Pope Francis - A Political Man of the Cloth

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Pope Francis - A Political Man of the Cloth

Post by Matthew »

Pope Francis ... "Seriously Folks."

God forbid that any bishop of the True Orthodox Church would ever be in the habit of such lightness and hand-pumping showmanship.
Honestly what does it tell us?

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Editing the title and moving this thread into Politics.

Let us keep political campaigning out of the public forum.


Last edited by Maria on Wed 10 February 2016 4:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Edited title and added admonition to be careful in what is posted in the public forum
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Re: Pope Francis - A Political Man of the Cloth

Post by Matthew »


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Re: Pope Francis - A Political Man of the Cloth

Post by Barbara »

OUCH ! My eyes feel physical pain even catching a quick glimpse of a few images here.
I hate that hand signal anyway. And all hand gestures like this. They are so cheap / street lowlife appearing.

The one I really hate is the one called in this fake-civilization 'high-five'. I feel nauseated even writing that name !
I am not even SURE exactly what it is. But I know it's awful.

Then, too, why this need for hand contact all the time, anyway ??

Back to Francis - he is only a devil masquerading as a Pope. I bet if someone were brave enough to list all of
his atrocious behaviors, one would see a fierce reaction before he struggled to control himself.
That is called "having a mask SLIP", meaning the true character of a mentally ill/personality disordered person
is revealed and they can't stand being exposed ! So one might see for a flash, pure hatred in their eyes.
The eyes might well change color into BLACK, and seem to get larger. This has to do with rage having an effect on
the iris, so that the eyes appear to become black in color.
And the facial expressions would drastically change, as though a devil was exhibiting his presence for a minute or two before retreating back into hiding, where the devil was living the entire time.

All this so - called showmanship, affability, popularity ? It's obviously an act. But also watch it shatter entirely if someone powerful enough were to expose Francis for what he is. Unfortunately, unless it happens to be Patriarch Kirill who ventures to do this, there is no one whom Francis is likely to meet who could rip off that mask.

But obviously that is not the intent of the meeting coming up Feb 12. Maybe a later meeting...

Of course, a True Orthodox elder could do this very effectively. But none would ever go near Francis !
And of course, we don't have any clairvoyant elders at the moment, anyway, right ?

That's why I reduced the possibilities down to only one : the Moscow Patriarch, who has a little leverage, though not much.

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Re: Pope Francis - A Political Man of the Cloth

Post by Justin Kolodziej »

Those pictures remind me of something too blasphemous to mention or even hint about here. :ohvey:

I will say we are doomed if "Patriarch" Comrade Kyrill the Sergianist and ecumenist is our best hope? And what's this about not finding any clairvoyant elders anywhere in any of the True Orthodox congregations? That doesn't sound good. Or do you mean just RTOC?

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Re: Pope Francis - A Political Man of the Cloth

Post by Maria »

We do have holy men in the Genuine Orthodox Church, at least in the Church to which I belong. My priest-confessor is also a man of God.

For instance, we have neighbors who are World War II Nazis and who were part of Operation Paperclip. (Go ahead and google Operation Paperclip.) These old people are full of hatred and into New Age, seances, and witchcraft. I

Whenever strange things occur, I will call my priest and tell him of these things, and immediately, he will say a prayer of deliverance that my husband and I will be protected from the Evil Eye and the demons that they are summoning. That prayer will be very effective. My confessor can tell when these Nazis are having seances without me even telling him. The Holy Spirit is working through him.

St. Matthew the New Confessor of Greece who guided the Genuine Church of Greece through its formative years has worked so many miracles in my own life. He has healed my husband and me many times ... healing our pneumonia, H flu infections, asthma, etc.

And lately, it seems like the Holy Spirit and my guardian angel are carefully guiding me. It is like a small still voice and I can only hear it when I am quiet, still, repentant, and prayerful.

For example, and I am not a saint, I will be walking outside, and feel a nudge to walk to the left or to the right, so I do, but if I had not moved, then I would have tripped and fallen over a log or a rock.

So, yes, God is present in our lives, if only we would take the time to look, to hear, to open our eyes.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Pope Francis - A Political Man of the Cloth

Post by Justice »

The Popes of today have been shells of their former selfs since the great schism, not surprising.

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Re: Pope Francis - A Political Man of the Cloth

Post by Maria »

Justice wrote:

The Popes of today have been shells of their former selfs since the great schism, not surprising.

Indeed! We must pray for Roman Catholics who are shellshocked with almost every word that proceeds from the mouth of Pope Francis.

Starting with the encyclicals of Pope Pius XII, I became greatly distressed until I could not take any more of the heresy that was being preached and written. I left Roman Catholicism in 1996 and have not ventured back or looked back.

Holy Orthodox Christianity is a pearl of great price as witnessed by all her saints.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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