Protecting yourself on the Internet

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Protecting yourself on the Internet

Post by Dcn.Ephrem »

I am sure that all of us have struggled at some point with how to use the Internet in a spiritually safe way. It is well known that it is a hotbed of temptations. How often do Orthodox Christians ruin themselves by being carried away by their curiosity or their passions, and how convenient a tool the Internet is for indulging these passions! In our sinful times, when we are surrounded on all sides by shamelessness and impurity, it is more important that ever to be careful to guard the eye of the soul from what is harmful to it. The Internet typically works against the struggling Christian in this effort.

However, there are tools that we can use to protect ourselves. I think that it would be very good for us to make suggestions to one another about how to navigate the Internet in a safe way. This is especially important for those of us who have children in our homes who might be accessing the Internet.

I would like to begin by suggesting a tool that I have found very useful. It is for Google Chrome users. It is called Wizmage Image Blocker, and essentially what it does is block all images on the internet, replacing them with little colored boxes. You can deactivate images in the Chrome settings, but often this causes problems because many essential website features are images, and so you will not be able to navigate certain sites without images. This program allows you to reveal images by pressing alt-a while your cursor is over them. This tool is extremely useful, since it is the eyes that tempt us more than anything else.

Here is a link to the app, which is free: ... bfnhhhnmlp

If others have suggestions, please share them with us.

Fr. Deacon Ephrem Cummings
Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church (ROAC)

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Re: Protecting yourself on the Internet

Post by Maria »

I have been using Ad block to prevent pop up ads. Without it, my eyes are continually assaulted.

I have an email account at that is particularly loathsome with their uncensored pop-up ads. WIthout Ad Block, I would have had to abandon it. However, that account is primarily set up for online transactions with companies that send emails to that box.

The only disadvantage with Ad Block is that I cannot view any videos on Weather Channel, so I cannot see the live weather broadcasts. I do not believe I am missing much.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Protecting yourself on the Internet

Post by Barbara »

Yes ! AdBlock Plus was done by a guy of Polish origin, then bought out sometime earlier [this year maybe ?] by a company.
But it sure is a help. I was waiting endlessly for them to produce AdBlock Plus for Internet Explorer. FINALLY they did !

The other day, I was irritated because it seemed that AdBlock Plus had been kicked out somehow because gross ads were showing up. I mean, distracting ads where pictures of people are pushed on you. It's actually revolting to have to try to navigate around such cheap trash, just to get some small work done that is needed online.

Fortunately, I was able to go back to that site and after awhile, find a key for "Repair". What a relief when the program DID resume its usual ad-blocking feature.
Sometimes it is a little slow and you have to see flashing headlines atop email Inboxes, for example.
Such distractions are annoying, even for a second, because it seems to go right into the brain unless we are well guarded.

But at least AdBlock Plus takes care of almost all the riffraff !

Let's DO keep exchanging advice here. It's good that Deacon Ephrem has thought to start this thread so we all know where
to go to look up any new advice. Or to post discoveries any of us have made in this area.

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