed. What about visiting
St Tikhon's Church, the former Orphanage of St John Maximovitch, on Balboa and [15th?] Avenue.
Parking not too difficult ; just watch out for Street Cleaning Days in San Francisco, which can result in
a vehicle tow or hefty fines. You don't want to take a taxi to retrieve your new-used Sephia in the garage to which vehicles
are summarily towed. It's in a bad part of town, especially.

Also watch out for not parking at all into a driveway. Angry homeowners will have
your new prize towed away in a jiffy. People are aggressive in this high-traffic area of the RIchmond District of SF.

I will think of more places to suggest, too, but first wanted to warn you to be careful of these lurking dangers.
You might be in an other-worldly mood and not even notice the signs where you park if visiting places in the City !

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Re: Orthodox Pilgrimages

Post by JamesR »

It's a greenish color; I only had to take the behind-the-wheel test once to pass, however, I did receive 13 errors...heh. My biggest mistakes were unnecessary stopping, driving under the speed limit, stopping at a red light right turn when I could have went, and turning too sharply at one point. The nice old DMV Black guy from South Africa with an accent let me pass but just told me to be more careful in the future.

Thank you for the advice about San Francisco. I haven't been in the city very much. I'm from Newark/Fremont. Visiting St. Tikhon's Church sounds like a wonderful idea. I may also visit the Old Cathedral where St. John's mantra is stored.

"'Blessed are the peacemakers' For those are peacemakers in themselves who, in conquering and subjecting to reason all the motions of their souls and having their carnal desires tamed, have become in themselves a Kingdom of God."-St. Augustine of Hippo (Confessions)

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Re: Orthodox Pilgrimages

Post by Maria »

JamesR wrote:

It's a greenish color; I only had to take the behind-the-wheel test once to pass, however, I did receive 13 errors...heh. My biggest mistakes were unnecessary stopping, driving under the speed limit, stopping at a red light right turn when I could have went, and turning too sharply at one point. The nice old DMV Black guy from South Africa with an accent let me pass but just told me to be more careful in the future.

Thank you for the advice about San Francisco. I haven't been in the city very much. I'm from Newark/Fremont. Visiting St. Tikhon's Church sounds like a wonderful idea. I may also visit the Old Cathedral where St. John's mantra is stored.

Wow! The DMV examiner was very forgiving.

When I took my first exam, the DMV examiner had just finished writing up an accident report with a very nervous female driver that he had to fail. He took me out visibly shaken and pointed right and told me to make a left turn, so I made the left turn, and he failed me saying that he was too shaken to finish the test. I had to wait two more weeks.

Anyway, take some local trips for a day or two until you feel comfortable driving before trying any long distance driving. Long distance driving is exhausting and you want to be well rested before starting classes. You could make pilgrimages to historical Orthodox Churches that are not too far from home. The San Francisco Bay Area has a lot of churches.

How far is Fort Ross?

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Orthodox Pilgrimages

Post by JamesR »

According to Google, approximately 114.8 miles from my location in Newark/Fremont. Is it a tough drive?

That examiner you had btw sounds very crabby--failing you just because he was too nervous to continue. Mine was very nice; I gave him a big hug after he passed me that seemed to surprise him :)

"'Blessed are the peacemakers' For those are peacemakers in themselves who, in conquering and subjecting to reason all the motions of their souls and having their carnal desires tamed, have become in themselves a Kingdom of God."-St. Augustine of Hippo (Confessions)

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Re: Orthodox Pilgrimages

Post by Maria »

JamesR wrote:

According to Google, approximately 114.8 miles from my location in Newark/Fremont. Is it a tough drive?

That examiner you had btw sounds very crabby--failing you just because he was too nervous to continue. Mine was very nice; I gave him a big hug after he passed me that seemed to surprise him :)

I would pass then. Besides there are special Orthodox services held at Fort Ross about once or twice a year. At that time, it might be worth the trip. Fort Ross was a Russian outpost in California.

By the way, the examiner told me that at my next exam to pick someone else as he was just too nervous, so I did.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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