Was HRC the Real Colluder?

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Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Maria »

Was Hillary The Real Colluder?

Nunes, who heads Congress' investigation into the matter, said it was likely that information "was handed directly from Russian propaganda arms to the Clinton campaign, fed into the top levels of the FBI and Department of Justice to open up a counterintelligence investigation into a political campaign that has now colluded (with) nearly every top official at the DOJ and FBI over the course of the last couple years. Absolutely amazing."

We have to agree. If all that is true, it is absolutely amazing. After all, these are serious felonies, using the federal agencies to spy on a political opponent in league with a hostile foreign power.

As we said, the only real collusion appears to be on the part of the Clinton campaign — aided by the Obama administration, CIA chief John Brennan and a handful of high-level officials at the Department of Justice and FBI.

To read the full article, please visit https://www.investors.com/politics/edit ... y-clinton/

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Cyprian »

Why should any of us believe a single word out of the lying mouth of Congressman Devin Nunes? There are no genuine Christians in Congress or in the White House, and none serve the truth. As it is written: "They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one." (Psalm 14:3). That one would naively accept the testimony of a corrupt congressman is troubling indeed. The government has been lying to us since before you and I were born. Fake news is not a recent phenomena.

Your worldview is really puzzling and perplexing. On the one hand, you seem to entertain the notion that the U.S. government is engaging in geo-warfare, deliberately perpetrating storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, etc., as well as using lasers to deliberately cause wildfires, poisoning our food supply, spraying chemicals in the air, and all the rest. Do you realize just how diabolically demonized and evil the criminals in government must be, to knowingly participate in a systematic mass-murder of its own citizenry?

I notice from an old thread that was revived recently, that you confessed back in 2015 that Putin was part of the New World Order. How is it that, according to your own admission, the New World Order has Putin, Obama, the Clintons, the Bushes, etc. completely under their thumb, but they cannot install whomever they wish in some little congressional district in California?

So we are supposed to believe that the whole mainstream media is operating on behalf of the NWO, that the NWO is powerful enough to control Putin, the Clintons, Obama, etc., but they are powerless to control who occupies the seat of a congressional district from California?

You buy into notions that Obama and the Clintons are so powerful and so evil that they are secretly operating some kind of shadow government, conspiring to undermine the very existence of this nation, and yet, they were not even powerful enough to get Hillary into office? How can they be so evil and so powerful and such a threat if they could not even get Hillary in the Oval Office?

You say that the MSM is 90% controlled by these evil NWO globalists (you're wrong, it's 100%), and that they are all trying to undermine the savior of Western civilization, Donald Trump, but if that is the case, and they were virulently opposed to Trump, how come they made Trump the star celebrity on their newscasts every single single day in the months leading up to the election? If the MSM believed Trump truly posed a threat to win the presidency, then why did they give him so much free press? The way you keep someone from gaining traction is to simply ignore them. And yet, Donald Trump was their star celebrity every day, getting far more press coverage than Hillary or any of his Republican rivals.

Donald Trump, Bill and Hillary, and Obama are all good friends! They are partners in crime. It is a shame that your love of the world blinds you to this obvious reality. Donald Trump is such a phony and a liar and a hypocrite, going around campaigning that Hillary should be locked up and put in prison. He even claimed in a debate that he would endeavor to have her nefarious activities investigated.

How much of a disingenuous liar is Trump, after repeatedly saying Hillary should be locked up, announcing that he was 'honored, very very honored' to have the Clintons attend his inaugural luncheon. He singled the Clintons out, asked them to stand up to a standing ovation.

Trump Full Speech at Inaugural Luncheon: 'Honored' by Hillary Clinton's Attendence | ABC News

How delusional and hypocritical is it to constantly speak positively of that fraud Trump, while condemning the Clintons and the Obamas? If the Clintons are so evil and diabolical, why, after the Access Hollywood tape recording was publicized, did Trump say that Bill Clinton had "said far worse to me on the golf course"? Trump admitted that he played golf with the despicable Bill Clinton. That makes him despicable too. Trump invited the despicable Clintons to his sham/fake wedding to Melania. That makes him a despicable associate of theirs.

Trump essentially called Obama a liar countless times, claiming his birth certificate was a forgery, and yet, right in the midst of all of his phony scripted attacks on Obama, Obama invited him to his White House Correspondents' Dinner, and Donald accepted, and attended? That phony liar Sarah Palin's spouse Todd Palin attended as well. What business did he have being there, if Sarah Palin is supposed to pretend to be such a conservative patriot and so anti-Obama?

Would anyone seriously suggest that the POTUS does not have the power to decide who is invited to attend his Correspondents' Dinner, or not? If Obama did not want Trump there, he would not have been invited. Even if Obama did extend the invitation, Trump had no obligation to show up, since he was publicly calling Obama's birth identity a lie.

CNN: President Obama zings Donald Trump, birthers at White House Correspondents' Dinner

Birds of a feather, flock together. Romney was scripted by his handlers to repeatedly call Trump a con man and a liar during the campaign, but then after the election, he publicly sits down to a fancy meal with him and then praises him.

Romney praises Trump after dinner meeting

Only those who are completely delusional and blinded by their love of this world, cannot see through this obvious facade. These politicians grandstand and pretend to be at enmity with one another, publicly calling each other liars, con men, saying they should be locked up, and then they all get together and attend luncheons and dinners and yuk it up with each other, to show that it is all a facade and they are all just actors reading a script they have been handed.

It's really embarrassing and shameful to observe folks go on an anti-Clinton, anti-Obama crusade, and then on the other hand promote and defend their great friend and accomplice in crime, Donald Trump, who honors them at luncheons, golfs with them, invites them to his wedding, etc.

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Barbara »

Amazing research and analytical abilities demonstrated here.

The marriage to Melania [Slovenian ?] did seem absolutely contrived, but what is the real story on it ? She obviously hates him and can't avoid showing it in public. I assume he was assigned her because of ... ? Being a sleazy model, thus cheapening the title of 1st Lady further some notches from its already pathetic rating.

She seems to have no personality whatsoever. Because of her Eastern European origin, I take the slightest of interests in understanding who this is. Were she not from that region, I would never read even one paragraph about her, or any of these ridiculous presidents of the 20th-21st centuries. One of the few facts I managed to muster up was that Melania insisted at their 1st meeting [ probably at one of those same Illuminati flashy get-togethers to which Cyprian referred above ] that she would not give him her phone number when he asked for it. Unless this was part of the same contrived scenario, it shows she was not swayed by his money and reputation as a businessman, but maintained some dignity by not handing her number out. I think, but am not sure, that she took his phone number and said SHE would call if she wanted to.

Aside from this slight demonstration of 'spirit', Melania seems as bland and boring as could be found. Her eyes look empty, and her face has no expression.

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Maria »

Cyprian, all I did was quote from a source.

I did not come to any conclusions except that almost all politicians are corrupt. None can really be trusted.

And Barbara, instead of picking at Melania, we should pray for her instead of judging her.

That she has renounced Orthodox Christianity (World Orthodoxy) and has joined the Roman Catholic Church, where she venerates Francis as Pope is apostasy. We know that Francis is part of the cabal, the NWO, and is controlled by them.

That she has married Trump is sad. Both need our prayers that they may be saved.

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Barbara »

I'm not picking, I am trying to highlight certain points which will allow receptive people to "pick OUT" the characteristics or even facial characteristics which tip off the reader that there is something not from God about the subject concerned. Otherwise, I could care less whether she is good, bad or indifferent ; it does not affect me in any direct manner.

You say that she converted from Orthodoxy to Catholicism ? When was this ? A long, long time ago or shortly before her marriage ? I bet the marriage was NOT a Catholic Mass, or maybe at best was both Catholic and Protestant.
She was a member of which World Orthodox jurisdiction ?

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

I'm not picking, I am trying to highlight certain points which will allow receptive people to "pick OUT" the characteristics or even facial characteristics which tip off the reader that there is something not from God about the subject concerned. Otherwise, I could care less whether she is good, bad or indifferent ; it does not affect me in any direct manner.

You say that she converted from Orthodoxy to Catholicism ? When was this ? A long, long time ago or shortly before her marriage ? I bet the marriage was NOT a Catholic Mass, or maybe at best was both Catholic and Protestant.
She was a member of which World Orthodox jurisdiction ?

From what I read on the Internet, her conversion took place not too long ago. When Melania married Trump, she was not a Roman Catholic.

And yes, Melania seems so sad. I would be too if my husband and my son daily received death threats from the Mainsream Deep-State controlled media.

Again, Barbara, please stop judging and mocking people. Look at the entire picture, not just their sad eyes.

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Re: Was HRC the Real Colluder?

Post by Maria »

View this 10 minute video on Obama.


Yes, I know that this news source is owned and operated by a Jew. So what! Are you, Cyprian, advocating that he be denied his right to free speech? The MSM - Deep State Controlled Media is also owned and operated largely by Jews. Why does the Jewish-controlled MSM get privileges to preach anti-Trump news night after night, day after day, while the Jewish owned InfoWars is silenced by the MSM Jews?

Seems to me that we have a civil war going on with two Jewish factions battling it out.

The Anti-Christian, Anti-Jew Muslim Communist Obama has a right to free speech as much as does President Trump. However, free speech does not include the right to incite to violence, such as Obama has been doing. Free speech does not include the right to commit treason, which Obama has done. Free speech does not include the right to commit crimes, which Obama has done.

The USA is a free country after all, isn't it? Or has the USA been gutted of all human rights and become allied with the murderous Anti-White South Africa and Anti--Christian Communist China?

Obama only recently has come back to the USA from his hiding place in South Africa where he is stirring up the S.A. government to kill whites, kill Christians, and take away their lands and businesses. Now in the USA, the Rothschild-Soros-controlled Obama is colluding with the Tech Giants: Google, Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo, and YouTube to deprive certain people from posting, especially conservatives and Christians.

Obama is also colluding with AntiFa, which is a communist youth organization, to incite a civil race war: Blacks against Whites, but thankfully, many Black Americans are waking up and do not want to be led into another civil racial war where their own homes and businesses are destroyed. Whenever racial wars are started thanks to Soros funding of AntiFa, Black neighborhoods and businesses are destroyed. Blacks have been hard hit, and the middle-aged and elderly blacks have had enough, losing their children and grandchildren in these riots. As a result, recent polls show that close to 38% of Black Americans now support Trump. What? How has this happened?

Under Trump, more Black Americans now have good jobs. Under Obama and Bill Gates, vaccines were pushed even though Black Americans were shown to be highly susceptible to the MMR, which increased autistic rates in the under three population of Blacks disproportionately. While Whites could handle the MMR under three, Black children, especially the boys, could not. This has had the affect of being genocidal as one of two Black American boys are now affected with autism, and their lives are ruined. Obama is responsible for this Black-genocide. Obama, who is pro-abortion, is also responsible for the killing of millions of Black lives through his funding of Planned Parenthood. This is genocide against his own race.

You must give Trump praise for his anti-abortion stance. In the years that Trump has taken office, Planned Parenthood has lost millions in funding.

Obama makes no bones about being a socialistic communist, about being pro-abortive, about being anti-Christian. He along with John McCain and Hilary Clinton were working with ISIS, which they funded and trained along with the Mossad, to kill Christians in the Middle East. Therefore, I have no respect for the Obamas, the Clintons, and John and Cindy McCain, all of whom have been controlled by the Rothschilds, Soros, and Monsanto. Unfortunately, Cindy McCain stands a good chance of being chosen to replace the traitorous pro-communist McCain in the Senate. Lord forbid.

And if you, Cyprian, side with these anti-Christian Communists who have been murdering Christians, then how can you call yourself an Orthodox Christian?

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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