Putin, James Bond, The War of the Worlds, and Tele-vision

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Putin, James Bond, The War of the Worlds, and Tele-vision

Post by Cyprian »

Jean-Serge wrote:

Regarding Putin, as KGB agent, he was essentially making boring administrative stuff in Russian and later in Germany. He was not a James Bond or very high ranking in the organisation. The medals he got there were all for seniority. KGB must have employed so many people at this time with different ranks from typist to high officials.

Not to sidetrack the thread too much, but since you brought it up, saying Putin is not James Bond: Putin may not be James Bond, but James Bond films are about Putin. 007 (double-o seven) is for Putin's birthday, OCTOBER 7. The word October contains two o's. The Tom Clancy (a front author for the Illuminati) novel The Hunt for Red October (1984) and the film adaption in 1990, are all about Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin, the staged (deliberately orchestrated) sinking of the Kursk submarine, and other things, long before Putin was elevated to president. Sean Connery stars in the film adaption, because, as I said, Sean Connery is 007, James Bond alluding to Putin. Many Sean Connery films are about Putin. The Russia House (1990) is another obvious example, which is about Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin, Pat. Alexey II, Pat. Bartholomew, etc. Tom Cruise plays Putin in his films too.

The Holy Spirit spoke through the holy prophets of old via riddles and parables in the Old Testament, and Christ was always speaking during his ministry in parables as well. The devil and his Antichrist seek to imitate Christ, and his false prophets also speak in parables. The devil's parables can be found in all Hollywood productions, and prior to that in works of popular literature. That is why they named television, for "tell-a-vision".

Jesus Christ said to his disciples: "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand."

The devil and his minions, imitating Christ and the prophets, also divulge mysteries concerning the kingdom of Antichrist, but as in the case of Christ, speak via parables, so the vast majority of the public who are not secret initiates "seeing, might not see, and hearing might not understand."

The vast majority of the public (including TOC clergy and laity) imbibes movies and tell-a-vision shows, or at a minimum read popular works of literature contemporary to our times, all of which contain parables spoken by the devil, and seeing, they do not see, and hearing, they do not understand.

Many Hollywood films have been made that deliberately allude to plans to install Putin as President of the Russian Federation, and there are also many films showing plans to install Yeltsin and Gorbachev before Putin.

Yes, several James Bond films, starting with the very first, which is about the staged in advance Cuban Missile Crisis psy-op. The second Bond film, From Russia With Love (1963) is about the staged/faked JFK assassination psy-op. The third James Bond film, Goldfinger (1964) is all about Hollywood publishing their foreknowledge of plans to execute the attacks of September 11, 2001.

The Jewish-Masonic Sanhedrin grooms presidents, prime ministers, popes, and patriarchs from birth, and shows this all ahead of time in their Hollywood productions. Putin was groomed for the presidency of Russia from birth by a secret society, like Yeltsin and Gorbachev before him.

Hitler, FDR, Churchill, etc. were also groomed for their respective positions by this secret society of Jewish-Freemasonry, and so were the popes of our lifetime. How can I know this for certain? Because I can tell you films from the 1920's and 1930's that are revealing their plans for FDR, Hitler, Pearl Harbor, Nagasaki, etc. ahead of time, and Pearl Harbor, which was not a "surprise" attack for FDR, Hollywood, and the secret society which installed him.

I can also tell you, if anyone actually cared, what Pearl Harbor was about. Why it was arranged for the Japanese and why specifically a place called Pearl Harbor was scripted decades in advance to be attacked, why they chose the very specific date December 8 (Japanese Standard Time), why Chūichi Nagumo was specifically chosen to command the First Air Fleet, which oversaw the attack on Pearl Harbor, etc.

The novel by H. G. Wells, "The War of the Worlds" (1897) is about the secret society which wages war on Christ and the Church publishing their scripted plans to orchestrate three world wars. Hence the title, War of the Worlds, for their plans to script the World War(s). The beginning of the book declares the purpose by starting off: THE COMING OF THE MARTIANS ... i.e the coming of war, for Mars is known as the god of war.

Then we read next, by the front-author for the Illuminati, Wells: "The planet Mars, I scarcely need remind the reader, revolves about the sun at a mean distance of 140,000,000 miles ... 140,000,000 is for 14 (ignoring the zeros), for World War I, which began in the 14th year of the 20th century. July 28, 1914, the date war was declared, was a Tuesday, and the day of the week Tuesday is dedicated by the pagans to Mars, the god of war.

Roosevelt and Congress declared war on Tuesday, (Japanese time) and the attacks of September 11, 2001, which were planned before Osama bin Laden was even born, also were scripted to take place on a Tuesday.

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Re: Putin, James Bond, The War of the Worlds, and Tele-vision

Post by Maria »

Wow. Interesting analyses, Cyprian.

In the future, please move all posts analyzing the political scene and postulating Illuminati plots in movies to the Political and Social Issues forum.

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Re: Putin, James Bond, The War of the Worlds, and Tele-vision

Post by Maria »

I have moved this thread into the Political and Social Issues forum.

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Re: Putin, James Bond, The War of the Worlds, and Tele-vision

Post by Barbara »

Quite fascinating. Before I forget, Cyprian, please do always identify people who are fronts for the Illum.
It helps a lot for the reader to make all the connections. So many so-called popular writers and various figures are taught to us from school days to be exemplary models [ such as Edgar Allan Poe, as I was saying the other day - you must have a field day ahead of you in dissecting him and his dark side connections to the Illuminati 'cells'. By 'cells', I mean like those of a spy agency or Masonry I think also operates a little way ? You are the expert around here, so correct me on anything not accurate in these areas. About fr seraphim rose, we can discuss eventually elsewhere ! ].
So it rings true to the SOUL when you expose some personage or star or popular 'icon' - in the generic sense - as a front for these nefarious outfits.

Speaking of these, do you know precisely which one it was which groomed Put. ? I can't help but think of one particular nightmarish group, the Chabad Lubovich, which feels eternally associated with Put. in my mind. Nothing can shake that impression whenever I see any type of picture of the RF head of state. And now this Jared K. agent of is not real must be part of that network TOO, I am guessing ?

Was December 8 chosen for Pearl Harbor because that is the Catholic Feast of the Immaculate Conception ? Is that part of your analysis here, or you have other connections for that date.

Yes, Tuesday in French is Mardi, Mars' Day. [ Eek, and Mars Candy Company bought out the only healthy pet food on the North American market -- and turned around and dumped it a few months ago. This is a complete aside, but note the name of the replacement that Mars will bring out soon : Crave. Isn't that diabolical ? It's a mental suggestion of food addiction for everyone who sees it or buys it ; maybe for the pets too ! Meanwhile the customers are furious. Moral of the story : watch for anything related to the word Mars. ]

About 007, that is remarkable about the birthday of Put. This is also a tangent, but I have read so much about such and such agent was believed to have been "the model for 007". This claim is made for a number of WW2 secret agents or adventurers.
Each claim sounds phony to me because it's too contrived. Why would any person have been needed as a model for either James B. or his female sidekicks ? The SOE agent code-named Christine Granville, a Polish Catholic-Jewish countess named Krystyna Skarbek, is often mentioned with regard to the latter, for example. So are plenty of others.

WHY in fact would this be so important to establish WHO was the forerunner of the Bond figure IF the Illum. had not done such a careful job of popularizing the books and movies to the extent that they dominated the minds of a generation.
I myself might have gone to one of the Bond movies only because my family went and took me. I am not even sure of that, but I know one thing : the whole concept bothered me. I never went to any Bond movies on my own.

It wasn't that I did not like secret agents. But my idea of an anti-Soviet spy was Get Smart, Agent 86 !
Now THAT battle between Control {Cia} and Chaos {Kgb}, though comical only, still had some bearing on truth, I always felt.
But that Bond stuff struck me as utterly COLD and unappealing. Also too racy, I think I recall.

Well if 007 was really related to Put, now I am SURE I was right in feeling the whole gimmick to be alien and uncomfortable !

As far as TOC clergy and laity taking in these polluting books or movies, I have been shocked that they could even take these seriously. Instead, they should have the discernment to see how manufactured these objects of 'popularity' are and how carefully programmed to switch over one's mind to a different frequency, so he or she will be receptive to further demonic suggestion. A lifetime of absorbing this heavy darkness makes the soul dim and passive : unable to fight the demons and their wily attacks.

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Re: Putin, James Bond, The War of the Worlds, and Tele-vision

Post by Cyprian »

Barbara wrote:

Was December 8 chosen for Pearl Harbor because that is the Catholic Feast of the Immaculate Conception ? Is that part of your analysis here, or you have other connections for that date.

Precisely, Barbara! That is exactly right. We all know that December 7 is the "date which will live in infamy," but that was local Hawaii time. Tokyo, Japan was 19 hours 30 minutes ahead of Hawaii, so the attack began at approximately 3:18 AM on December 8, 1941 Japanese Standard time.

December 8 for Catholics is the feast of the "Immaculate Conception" of Mary, which is of course not an Orthodox dogma, but an innovation of the papists. The Orthodox Church calls the Most-holy Mother of God immaculate and spotless in the services, but her conception was not immaculate in the sense of being preserved from original sin, or if one prefers, ancestral sin. Hence, the Mother of God was baptized by the Holy Apostles Peter and John.

Who is the Pearl of Great Price?

St. Gregory the Wonderworker: "But to Mary the pure virgin alone did the archangel Gabriel manifest himself luminously, bringing her the glad address, "Hail, thou that art highly favoured!" And thus she received the word, and in the due time of the fulfilment according to the body's course she brought forth the priceless pearl."

Who harbored the Priceless Pearl?

Does not the Orthodox Church chant to Theotokos: "The Virgin harbored the bodiless One in the body..." "Become for us a harbor and haven, for we are tossed about on the sea of adversity" "Rejoice, for you prepare a safe harbor for our souls." etc.?

Hence the scripted (many years in advance) attack on Pearl Harbor was oriented also around the Annunciation by the Archangel Gabriel to the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (March 25 O.S.), nine months before the birth of Christ.

That is why Chūichi Nagumo was chosen to command the First Air Fleet, which oversaw the attack on Pearl Harbor. His birthday was March 25.

Chūichi Nagumo

Now, why was it arranged to have Japan attack? Is not Japan nicknamed "the land of the rising sun"?

Jesus Christ is the "Sun of righteousness," who arises "with healing in his wings" (Malachi 4:2).

Jesus Christ, the Sun, arose from the dead, with healing in his wings, on March 25, according to George Synkellos. George was synkellos ("cellmate") to St. Tarasios, the patriarch of Constantinople (784 - 806)

The Chronography of George Synkellos
A Byzantine Chronicle of Universal History from the Creation

Am 5534
Year 34 of the divine Incarnation

"On the first day of this year, 25 March, on the Lord's day, our Lord and God Jesus Christ arose from the dead on the third day, and first appeared to those bearing unguents, and then to the apostles, whom he sent out to all the nations to teach the doctrines about the holy and consubstantial Trinity."

Pearls are iridescent.

"The word iridescence is derived in part from the Greek word ἶρις îris (gen. ἴριδος íridos), meaning rainbow, and is combined with the Latin suffix -escent, meaning "having a tendency toward". Iris in turn derives from the goddess Iris of Greek mythology, who is the personification of the rainbow and acted as a messenger of the gods"

Are not angels called messengers of God? Hence the connection to angels and wings with Pearl Harbor.

Now, the name Margarita derives from the Greek word for pearl, and Rita is short for Margarita. That is why Hollywood made Margarita "Rita" Hayworth a star shortly before Pearl Harbor.

For example, her film Only Angels Have Wings (1939) with Cary Grant and Jean Arthur, is obviously about the attack on Pearl Harbor. That is why towards the end of the film, the plane is shown dropping nitroglycerin "bombs" on a flock of condors. This is to allude to the Japanese bombing the birds (planes are called birds) on the ground in the Pearl Harbor attack.

It is also a reference to:

USS Condor (AMc-14)

"Condor was in Pearl Harbor on the day the attack occurred and is believed to have made the first enemy contact at 0350 and at 0357 notified USS Ward by visual signals of a periscope sighting whereupon Ward began searching for the contact."

Hollywood made use of the themes "angels" and "wings" in their films, publishing their foreknowledge of the "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor, since the Archangel Gabriel is depicted as having wings, and he is the one who "surprised" Pearl Harbor (the Mother of God) on March 25 (O.S.). It should also be noted that the Holy Spirit, appears in the likeness of a dove, which also has wings in icons of the Annunciation, and the Pure Virgin was told: "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee."

As we can see:

Malachi 4:2  But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

Japan, the land of the rising sun, is associated to the resurrection (rising) of the Son of God, who is called, "the Sun of righteousness". (cf. also Psalm 84:11: For the LORD God is a sun and shield).

In 1925, Gen. Billy Mitchell published a report called Winged Defense revealing the vulnerability of Pearl Harbor to a surprise air attack;

Billy Mitchell

"Mitchell came back with a 324-page report that predicted future war with Japan, including the attack on Pearl Harbor. Of note, Mitchell discounted the value of aircraft carriers in an attack on the Hawaiian Islands, believing they were of little practical use because they were incapable of operating effectively on the high seas, nor capable of delivering "sufficient aircraft in the air at one time to insure a concentrated operation." Mitchell believed instead, a surprise attack on the Hawaiian Islands would be conducted by land-based aircraft operating from islands in the Pacific. His report, published in 1925 as the book Winged Defense, foretold wider benefits of an investment in air power, believing it at the time, and for the future, " a dominating factor in the world's development", both for national defense and economic benefit. Winged Defense sold only 4,500 copies between August 1925 and January 1926, the months surrounding the publicity of the court martial, and so Mitchell did not reach a wide audience."

The novel Gone With the Wind (1936), and the film that followed in 1939, on the eve of World War II, is about Pearl Harbor as well. That is why it was arranged for Margaret Mitchell to be the author of Gone With the Wind. Margaret (Margarita) means Pearl. Mitchell is for Gen. Billy Mitchell, who issued a "prophecy" about an attack on Pearl Harbor and a war with Japan in the mid 1920's.

The setting for Gone With the Wind is the eve of a war, (the Civil War), to allude to the coming of another war, World War II.

I mentioned that the H.G. Wells novel The War of the Worlds, is about the Illuminati publishing (in parables and riddles) advance knowledge for their plans to orchestrate the World Wars, and that is also why it was no coincidence that Orson Welles broadcast his famous The War of the Worlds radio drama on Sunday, October 30, 1938, once again on the eve of World War II.

The War of the Worlds (radio drama)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_o ... dio_drama)

"The War of the Worlds" is an episode of the American radio drama anthology series The Mercury Theatre on the Air. It was performed as a Halloween episode of the series on Sunday, October 30, 1938, and aired over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. Directed and narrated by actor and future filmmaker Orson Welles, the episode was an adaptation of H. G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds (1898). It became famous for allegedly causing mass panic, although the scale of the panic is disputed as the program had relatively few listeners.

Ford Island

Now, Ford Island is an islet in the center of Pearl Harbor, and it was the site of an ancient Hawaiian fertility ritual.

Waikiki Beach is of course on the south part of the island of Oʻahu, less than 10 miles from Pearl Harbor.

The Bing Crosby film Waikiki Wedding (1937) is about this, and Pearl Harbor, and you will notice that Martha Raye (born Margy or Margie, for Margarita, i.e. Pearl) stars in this, and Harry Stubbs is in it, because his birthday is December 7, 1874, and December 7 was the date chosen for the attack, and Spencer Charters born March 25, 1875, for March 25 the Annunciation and for Chūichi Nagumo, born March 25, chosen to command the First Air Fleet, which oversaw the attack on Pearl Harbor, and then there is Japanese actress Iris Yamaoka, (recall the connection I mentioned above of Iris as messenger "angel" of the gods, and how pearls are iridescent), and then there is actor Mitchell Lewis also in this one, for as I explained above, Gen. Billy Mitchell is credited with writing Winged Defense in 1925 "predicting" the attack on Pearl Harbor, and all the rest.

Plans for scripted World War II were shown ahead of time in many films of the 1920's and 1930's.

We can talk about early Jimmy Stewart films which are also about World War II and Pearl Harbor if you like. Seventh Heaven (1937) is an obvious example, which is a remake of Seventh Heaven (1927). I've analyzed them both.

The Jimmy Stewart remake Seventh Heaven (1937) was released on March 25. The film is titled "Seventh Heaven" for the
7th of December, and "Heaven" is called Paradise, and Hawaii is called Paradise, and the entrance to Heaven or Paradise
are nicknamed the "Pearly gates" for Pearl Harbor.

Diane (for Lady Diana Spencer, of the house of Stewart) pretends to be married to Jimmy Stewart (Chico), before the authorities, but the marriage is not consummated, because this is an allusion to the All-Holy Virgin Mary, the Unwedded Bride.

The name Diana is said to mean, "heavenly" hence the title to the film Seventh Heaven, for Diana was said to be born in the seventh month, July 1.

Diane's sister in the film is named Nana, and Nana is a pronunciation for the number 7 in the Japanese language. Nana makes a surprise attack on Diane (for the surprise attack on December 7) and Nana, who was timid earlier, has found the strength to beat her back and drive her away. This is to allude to after the "surprise" attack by the Japanese, America mustered the strength to defeat the Japanese. James Stewart and his "comrade" neighbors are constantly bowing to each other back and forth in the film, as a reference to the Japanese, who bow back and forth. The wife of his neighbor friend bows to Jimmy Stewart like she is Japanese, and this actress's name is Mady Christians, who was born Marguerita Maria "Mady" Christians. Actress Marguerita (Pearl in Greek) is bowing in the film like the Japanese bow, for Pearl Harbor. Of course the film is about the coming of a war (World War I), to allude to their plans to arrange for the commencement of World War II.

Stewart's character "Chico" is an avowed atheist, and constantly bows or hunches his back to his neighbor, Gobin, whom he calls "comrade" throughout the film. Gobin is a pet form of the French name Gobert, and Gobert refers to comrade Mikhail Gorbachev. Gorbachev means "Hunchback," and the "comrades" Chico and Gobin hunch their backs (bow) to allude to The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The film is set in Paris. That is why at the beginning of the film Diane, who works for her sister in a sleazy bar and is supposed to entertain male patrons (a reference to the Whore of Babylon) throws wine on his head, because this film is also about Gorbachev the "Hunchback of Notre Dame," who famously had a prominent port-wine stain on his forehead. In case one might be wondering, Gorbachev was six years old when this film was released. World leaders are groomed from birth for their roles, and there are many films about Putin when he was merely a boy as well, such as the famous Doctor Zhivago (novel 1957) and film (1965) which are about Soviet leaders, including Putin.

This actor Victor Kilian who plays comrade Gobin was also in the aforementioned Only Angels Have Wings (1939), which is also about Pearl Harbor.

Seventh Heaven (1937 film)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seventh_H ... 1937_film)

The film is also about Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler (who shares the same birthday as Putin 7 October) and his wife Margarete ("Pearl") Himmler. The name Himmler is derived from German Himmel meaning "heaven, sky" hence the film title "Seventh Heaven," for Himmler (Heaven) born on the 7th of October.

There is simply too much to cover in a single post.

Anyway, Pearl Harbor was about Diana, Princess of Wales. The deliberately perpetrated Hurricane Rita (Greek: Pearl) reached peak Category-5 strength on September 21, 2005, the Mother of God's birthday.

All that I mentioned above, the pagan fertility ritual aspect associated with Ford Island, which is an islet in the center of Pearl Harbor, how Diana is the Roman goddess of fertility and childbirth, how this was purposefully connected to the Immaculate Conception of Christ on March 25 (O.S.), as well as the innovative Papal dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary December 8, and how this in turn alludes to the "immaculate conception" of Diana, Princess of Wales, associating her as the Mother of Antichrist, and the rest, would explain:

Acts 19:28 And when they heard these sayings, they were full of wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians. 19:29 And the whole city was filled with confusion: and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul's companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre.

Did anyone notice that in the book of Acts, right after Diana is called "Great," the Scripture mentions that the whole city was filled with confusion? What is the city of confusion if not Babylon? Babylon means confusion. Babies who babble on have confused tongues and we cannot understand their speech. Notice the people who worshiped Diana and her image (fornication with idols) are said to be "full of wrath".

Revelation 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
Revelation 18:3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies."

Acts 19:27  So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth
Acts 19:28  And when they heard these sayings, they were full of wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians

Which would explain this:

Princess Diana beats the Virgin Mary to be named the nation's ideal mother, Church of England poll finds
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/0 ... al-mother/

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